Keywords: CKD, intake of protein, sodium, potassium, liquid, ureum and creatinine.
Abstract: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a condition in a decline renal function and progressive and irreversible.
The intake of protein, sodium, potassium and liquid affect the performance of the kidney so that patients
chronic kidney disease should pay attention to the intake. Ureum and creatinine is one parameter that is used
as an assessment of renal function. This study to examine the relationship intake of protein, sodium,
potassium, liquid and ureum, creatinine in patients with chronic kidney disease in the inpatient unit General
Hospital Fatmawati, South Jakarta. This study used a cross-sectional study design, conducted research
respondents as many as 36 people, aged 18-81 and above by way of accidental sampling. Based on the
results of the study Most of the respondents classified the male sex, elderly age and the nutritional status of
more. The ureumandcreatinine levels were relatively high. The average protein intake exceeds the protein
requirements of respondents. There was a significant correlation between protein intake and levelsureum in
patients with chronic kidney disease hospitalizations in Fatmawati Jakarta South. There was a significant
relationship between the intake of protein and creatinine levels in patients with chronic kidney disease
hospitalization in Fatmawati, South Jakarta. There was no significant correlation between the intake of
sodium, potassium, liquid and ureum, creatinine level. Suggestion for a patient with chronic kidney disease
needs to be a disciplined diet.
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a state of the
decline in kidney function that is irreversible.
ChronicalCKDis characterized by a decrease in
glomerular filtration rate during the last 3 months
and no changes (Kresnawan, 2014). This resulted a
decrease in renal function renal could not dispose of
waste from the body, can not maintain the balance of
liquids and body chemicals (Dharma, 2015).
The prevalence of CKD worldwide about 5-10%
(Tjekyan, 2012). According to WHO data CKD has
caused death in 850 thousand people each year. This
figure shows that CKD was ranked the 12th highest
cause of death world (Dharma, 2015). According to
data from the year 2013 RISKESDAS highest
prevalence was found in Sulawesi at 0.5%, followed
by Aceh, Gorontalo and North Sulawesi as much as
0.4%. Meanwhile, NTT, South Sulawesi, Lampung,
West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta and East
Java as much as 0.3%. The prevalence of chronic
kidney disease increased sharply in the age group
35-44 years as many as 0.3% of the 250 million
population of Indonesia, followed by the age 45-54
years as much as 0.4%, age 55-74 years of as much
as 0.5%, and the highest in the age group 75 years
of as much as 0.6%. The prevalence in males is
higher, as much as 0.3% than women is as much as
The level of creatinine in the blood is one of the
parameters used to assess renal functionbecause the
concentration in the plasma and the excretion in the
urine within 24 hours is relatively constant.
Creatinine levels in the blood that is not normal
signaled their renal function impairment. Creatinine
can be used to assess the ability of Glomerulus
Filtrate Rate (GFR). Also, the high and low levels of
blood creatinine will also give an idea of the severity
of impaired renal function (Rustiana, 2015).
One of thecompilers of the human body are
protein, a protein in the body is stored in the muscle.
This muscle cell metabolism would be converted
into creatinine in the blood. The kidneys will dispose
Diet Quality and Ureum, Creatinine Levels in Patients with Chronic
Kidney Disease in the Patient Wards of General Hospital Fatmawati,
South Jakarta
Yulia Wahyuni
, Romanti Surya
, Lilik Sri Hartati
and Mertien Sapang
Nutrition Departemen Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Esa Unggul, North Arjuna Street Jakarta, Indonesia
Wahyuni, Y., Surya, R., Sri Hartati, L. and Sapang, M.
Diet Quality and Ureum, Creatinine Levels in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease in the Patient Wards of General Hospital Fatmawati, South Jakarta.
DOI: 10.5220/0009953430083014
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 3008-3014
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of creatinine in the blood into the urine. If renal
function decreases, creatinine levels in the blood
will increase. This is why their relationship with
creatinine levels of protein intake (IKAPI, 2007).
