Challenge of Waste Management in Medan City
Hatta Ridho, M. Arif Nasution, Subhilhar and Muryanto Amin
Faculty of Social and Polical Science, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Institutional Management, Waste Management, Collaborative Management.
Abstract: Waste management is a challenge for many cities in Indonesia, especially Medan. Especially because of the
increase in waste, the burden on the city budget as a result of the high costs associated with its management,
the lack of understanding of diversity, the factors that influence the various stages of waste management and
solutions enable the entire waste handling system in Medan to be immediately implemented in the form of
Policy. This research is a qualitative research with a critical paradigm. The purpose of this study is to
determine the behavior of stakeholders who have a role in the waste management process and analyze the
factors that influence the challenges of waste management in Medan. Data is collected from structured
interviews with relevant professionals, field observations, books and scientific journals. The findings of this
study that challenge the management of waste management in Medan City are collaboration between
stakeholders in handling through institutional collaboration in the concept of Mebidangro institutional.
The main challenge in the waste management process
so far must be recognized is the role of local
governments. Where the janitor management pattern
takes garbage from the population and brings waste
to the TPS to be transported to the landfill by the
sanitation department it is still a pattern of waste
management activities in many regions in Indonesia.
Understanding the authority of local governments in
waste management is very important to understand
the opportunities for changes that can be done by
local governments to improve the legal loopholes in
plastic and plastic waste management in regulations
at the national level (Qodriyatun, 2015).
Local governments can make regulations and/or
policies to manage plastic waste in the area without
having to wait for regulations and / or policies at the
national level. The scope of the strategy above shows
that local governments have the authority to regulate
the matter of producer obligations in reducing waste.
Thus, the efforts of the regional government to
achieve the target of reducing waste are not limited to
the activity of reusing and recycling waste at the
source of waste generation (Sumarni & Amiruddin,
2014). Waste problem is a problem in various regions
in Indonesia including Medan City. This problem
arises by increasing population, technological
advances and transportation in urban areas which is
directly proportional to the increasing amount of
waste produced (Ferronato et al., 2017). This is a
consequence of the city of Medan as the most
efficient and effective location for productive
activities related to industry, transportation and other
activities. The problem has a bad effect because of the
negative impacts caused, such as; environmental
damage, pollution of clean water sources, flooding to
various diseases that are born.
According to data from Medan City Sanitation
Office in 2018, the amount of waste in Medan in the
last 3 (three) years has continued to increase, namely
in 2016 the amount of waste is 1,595 tons per day, in
2017 is 1,675 tons per day and in 2018 is 2,000 tons
per day (Putra, 2018). Furthermore, the increasing
amount of waste is not accompanied by the amount of
garbage transportation in the city of Medan which
amounts to 216 transport trucks (BPS, 2018) Various
policies in overcoming the complexity of the waste
problem have been implemented in various regions in
various parts of the world and regions in Indonesia.
One of them is collaboration between regions in
waste management, such as; waste management
cooperation conducted by the state of Maryland and
the state of Pennsylvania in 2014 in order to achieve
the "Zero Waste Maryland 2040". This collaboration
is based on the potential of solid waste in the state of
Maryland to reach 12-13 million tons of waste per
Ridho, H., Nasution, M., Subhilhar, . and Amin, M.
Challenge of Waste Management in Medan City.
DOI: 10.5220/0010001700130017
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 3 2019) - Social Engineering Governance for the People, Technology and Infrastructure in
Revolution Industry 4.0, pages 13-17
ISBN: 978-989-758-472-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
year which causes flooding in the country (Ryu,
Then, South Korea in 2016 made a module in the
collaboration policy on waste management through
"Zero Waste in Korea 2018" through the
collaboration of ideas to maximize reuse through the
recycling process by maximizing technology with
sustainable ideas. Collaboration in South Korea
compares sustainable waste management in European
countries, Japan and the United States through
technology transfer (Lee, 2018). Then, waste
management in DKI Jakarta through collaboration
with Bekasi City related to Integrated Waste
Management Sites (TPSP) in Bataran Gebang
(Aprillia, 2016).
Related to rubbish in Medan City is a
comprehensive problem that can be solved through
the collaboration of Medan City Government and the
Deli Serdang Regency Government in the
Mebidangro scheme which until now has not been
effective and efficient when implemented.
Previously, there were 2 (two) locations that were
used as landfills (TPA) in the city of Medan, namely
the TPA Falls located in North Medan and the TPA
Namo Bintang located in South Medan. However,
until now the existing landfill site is still not
functioning optimally. This is due to the limited area
of landfills which also affect the technical operational
management and waste disposal services.
The impact of uncontrolled waste management in
Medan has begun to be felt by the community, such
as; the narrowing of the River Basin (DAS), pollution
of water sources and flooding in the city of Medan.
This means that the collaboration of waste
management between Medan City Government and
Deli Serdang Regency Government in the
Mebidangro secretariat is something that is urgent to
be implemented. Because territorially, Medan City
borders and divides Deli Serdang Regency directly.
