Government is having difficulty using the funds
due to protests from surrounding residents."
The efforts of Medan City Government so far in
an effort to reduce waste production from its source
apply the 3R principle, namely Reduce , which is an
effort made by reducing or minimizing the goods or
materials used. Re-use Efforts are made by reusing or
choosing items or materials that can be reused and
recycle, recycle waste produced (Ferronato, 2017).
3.3 Challenges of Waste Management
in Medan City
Empirically, it mainly addresses waste management
issues as collection, transportation, processing,
recycling or disposal and supervision of waste
materials which subsequently forms a waste
management system consisting of four main
components namely material production, collection
and transportation, processing and reprocessing and
final placement ie to be recycled or ended up at the
final disposal site of Medan City and Deli Serdang
Until now, garbage in Medan City is still a
problem because waste management is done alone.
According to the Head of Medan City Sanitation and
Landscaping Service M Husni who said:
“The role of inter-regional cooperation
management in waste management is very
important in Medan today. As garbage has its own
form of management in traditional society, to deal
with waste from a denser population modern
society that has a nation state system requires a
slightly different approach from traditional to
modern waste management which is carried out
Law No 18/2008 regarding waste management
regulates the responsibilities of the central, provincial
and city governments in Indonesia. The responsibility
of the regional government at the city/regency level
is to; a) establish policies and strategies for waste
management based on national and provincial
policies. b) carry out waste management. c) provide
guidelines and supervision to other parties regarding
waste management. d) Build a Temporary Waste
Disposal Site (TPS), Integrated Waste Management
Site (TPST) and Final Processing Site (TPA), and (e)
conduct monitoring and evaluation of TPA every 6
months every 20 months.
According to the Chairman of the Forum for the
Environment Dana Tarigan said:
"The approach used to deal with waste at a higher
level requires a more comprehensive
conceptualization that requires the role of
cooperation in managing waste with the concept of
good cooperation. The role of local government in
the domain of waste management appears to
illustrate the role of the state, namely in terms of
planning through certain considerations such as
improving the quality of life of the people who used
to be solid waste collection workers, making policy,
to implementing waste management through work
contracts with technology intensive companies.
developing a comprehensive environmentally
friendly environment."
Policy of inter-governmental cooperation in
Medan City is one of the important keys in seeing the
role of waste management in general. Whereas the
actions taken by the regional government which
sometimes run individually without a concept or do
not implement regulations in accordance with inter-
regional cooperation. Impact on the situation, there is
a lack of attention to the community affected by
planning. (Ismail, 2000).
Government policies cannot be maximized if
implemented alone without the support of various
parties, especially stakeholders. In fact, collaboration
and partnerships need to be done to get the maximum
waste management results that lead to the success of
an area in overcoming long problems about waste.
Partnership or partnership in principle is built from
cooperation carried out by certain parties where the
partnership has an association with participation
between local governments.
From the field findings, in an effort to overcome
many waste problems in the city of Medan that have
management challenges. It is necessary to form the
Mebidangro Inter-Regional Cooperation Agency
(BKAD) whose authority is in North Sumatra
Province. Law Number 26 of 2007 concerning Spatial
Planning related to strategic areas is an important part
of national development. The reason is that there are
activities that have a great influence on spatial
planning in the surrounding area, other activities in
the same field and activities in other fields, and/or
improving the welfare of the community.
This specifically must lead to goals that are more
efficient and effective in future waste management.
Of course in the case of waste management,
regulations related to waste management through
cooperation agreements must be carried out in the
agreed development fields that contain what fields are
cooperated, who are the actors of cooperation, rights
and obligations of each collaborating party, sanctions
mechanism for violating the agreement, the allocation
of funding sources and the deadline for the agreement
to take place related to waste in Medan City.