Ureum levels in the serum reflectthe balance
between production and excretion. Stipulation
method is to measure the nitrogen or often referred
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN). BUN value increases
when a person consumes large quantities of protein
(Ma'shumah, 2014).
Research conducted Higashiyama, et al. in 2010
concluded that there is a significant relationship
between protein intake and glomerular filtration rate
or the effect on renal function.
Based on the results of research conducted by
Ma'shumah (2014) demonstrate that there is a
significant relationship between the intake of protein
with ureum and creatinine levels in patients with
chronic kidney disease.
The Medical Record General Hospital Fatmawati
knew that cases of chronic kidney disease from
November to December 2016 was Chronic Kidney
Disease (CKD) Stage 1:1 person, CKD Stage 5 as
many as 21 people, CKD Unspecified 19 people and
End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) 23 people. This
case shows that the incidence of chronic kidney
disease are still high, especially in urban.
This research used cross-sectional design with
accidental sampling technique. This research was
conducted in Fatmawati, South Jakarta in January
2017. The population of research was all patients
with chronic kidney disease who were diagnosed
with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) stadium I
through V with conservative therapy, cooperative in
participating in this study, the age of 18-81 years
and had been hospitalized at least a week. Before
processing the data, first tested the normality using
Shapiro - Wilk. In this research so that the data were
not normally distributed statistical test using
Spearman Rank.
3.1 Primary Data
In this researchage groups were taken as respondents
are, adults and the elderly, sex male and female, and
nutritional status are grouped into less, normal and
over. The frequency distribution of respondents by
age groups, gender and nutritional status can be seen
in Table 1 below:
Table 1. Distribution of the respondents according to ages,
sex and nutritional status (Kemenkes, 2009)
Variable n %
Adult (25 – 45
4 11,1
Elderly (> 45
32 88,9
TOTAL 36 100
Man 21 58,3
Female 15 41,7
TOTAL 36 100
Nutritional Status
Less 3 8,3
Normal 15 41,7
Over 18 50
TOTAL 36 100
Most of the respondents classified as the elderly
age (> 45 years) as many as 32 people (88.9%) and
the classified as mature age (25-45 years) as many as
four people (11.1%). In this research, the youngest
age found at the age of 29 years. This can be caused
the increasing ages the decline in kidney function.
Generally,the quality of life declines with increasing
ages (Indonesian nursing, 2008). This
occursespecially more than 45 years will be a
process of the loss of some nephrons. The estimated
decline in renal function is based on the ageing of
each decade is 10ml / min / 1,73m2 means the same
as has been the decline in renal function around the
10% of the ability of the kidneys. Based on data
from Riskesdas 2013, the prevalence of chronic
kidney disease increases with increasing ages, and
rise sharply at the age above 35 years.
Gender of the respondents at this research are,
man as much as 21 people (58.3%), and female as
much as 15 people (41.7%). This can be due to
lifestyle male patients who are not good, so the risk
of developing chronic kidney disease tend to be
more serious. According to the research results
Benedict, et al. (2003) in Rustiana (2015) one of the
serious risks to health are smoking. Smoking
behavior population 15 years and over is still a
Diet Quality and Ureum, Creatinine Levels in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease in the Patient Wards of General Hospital Fatmawati,
South Jakarta
decline from 2007 to 2013 and is likely to increase
from 34.2% in 2007 to 36.3% in 2013,and by
gender, men reach 64.9% were still smoking and to
kind female genital 2.1% still smoked cigarettes in
2013. Smokingbehavior causes a person at risk for
developing chronic kidney disease were 2.2 times
higher compared with individuals who did not
smoke (Riskesdas, 2013).
Nutritional status in this research were divided
into three categories,ie less as much as 3 people
(8.3%), normal 15 people (41.7%) and over 18
(50%). In this research, the majority of respondents
are nutritional status nutritional status. If the
viewsfrom the diagnosis of chronic kidney disease
were obtainedat this research is a complication of
cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, stroke and
heart disease.