Moreover, large rivers in the city of Medan are
experiencing damage and a source of problems for the
community due to the accumulation of waste, such as;
Denai River, Babura River and Deli River when
viewed upstream and downstream watershed are in
Deli Serdang Regency.
The Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the
Republic of Indonesia released the list of dirtiest
cities in Indonesia in early 2019 and Medan City
occupied a position as one of the dirtiest metropolitan
cities, besides Bandar Lampung and Manado, from
369 regencies/cities throughout Indonesia (Sur,
2019). This assessment is based on physical
indicators and the condition of the final processing
site (TPA) where Medan received poor grades.
Therefore the research entitled; Management
challenges for waste management in Medan are
important to do.
This research method is qualitative with a positivist
paradigm with direct interviews to informants,
observations, interviews, journals and books. The
determination of informants as sources of data in this
study was determined on research subjects who had
the knowledge and experience needed by researchers
in accordance with the research problem, were able to
express their knowledge and experience and had time
to be interviewed for research purposes. Data was
collected starting from the initial observation, pre-
research to direct interviews to informants in Medan
City Sanitation Office, NGOs to academics.
3.1 Garbage Issues in Medan City
The Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the
Republic of Indonesia released the list of dirtiest
cities in Indonesia in early 2019. In that list Medan
City occupies a position as one of the dirtiest
metropolitan cities, besides Bandar Lampung and
Manado, from 369 regencies/cities throughout
Indonesia. The assessment is based on physical
indicators and the condition of the final processing
site (TPA) where Medan received poor grades.
According to data from Medan City Sanitation and
Landscaping Office (2019), the volume of waste in
2016 averaged 1595 tons per day, continued in 2017
to increase to 1,675 tons per day, and in 2018 it
reached 2000 tons per day. At the same time, waste
management in Medan still uses an open dumping
system as a sign of low commitment and public
participation in handling waste. Jaya Arjuna, an
environmental observer, assesses the bad title that
Medan bears as a worrisome condition.
The study of waste management so far has not
only tended to focus on community behavior and
participation, but also concerns the issue of waste
management by related institutions and the
community (through the Waste Bank), as seen from
Hilburn's (2015) study of household waste
management in rural areas in Coxcatlan , Puebla,
Mexico. Likewise, studies from Lydie Yiougo (2013)
in Ramos, Vicentini, & Ortega (2012)on waste
management in Caracas, Venezuela. These studies
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
have looked at various forms of problems
encountered in waste management, but do not pay
attention to the solutive aspects in solving the garbage
problem. In addition to various problems and
weaknesses, there are also possibilities and
opportunities owned by related institutions in
improving waste management. This study
specifically wants to look at the issue of collaboration
between neighbors in dealing with waste
management issues by taking cases in Medan City
and Deli Serdang Regency.
This research is based on the assumption that in
urban waste management, especially in Indonesia,
collaboration between regions is needed if there is a
condition where one area with an excessive volume
of waste (overloaded) does not have sufficient land to
manage its waste. Barriers in the form of differences
in perceptions and attitudes of the two regional
governments must be removed by creating a
synergistic and conducive collaboration format in
handling the waste problem (Lee, 2017).
Exploration of how the collaboration
opportunities owned by the two related institutions
become very important in the context of efforts to
improve waste management in the community,
especially in Indonesia as a developing country that
must prepare itself to welcome the Industrial 4.0 era.
Furthermore, this paper is intended to explain how the
collaboration between Medan City Government and
Deli Serdang District Government takes place in
handling waste as mandated by Presidential
Regulation (Perpres) No. 62 of 2011 concerning
Spatial Planning (RTR) of the Mebidangro Urban
Area. Some important questions explored in this
study include (a) how the collaboration between the
Medan City government and Deli Serdang District
took place in waste management; (b) how the
different perspectives and values of the two actors
become obstacles and advocates for collaboration;
and (c) how the problem is solved and how a
synergistic and conducive collaboration format for
waste management can be formulated. These three
questions direct this study to enable the discovery of
an ideal collaboration format in handling waste
between Medan City Government and Deli Serdang
District Government. Furthermore, this paper,
therefore, addresses these three issues as the subject
of discussion which becomes the very important
3.2 Waste Management in Medan City
So Far
Based on data from Medan City Office 2018, the
composition of waste in Medan City is a mixture of
physical components of waste such as food scraps,
paper, plastic, metal, glass, fabric, rubber and others.
From the data it was noted that the most dominant
component of waste was food waste which was
38.63% and the lowest was fabric / textile by 0.83%.
Furthermore, other data explained that the largest
volume of waste was paper and plastic, each of which
amounted to 38.90% and 38.09%, then the lowest was
0.69% fabric. Furthermore, based on weight
indicators such as plastic and paper composition is
only 26.31% and 17.81% this is due to differences in
the density of each component of waste where plastic
waste has the lowest density.
