variables on completeness variables at p = 0.019
Satisfaction with leadershiphas a partial effect on
medical record completeness at p-value = 0,019 If
the variable of satisfaction toward leadership has 1%
increase, while another variable is assumed to be
fixed, it will cause an increase of 0.282. The
coefficient value shows that the satisfaction of
leadership has a positive effect on the completeness
of the medical record. This illustrates when good
leadership, then the employee/doctor will be
satisfied, and impact on the completeness of medical
records. This is in line with the proposed Armstrong
(2003) states leadership is the process of inspiring
all employees to work as well as possible to achieve
the expected results. Leadership is a way of getting
employees to act right, reaching commitment and
motivating them to achieve common goals
According to Hasibuan (2010: 170) leadership is
the way a leader influences subordinate behavior, in
order to be willing to work together and work
productively to achieve organizational goals.
Leadership is a process by which a person influences
group members to achieve organizational or group
goals. Pahmi (2011) leadership style and job
satisfaction affect on positive and significant directly
to organizational commitment. Leadership style and
job satisfaction affect positive and significant
directly to officer performance. Moreover, also there
is an influence of significant indirectly between
leadership style and job satisfaction to officer
performance through organizational commitment.
From the results of Misriani Niel's research
(2013), it was found that the degree of relationship
between leadership style and work motivation of
employees at the Makassar City Transportation
Agency can be quantitatively very high or the
relationship is very strong.It can be said that an
effective leadership style is a leadership style that
suits the situation faced in this case not only one
leadership style that must be applied, but must be
adapted to the situation and conditions that occur or
according to the needs of the company, so that it can
affect the increase in employee motivation. The
success of leaders with leadership styles that are in
accordance with the situation and conditions affect
the satisfaction of inpatient doctors in Adjidarmo
Hospital, increasing their work motivation which
can be reflected in their performance in completing
Medical Records.The existence of an appreciation of
achievement and an increase in functional positions
in addition to structural positions at the hospital
affected doctors in pursuing their careers.
The conclusions in this study thatvariable that
affect the completeness of medical record is the
satisfaction toward leadership. In the participatory
leadership style, there needs to be an increase in the
indicators of treating employees equally. This
increase can be developed by providing fair role
models without favoritism towards employees.
Other research needs to be done to find out other
variables that affect the completeness of medical
The complete medical record will give effect to
those who use medical records. Whether for
institutions, service providers, patients or third
parties will also feel satisfied because their needs
can be met, both for the continuity of medical
services, the importance of billing service fees,
education, research, can also be used as legal
evidence in court.
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