Nutritional status is a factor that should be
considered in patients with chronic kidney disease
because is one indicator of living a quality life. The
method of taking the nutritional status data that is by
measuring the weight and height of the respondents,
and then determined their nutritional status.
Anthropometric measurementis considered an
indicator of the status of the adequacy of energy and
protein in patients with chronic kidney disease.
Results of research conducted by Angraini, 2015
concluded that the proportion of malnourished
research subjects was 16.3% (36 of 43). Results of
research conducted by Sulistyowati nutritional status
of patients with chronic kidney disease 3.8%
categorized as underweight, normal 80.8%, and
overweight 15.4% (Angraini, 2015).
Malnutrition is a major factor of morbidity and
mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease and
often occurs. Malnutrition can be caused due to
intake of food that is not in accordance with the
needs of both micro-nutrients and macro-nutrients.
Table 2: Distribution Protein intake, ureum and creatinine
Variables Mean SD Min-Max
Protein intake
58,07 14,11 42 - 100
Intake of
Sodium (mg)
1420,99 208,07 1018 - 1789
Intake of
Potassium (mg)
2004,36 339,60 1245 - 2532
Liquid intake
1922,99 169,75
1587 –
Ureum (mg /
127,05 52,14 50 - 250
Creatinine (mg /
4,16 2,28 1,4 - 10
Variables Mean SD Min-Max
Needs Protein
46,19 4,23 40 - 52
Needs Sodium
1297,22 102,77 1200 - 1500
Potassium (mg)
2205,66 342,72 1365 - 2730
Liquid needs
1748,61 271,36 1250 - 2200
In this research the highest protein intake reaches
100 grams and the lowest protein intake are 42
grams and an average of 58.07 grams of protein
intake. Average protein requirement respondents
surveyed as many as 46.19 grams. Based on the
results of research conducted, the average protein
intake exceeds the protein requirements of
respondents. Protein intake of respondents who
studied not only from food and drink intake but no
additional therapy such as additional parenteral
octalbin, fujimin, aminoluid, clinimix, ivelip extra
egg white or resulting complications of the disease
which resulted in the occurrence of hipoalbumin.
Several sources of protein from foods consumed
by inpatients with chronic kidney disease are fish,
chicken, eggs, especially for patients with
hypokalemia given once daily vegetable and
commercial liquid foods such as hepatosol, nefrisol
or Diabetasol.
The average intake of sodium respondents as
many as 1420.99 ± 208.07 mg. From the results of
the analysisshow, the lowest sodium intake is 1018
mg,and the highest sodium intake is 1789 mg. The
average requirement of sodium is 1297.22 ± 102.77
mg with the needs of the lowest sodium is 1200 mg
and the highest is 1500 mg. Calculation of sodium
obtained through the consensus of nutrition on
chronic kidney disease from PERNEFRI 2011 and
obtained sodium intake through food weighing
method and calculated the intake using Food
Composition Tables Indonesia in 2009.
If the sodium levels in the blood increases, the
kidneys remove it through the urine, and if low
sodium levels in the blood, the kidneys will restrain
spending. In this particular problem, the kidneys
cannot excrete sodium, the sodium will accumulate
in the blood. (Maria,et al., 2012).
Sodium intake in this research apart from food
and drinks, there are also in patients with established
therapies like drugs Bicnat and NaCl 0,9%. Sodium
intake is obtained by calculating the intake through
food weighing method and are added to the sodium
intake of the drug and the infusion of respondents.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
The average intake of sodium in the respondents of
this research is 1420,99 mg higher than the average
requirement was only reached 1297,22 mg. This
study agrees with research conducted by Nagata et
al, 2016 research on the Association between 24
hour Urinary Sodium and Potassium Excretion and
Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR)
Decline or Death in Patients with Diabetes Melitus
and eGFR more than 30ml/min/1,73 m
stated that
the average intake of sodium in patients exceed their
needs. Food sources containing sodium most
consumed by the respondents are of the dry noodles,
vermicelli, fish, chicken, eggs, bread and biscuits.
