survived until this conflict ended is the Burni Pase
villagers because they consider themselves are
The prolonged conflict in Aceh only ended with
the Helsinski negotiations on August 15, 2005. After
that the people of Aceh began to hope for peace on
earth without conflict and bloodshed on the land of
Aceh (Basyar, 2016). This dark history will certainly
leave a deep trauma for victims who have
experienced and witnessed conflict events. This
article presents the results of research on the extent of
self-disclosure of the Burni Pase community in Aceh
towards newcomers.
2.1 Self Concept
Self-concept in psychology is a central concept to be
able to understand humans and their behavior and is
something that humans learn through their
interactions with themselves, others, and the real
environment around them. The concept of self is the
view of each individual about himself. This mental
self-portrait, according to Calhoun has 3 dimensions,
namely (1) the individual's knowledge of himself, (2)
the individual's expectations of himself, and (3) the
individual's assessment of himself (Calhoun, 1998).
An individual's view of himself, which he obtains
from information through his interactions with others,
known as self-concept, will likely fall between two
poles. The first pole is a positive self concept and the
other pole is a negative self concept. By knowing the
two differences from the understanding of the concept
of self, would be more helpful and provide the ability
to assess the direction in which the individual self-
concept tends (Zulkarnain, 2016: 5095-5099).
The basic assumption of behavior in a
psychological perspective is that behavior is not
something that always looks as it looks. There is no
absolute relationship between certain behaviors and
their causes. To be able to understand the relationship
between a behavior and its cause, one must first know
and understand something about an individual and the
situation in which the behavior arises.Something
about individuals that must be known and understood
is pointing to personality as something that can help
in understanding behavior. The self-concept is
formed through social interaction and this self-
concept influences one's behavior. A person's self-
concept is based on the perception of other people's
reactions to him (Mead, 1972: 186 – 199; Kinch in
Fitts, 1971: 12 – 13).
2.2 Self Disclosure
The process of disclosing our information to others or
vice versa is calledself disclousure.One type of
communication where information about oneself that
is usually hidden from others is now communicated
to others (Rahmat, 2004:108). Self-disclosure is an
activity to share feelings and information that are
familiar with others. Self-disclosure can be
descriptive or evaluative. In self-disclosure, we
describe various facts about ourselves that may not
yet be known, while in evaluative self-disclosure, we
express opinions or personal feelings.
Opening up means giving others our feelings
about something that has been said or done, or our
feelings about the events we witnessed (Miller,
Kamenchenko, & Krasniasnski,1992). Self-
disclosure also has two sides, namely being open to
others and being open to others. Both processes that
can take place simultaneously if they occur to both
parties will produce an open relationship between us
and others.
2.3 Traumatic
Trauma comes from Greek which means wound
(McFarlane and Bryant, 2007). The word trauma is
used to describe an event or situation experienced by
the victim. Traumatic events or experiences will be
lived differently from one individual to another, so
that each person will have a different reaction when
faced with a traumatic event. Traumatic experience is
an event experienced or witnessed by an individual,
which threatens his own safety (Ward-Lonergan, 1998).
According to Hawari (1996: 96), traumatic stress
is a natural reaction to events that contain violence
(such as group violence, rape, accidents, and natural
disasters) or terrible conditions in life (such as
poverty, deprivation, etc.). This condition is also
called post traumatic stress (post traumatic stress
disorder).Kaplan and Sadock (1997: 45) state that
post-traumatic stress disorder can be seen at any age,
but is most prominent in young adults, because of the
nature of the situation that triggers it. For women, the
most frequent are assault and rape. The number of
women who experience trauma is twice that of men.
Disturbances are likely to occur to those who are
alone, divorced, widowed, experiencing economic
disruption, or withdrawing socially.