Food/organic waste, paper and plastic waste
appear to be more dominant, this is due to the fact that
paper waste does not yet have economic value, so that
paper waste in the form of newspapers, boxes is
discarded directly by the source of waste and is not
picked up again by scavengers which are usually
useful for them economically. Then the majority of
people in the city of Medan in meeting the basic needs
of shopping every day and most do not carry shopping
places this increases the potential for plastic waste
The composition of waste in Medan City
continues to increase from year to year in line with
changes in the type of waste. This situation is related
to an increase in the life of Medan City people who
are increasingly consumptive. Efforts to reduce waste
use two approaches that can be done, namely
reducing waste production from each source of waste
and reducing the production of waste that has been
The fact is that all landfills (TPS) not owned by
the Medan City government indicate an unstable
management where they can stop operating at any
time. Given the importance of the TPS function as a
place to move collected waste back into container
trucks, the ideal land must be owned by the city and
made the TPS function more stable.
According to the Head of Medan City Sanitation
and Landscaping Service M Husni who said;
"The disproportionate number of polling stations
between districts and the data that an average
polling station serves about 10,000 houses while
some districts do not have any polling stations at all
shows that more polling stations are needed with
strategic allocation taking into account the
efficiency of garbage collection. However, the City
Challenge of Waste Management in Medan City
Government is having difficulty using the funds
due to protests from surrounding residents."
The efforts of Medan City Government so far in
an effort to reduce waste production from its source
apply the 3R principle, namely Reduce , which is an
effort made by reducing or minimizing the goods or
materials used. Re-use Efforts are made by reusing or
choosing items or materials that can be reused and
recycle, recycle waste produced (Ferronato, 2017).
3.3 Challenges of Waste Management
in Medan City
Empirically, it mainly addresses waste management
issues as collection, transportation, processing,
recycling or disposal and supervision of waste
materials which subsequently forms a waste
management system consisting of four main
components namely material production, collection
and transportation, processing and reprocessing and
final placement ie to be recycled or ended up at the
final disposal site of Medan City and Deli Serdang
Until now, garbage in Medan City is still a
problem because waste management is done alone.
According to the Head of Medan City Sanitation and
Landscaping Service M Husni who said:
“The role of inter-regional cooperation
management in waste management is very
important in Medan today. As garbage has its own
form of management in traditional society, to deal
with waste from a denser population modern
society that has a nation state system requires a
slightly different approach from traditional to
modern waste management which is carried out
Law No 18/2008 regarding waste management
regulates the responsibilities of the central, provincial
and city governments in Indonesia. The responsibility
of the regional government at the city/regency level
is to; a) establish policies and strategies for waste
management based on national and provincial
policies. b) carry out waste management. c) provide
guidelines and supervision to other parties regarding
waste management. d) Build a Temporary Waste
Disposal Site (TPS), Integrated Waste Management
Site (TPST) and Final Processing Site (TPA), and (e)
conduct monitoring and evaluation of TPA every 6
months every 20 months.
According to the Chairman of the Forum for the
Environment Dana Tarigan said:
"The approach used to deal with waste at a higher
level requires a more comprehensive
conceptualization that requires the role of
cooperation in managing waste with the concept of
good cooperation. The role of local government in
the domain of waste management appears to
illustrate the role of the state, namely in terms of
planning through certain considerations such as
improving the quality of life of the people who used
to be solid waste collection workers, making policy,
to implementing waste management through work
contracts with technology intensive companies.
developing a comprehensive environmentally
friendly environment."
Policy of inter-governmental cooperation in
Medan City is one of the important keys in seeing the
role of waste management in general. Whereas the
actions taken by the regional government which
sometimes run individually without a concept or do
not implement regulations in accordance with inter-
regional cooperation. Impact on the situation, there is
a lack of attention to the community affected by
planning. (Ismail, 2000).
Government policies cannot be maximized if
implemented alone without the support of various
parties, especially stakeholders. In fact, collaboration
and partnerships need to be done to get the maximum
waste management results that lead to the success of
an area in overcoming long problems about waste.
Partnership or partnership in principle is built from
cooperation carried out by certain parties where the
partnership has an association with participation
between local governments.
From the field findings, in an effort to overcome
many waste problems in the city of Medan that have
management challenges. It is necessary to form the
Mebidangro Inter-Regional Cooperation Agency
(BKAD) whose authority is in North Sumatra
Province. Law Number 26 of 2007 concerning Spatial
Planning related to strategic areas is an important part
of national development. The reason is that there are
activities that have a great influence on spatial
planning in the surrounding area, other activities in
the same field and activities in other fields, and/or
improving the welfare of the community.
This specifically must lead to goals that are more
efficient and effective in future waste management.
Of course in the case of waste management,
regulations related to waste management through
cooperation agreements must be carried out in the
agreed development fields that contain what fields are
cooperated, who are the actors of cooperation, rights
and obligations of each collaborating party, sanctions
mechanism for violating the agreement, the allocation
of funding sources and the deadline for the agreement
to take place related to waste in Medan City.
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
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undoubtedly take place better in the future.
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Challenge of Waste Management in Medan City