The average intake of potassium respondents as
many as 2004,36 ± 208,07 mg. From the analysis, it
can be seen that low potassium intake as much as
1245 mg and 2532 mg potassium intake high.
Potassium intake was obtained by the method of
weighing the food and was calculated using Food
Composition Tables Indonesia in 2009. The average
need for potassium respondents, 2205,66 ± 342,72
mg with the needs of the lowest potassium
respondents, 1365 mg and 2730 mg highs.
Potassium is the major intracellular cation. The
concentration of potassium inside cells is about 150
mmol/L equivalent to 2700 mg, in the extracellular
liquid as much as 4 mmol/L, equivalent to 72 mg
(O'Callaghan, 2009).
Potassium easily absorbed in the small intestine.
Potassium is consumed excreted through the urine,
the rest is excreted through faeces and bit through
sweat and gastric juices. The kidneys maintain
normal blood potassium level through the ability to
filter, absorb and emit potassium back under the
influence of aldosterone. Potassium is issued in the
form of replacing the sodium ions through ion
exchange mechanism in the kidney. If renal function
is impaired, the exchange will be disrupted and lead
to increased potassium in the blood and the risk of
heart failure. In patients with chronic kidney disease
should be noted potassium intake in order not to
aggravate kidney function.
The average intake of liquids respondents as
many as 1922.99 ± 169.75 mL. From the analysis, it
can be seen that its lowest liquid intake as much as
1587 ml of liquid intake and the highest 2433.6 ml.
The needs of the average liquid respondents in this
study is 1748.61 ± 271.36 mL premises liquid needs
the lowest was 1250 mL and 2200 mL highest.
Liquid intake in patients with chronic kidney
disease also need regulations that require special
attention. Prevention of excess liquid needs to be
done to prevent circulatory overload, edema and
intoxication when lack of liquids will cause
dehydration, hypotension and worsening kidney
condition (Haryanti, 2015). Liquid intake calculated
based on the amount of urine that comes out for 24
hours was added with water coming out through the
excretion through sweat or breath which is about
500 ml.
In this research the average ureum 127,05 mg /
dL. This is a very high ureum levels. Normal levels
of ureum is 20-40 mg / dL. The results of this study
together with the results of research conducted by
Rachmawati in 2013 on her researchconcerning the
relationship nutrition knowledge with the intake of
energy, protein, phosphorus and potassium in
patients with chronic kidney disease in Tugurejo
hospitals Semarang said that the average level of
ureum in the blood is high reaching 88,9% (of the
total number of respondents 27 people).
Ureum is the end product of protein metabolism
in the body that synthesized removed from the body.
High levels of ureum in the blood that can not be
removed from the body because of declining renal
function can be toxic to the body. High levels of
ureum in the blood is the result of many protein.
Ureum is a product of the largest nitrogen released
through the kidneys through food (Nabella, 2011).
In this research, the average serum creatinine
level is 4,16 mg/dL,and creatinine levels were
relatively high. Normal creatinine levels in the blood
is 0,6 to 1,5 mg / dL. The results of this study are
similar to studies conducted by Rachmawati in 2013
on her researchconcerning the relationship nutrition
knowledge with the intake of energy, protein,
phosphorus and potassium in patients with chronic
kidney disease in hospitals Tugurejo Semarang said
that the average levels of creatinine in the blood is
high reaching 96, 3% (of the total number of
respondents 27 people).
Examination of renal function is important to
identify the presence of kidney disease. Examination
of the best kidney function is by measuring
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) as assessed
through renal clearance of a filtration marker. One of
the markers used in clinical practitioners,i.e. serum
creatinine (Riskesdas, 2013)
Serum creatinine cannot be used as a
determining factor for kidney refugees someone as
influenced by many things, among others, race, diet,
age, sex, drug consumption. Increasing age a person
can lower serum creatinine clearance depicting a
decrease in kidney function. By gender, the
proportion of men with abnormal serum creatinine
levels three times higher than females (Riskesdas,
Diet Quality and Ureum, Creatinine Levels in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease in the Patient Wards of General Hospital Fatmawati,
South Jakarta
3.2 Relationship Analysis Protein,
Sodium, Potassium, Liquid and
Ureum, Creatinine
Table 3: Bivariate analysis of the relationship of protein
intake, sodium, potassium, liquid and ureum, creatinine.
