The average intake of sodium in the respondents of
this research is 1420,99 mg higher than the average
requirement was only reached 1297,22 mg. This
study agrees with research conducted by Nagata et
al, 2016 research on the Association between 24
hour Urinary Sodium and Potassium Excretion and
Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR)
Decline or Death in Patients with Diabetes Melitus
and eGFR more than 30ml/min/1,73 m
stated that
the average intake of sodium in patients exceed their
needs. Food sources containing sodium most
consumed by the respondents are of the dry noodles,
vermicelli, fish, chicken, eggs, bread and biscuits.
The average intake of potassium respondents as
many as 2004,36 ± 208,07 mg. From the analysis, it
can be seen that low potassium intake as much as
1245 mg and 2532 mg potassium intake high.
Potassium intake was obtained by the method of
weighing the food and was calculated using Food
Composition Tables Indonesia in 2009. The average
need for potassium respondents, 2205,66 ± 342,72
mg with the needs of the lowest potassium
respondents, 1365 mg and 2730 mg highs.
Potassium is the major intracellular cation. The
concentration of potassium inside cells is about 150
mmol/L equivalent to 2700 mg, in the extracellular
liquid as much as 4 mmol/L, equivalent to 72 mg
(O'Callaghan, 2009).
Potassium easily absorbed in the small intestine.
Potassium is consumed excreted through the urine,
the rest is excreted through faeces and bit through
sweat and gastric juices. The kidneys maintain
normal blood potassium level through the ability to
filter, absorb and emit potassium back under the
influence of aldosterone. Potassium is issued in the
form of replacing the sodium ions through ion
exchange mechanism in the kidney. If renal function
is impaired, the exchange will be disrupted and lead
to increased potassium in the blood and the risk of
heart failure. In patients with chronic kidney disease
should be noted potassium intake in order not to
aggravate kidney function.
The average intake of liquids respondents as
many as 1922.99 ± 169.75 mL. From the analysis, it
can be seen that its lowest liquid intake as much as
1587 ml of liquid intake and the highest 2433.6 ml.
The needs of the average liquid respondents in this
study is 1748.61 ± 271.36 mL premises liquid needs
the lowest was 1250 mL and 2200 mL highest.
Liquid intake in patients with chronic kidney
disease also need regulations that require special
attention. Prevention of excess liquid needs to be
done to prevent circulatory overload, edema and
intoxication when lack of liquids will cause
dehydration, hypotension and worsening kidney
condition (Haryanti, 2015). Liquid intake calculated
based on the amount of urine that comes out for 24
hours was added with water coming out through the
excretion through sweat or breath which is about
500 ml.
In this research the average ureum 127,05 mg /
dL. This is a very high ureum levels. Normal levels
of ureum is 20-40 mg / dL. The results of this study
together with the results of research conducted by
Rachmawati in 2013 on her researchconcerning the
relationship nutrition knowledge with the intake of
energy, protein, phosphorus and potassium in
patients with chronic kidney disease in Tugurejo
hospitals Semarang said that the average level of
ureum in the blood is high reaching 88,9% (of the
total number of respondents 27 people).
Ureum is the end product of protein metabolism
in the body that synthesized removed from the body.
High levels of ureum in the blood that can not be
removed from the body because of declining renal
function can be toxic to the body. High levels of
ureum in the blood is the result of many protein.
Ureum is a product of the largest nitrogen released
through the kidneys through food (Nabella, 2011).
In this research, the average serum creatinine
level is 4,16 mg/dL,and creatinine levels were
relatively high. Normal creatinine levels in the blood
is 0,6 to 1,5 mg / dL. The results of this study are
similar to studies conducted by Rachmawati in 2013
on her researchconcerning the relationship nutrition
knowledge with the intake of energy, protein,
phosphorus and potassium in patients with chronic
kidney disease in hospitals Tugurejo Semarang said
that the average levels of creatinine in the blood is
high reaching 96, 3% (of the total number of
respondents 27 people).
Examination of renal function is important to
identify the presence of kidney disease. Examination
of the best kidney function is by measuring
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) as assessed
through renal clearance of a filtration marker. One of
the markers used in clinical practitioners,i.e. serum
creatinine (Riskesdas, 2013)
Serum creatinine cannot be used as a
determining factor for kidney refugees someone as
influenced by many things, among others, race, diet,
age, sex, drug consumption. Increasing age a person
can lower serum creatinine clearance depicting a
decrease in kidney function. By gender, the
proportion of men with abnormal serum creatinine
levels three times higher than females (Riskesdas,