consideration because it reaps the pros and cons
from many groups.
As an element of 'closing', the author
emphasized the objection statement of PBNU
Chairman, he wanted the government to end the
tradition which had a negative impact on the
education system, namely changing policies
according to who the minister was at that time.
Structure of the Script
The 'what' element in the script structure is the
Full Day School policy that can be said to be still
inappropriate to be applied. The ‘who ’element in
this article, is a credible source in the eyes of the
public; Sutan Adil Hendra, Chairman of the House
of Representatives Commission X and Muhammad
Sulton Fatoni, Chairman of NU. The press
conference held by the Chairman of the House of
Representatives Commission X in the Indonesian
Parliament Building and the written statement given
by Sulton to Republika became an element of "how"
in writing this article. News elements ‘what, who,
and why’ became the core to writing scripts.
Thematic Structure
The writing from paragraph to the next
paragraph further strengthens the reasons for the two
speakers in this article to express their objections to
the policies issued by the Ministry of Education and
Culture. Religion, economy, and facilities as stated
by the speaker, Sutan, were written so that readers
could see the weaknesses of the policy from various
aspects. Also, the speaker, Sulton, as one of the
Islamic religious leaders, was also included in the
writing of the article as a reinforcement to Sutan's
statement, because Indonesian people had a strong
religious influence in their decision making.
Rhetorical Structure
The words "pros and cons", showed that various
groups have not fully agreed this policy. Therefore,
the Full Day School policy still seems unfit to be
implemented in the 2017-2018 school year. The
word "far from feeling fair" illustrates that the policy
is still full of its own interests, without
considerations of other parties. Moreover, the word
'siltation' of Islamic teachings, is a word that really
illustrates to the reader, the five-days a week school
policy can make children's knowledge of Islamic
teachings decrease significantly.
7.1.3 Article 3
Title: MUI: Students Have the Right to Get
Religious Education
Analysis and Interpretations
Syntax Structure
The title in the article reported, MUI said
students had the right to get religious education. In
his lead, the author emphasized, the Deputy
Chairperson of MUI, Zainut Tauhid, all students in
schools have the right to get a religious education,
and religious education should be obtained from
formal and informal schools.
With the title and lead in the article, the reader
can grasp the impression that the policy of removing
religious education from formal school subjects is
not the right policy, because students have the right
to get a religious education in formal schools.
Structure of the Script
In the script structure, this article meets the 5W
+ 1H element. The main topic is that MUI objected
to religious education is removed from the
curriculum of subjects in formal schools. To
strengthen the topic and to make its contents
influential to the reader, a credible source who has
an important position in the MUI is sought, namely
Zainut Tauhid as Deputy Chairperson of MUI. With
the 'why' element in the last paragraph, the Ministry
of Education and Culture will eradicate religious
education as a subject in formal schools, making it
the reason for MUI to object to the policy.
Thematic Structure
In the thematic structure, from the paragraph to
the next paragraph, the author gives the reader an
overview of the new education system policy which
is considered too sensitive to be implemented
because as a religious country, it is inappropriate for
religious education to be removed from formal
education subjects. Also, it will also cause a
commotion, because people in Indonesia, for the
most part, hold strong religious principles.
The suggestion given by Zainut Tauhid is
contained in paragraphs, the policy of the education
system should focus more on the problems of
education, educators, the problems of the National
Examination, the implementation of 2013
curriculum which is still unstable, and much more.
So that it is not necessary for an education system
policy to eliminate the subject curriculum, which
students should get.
Rhetorical Structure
In the rhetorical structure, there is this sentence;
'things that are very sensitive and potentially cause
commotion', indicating that the policy that the
Ministry of Education and Culture wants to apply in
relation to religious education is very sensitive to be
used as a policy material, and if there is a
misunderstanding with the community, it can cause
commotions, not only in school but throughout the