Variable p-value r-value
Protein - Ureum 0,015 0,402
Protein – Creatinine 0,001 0,529
Sodium – Ureum 0,896 0,023
Sodium - Creatinine 0,436 -0,134
Potassium – Ureum 0,318 -0,171
Potassium –
0,802 0,043
Liquid – Ureum 0,230 0,205
Liquid - Creatinine 0,686 -0,070
3.2.1 Relationship between the Intake of
Protein and Ureum, Creatinine
Based on the results of testing the relationship
between the intake of protein and ureum using Rank
Spearman test with the acquisition value of r count
of 0,402 with a p-value (0,000) <ɑ (0,05), so Ho
rejected, which means that the higher the intake of
protein eaten the higher the levels of ureum in blood.
If seen from the test results can be concluded that
increasing protein intake will increase the levels of
creatinine in the blood. Based on these results it can
be concluded that there is a significant relationship
between the intake of protein and ureum levels in
patients with chronic kidney disease hospitalizations
in Fatmawati, South Jakarta.
The results of this research equal with research
conducted by Ma'shumah, et al. (2014) about the
relationship between protein intake with high levels
of ureum, creatinine and blood haemoglobin levels
in patients with chronic renal failure in hospital
outpatients Tugurejo Semarang.
Based on the test results of the relationship
between the intake of protein and creatinine levels
using Rank Spearman test with the acquisition value
of r count of 0,529 with a p-value (0.001) <ɑ (0,05),
so Ho rejected, which means when the protein intake
increases the levels of creatinine in the blood will
increase too. If seen from the test results there is a
correlation where increased protein intake will result
in increased creatinine also.
Based on these results it can be concluded that
there is a significant relationship between the intake
of protein and creatinine levels in patients with
chronic kidney disease hospitalizations in
Fatmawati, South Jakarta. The results of this
research equal with research conducted by Nabella
2011 about the relationship of protein intake with
high levels of ureum and creatinine in a bodybuilder.
3.2.2 Relationship between Intake of
Sodium and Ureum, Creatinine
Results of testing the relationship between the
intakeof sodium and ureum using Pearson Product
Moment test with the acquisition count r-value of
0,023 with a p-value (0,896)> ɑ (0,05), so Ho failed
rejected. Based on these results it can be concluded
that there was no significant association between the
intake of sodium and ureum levels in patients with
chronic kidney disease hospitalizations in
Fatmawati, South Jakarta. Results of testing the
relationship between the intake of sodium and
creatinine levels using Spearman Rank test with the
acquisition value of r-value of -0134 with a p-value
(0,436)> ɑ (0,05), so Ho failed rejected. Based on
these results it can be concluded that there was no
significant association between the intake of sodium
and creatinine levels in patients with chronic kidney
disease hospitalizations in Fatmawati, South Jakarta.
Salt restriction is one of the strategies to optimize
antihypertensive therapy and resolve edema.
Broadly speaking sodium did not affect levels of
ureum and creatinine. However, if the sodium in the
blood increases, the kidney will be burdened to
excrete excess sodium in the body. The excretion
setting is done to maintain homeostasis (Yaswir,
3.2.3 Relationship between Intake of
Potassium and Ureum, Creatinine
Results of testing the relationship between the intake
of potassium and ureum using Pearson Product
Moment test with the acquisition value of r
- 0.1.71 with a p-value (0,318) > ɑ (0,05), so Ho
failed rejected. Based on these results it can be
concluded that there was no significant association
between the intake of potassium and ureum levels in
patients with chronic kidney disease hospitalizations
in Fatmawati, South Jakarta.
