JKN program. The subjective norm that most
influence the patient's intention to utilize the JKN
program is in the form of encouragement from the
government. This can be due to the patient's
intention to utilize the JKN program is more caused
by external factors that are not derived from the
internal patient, a strong impetus to utilize the JKN
program. Internally, the patient feels less influential
if the JKN program is available at RSIA SamMarie
Basra, but encouragement from the patient's external
factors is influential in encouraging patients to take
advantage of the JKN program if the JKN service is
available at RSIA SamMarie Basra.
The findings on the results of this study are in
accordance with the Theory Reasoned Action (TRA)
which states that behavioris preceded by intentions
and intentions determined by perceptions that shape
the attitude of behavior and subjective norms
individually. In this study, the perception of patients
who are internal factors has no effect on the patient's
intention to take advantage of the National Health
Insurance (JKN) program compared to the
subjective norm that significantly influences (ρ =
0,000) on the patient's intention to utilize the
National Health Insurance (JKN) program.
4.1 Implications
The implications are the logical consequences of
the research conclusions that can be followed up
with corrective measures and interventions, among
others, as follows can imply that RSIA SamMarie
Basra patients with patient characteristics include
high education category and 85% are both insurance
and corporate insurance patients, internally too much
influence on the patient's intention to utilize the JKN
program if the JKN program is available at RSIA
SamMarie Basra. It is not very influential on the
intention of patients to keep getting services at RSIA
SamMarie Basra,so it is estimated the number of
patient visits to RSIA SamMarie Basra if JKN
program is available at RSIA SamMarie Basra will
not be a decline.
The subjective norm that significantly influences
the patient's intention to take advantage of the
National Health Insurance (JKN) program if RSIA
SamMarie Basra provides National Health Insurance
(JKN) service can imply that the patient's intention
to utilize JKN program if RSIA SamMarie Basra
provides National Health Insurance (JKN), which is
caused by a push from the government. This is why
the patient likes dislikes will take advantage of JKN
program and can shift the trend of society to take
advantage of JKN program in health facility where
patient get health service.
The implications for health facilities, especially
RSIA SamMarie Basra from the amount of
encouragement from the government for the patients
to utilize the National Health Insurance (JKN)
program that can impact on the decrease in the
number of visits of patients with treatment criteria or
actions guaranteed in the JKN program such as
consultation to specialist clinic, certain laboratory
examination, radiology examination, pharmacy
service, inpatient service and service of action like
partus and operative like cesarean section. As for
fertility services in this case pregnancy
programme/insemination program / in vitro
fertilisation, which is the flagship of RSIA
SamMarie Basra service, in accordance with
Presidential Regulation no. 12 Year 2013 Article 25,
health services to overcome fertility are not
guaranteed by JKN payor,so it is assumed not to
reduce the number of patient visits with fertility
services to RSIA SamMarie Basra.
4.2 Suggestion
Providing information and education to the
patient about JKN program among others about:
a. The criteria of treatment or action guaranteed in
the JKN program such as consultation to a
specialist clinic, certain laboratory examination,
radiology examination, pharmacy service,
inpatient service and action service such as
partus and operative such as seksiosesaria.
b. Services that are not guaranteed in the JKN
program,i.e. fertility services in this pregnancy
programme/insemination / IVF program
c. a tiered referral procedure from the First Level
Medical Facilitybefore the patient receives
services at the Advanced Health Facility.
The encouragement of the government which is
the dominant factor influences the patient's intention
to utilize the JKN program so that the possibility of
patients tend to get services in health facilities that
have been conducting JKN services become larger
can be one of the considerations for RSIA SamMarie
Basra to prepare the implementation of the program
JKN in a planned and gradually simultaneously by
still formulating strategies to maintain the segment
of patients who have been the target market.
In this research is not known the influence of
National Health Insurance program (JKN) to the
provider in this case for internal RSIA SamMarie
Basra. For that needed further research to know the
effect of JKN program to provider service provider