Results of testing the relationship between the
intake of potassium and creatinine levels using
Spearman Rank test with the acquisition value of
at 0,43 with a p-value (0,802) > ɑ (0:05), so Ho
failed rejected. Based on these results it can be
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
concluded that there was no significant association
between the intake of potassium and creatinine
levels in patients with chronic kidney disease
hospitalizations in Fatmawati, South Jakarta.
Potassium imbalance is a serious disorder that
can occur in patients with chronic kidney disease
because the normal levels of potassium in the blood
are only allowed in the range of 3,5 to 5,5 mEq. The
kidney is the main regulator of potassium in the
body that become levels remain in the blood by
controlling excretion (Winarno, 1995).
Patients with chronic kidney disease risk
increased potassium. Functions of potassium one is
to maintain liquid balance in the body, nerve
impulse transmission and muscle tension and helps
the enzymes in energy metabolism (Maria, 2012).
The results of this study the same as those
investigated by Rustiana (2015) concerning the
relationship protein intake and intake of potassium
to the levels of creatinine in patients with chronic
renal failure in hospitals Sukoharjo, namely that
there is no relationship between intake of potassium
to creatinine values r
= 0,280 with ɑ = 0,05
means that there is no relationship between intake of
potassium to creatinine levels.
3.2.4 The Relationship of Liquid Intake
and Levels of Ureum, Creatinine
Results of testing the association between liquid
intake and ureum using Pearson Product Moment
test with the acquisition count r-value of 0,205 with
a p-value (0,230)> ɑ (0,05), so Ho failed rejected.
Based on these results it can be concluded that there
was no significant association between liquid intake
and ureum levels in patients with chronic kidney
disease hospitalizations in Fatmawati, South Jakarta.
Results of testing the association between liquid
intake and creatinine levels using Spearman Rank
test with the acquisition value of r count of -0,070
with a p-value (0.6.86)> ɑ (0,05), so Ho failed
rejected. Based on these results it can be concluded
that there was no significant association between
liquid intake and creatinine levels in patients with
chronic kidney disease hospitalizations in
Fatmawati, South Jakarta.
Liquid requirements calculated based on the
amount of urine that comes out for 24 hours was
added with water coming out of the sweat and
breathing slightly more than 500 ml. Restriction of
liquid intake in patients with chronic kidney disease
are given according to the patient's condition is
adjusted by the amount of urine produced plus IWL
(insensible water Lost). It aims to prevent the
occurrence of edema and cardiovascular
complications (Rahman, 2014).
According Smeltzer & Bare (2013) explains that
the ureum and creatinine are not excreted in excess
liquid volume due to decreased renal perfusion and
decreased excretion of metabolic waste and cause
azotemia (elevated levels of nitrogen in the blood).
4.1 Conclusion
There was a significant relationship of protein intake
and levels of ureum, creatinine in patients with
chronic kidney disease in the inpatient hospital
Fatmawati, South Jakarta. There was no significant
relationship between the intake of sodium and ureum
creatinine in patients with chronic kidney disease in
the general hospital inpatient center Fatmawati,
South Jakarta. There is no significant relationship
between the intake of potassium and ureum
creatinine in patients with chronic kidney disease in
the general hospital inpatient center Fatmawati,
South Jakarta.Therewas no significant relationship
between liquid intake and ureum creatinine in
patients with chronic kidney disease in the general
hospital inpatient center Fatmawati, South Jakarta.
4.2 Suggestion
For patients with chronic kidney disease patients
need to be disciplined diet so as not to aggravate
kidney. For hospital dietitians need to increase the
role of nutritionists in motivating and monitoring
food intake in patients with chronic kidney disease
and the need for increased counseling to patients and
their families in complying with the diet. For
educational institutions there should be more
research on the relationship of protein intake,
sodium potassium and on levels of ureum,
creatinine, albumin, sodium and potassium in the
blood in patients with kidney disease in the inpatient
unit kronilk with inspection methods BUN (Blood
Urea Nitrogen).
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ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation