Sub-district and consideration of the efficiency of the
implementation of PATEN (Integrated District
Administrative Services) as a form of partial
delegation. Mayor's authority to the Camat.
Nevertheless, the Government of the City of Padang
Sidempuan in meeting the technical requirements by
means of providing facilities and infrastructure has
been in accordance with mandated by Permendagri
No. 4 of 2010 concerning PATEN (Integrated District
Administrative Services) facilities and infrastructure
which was marked by the presence of facilities that
can provide comfort to the community in making
arrangements to the District Office. The results of the
above study were in accordance with the opinions of
Berry Parasuraman, and Zeithaml(1988) which say
that all physical forms include physical facilities,
equipment and communication facilities.
b. Human Resources
Based on the data obtained in the field it was
known that there were still problems in terms of the
quality and quantity of personnel in the District. This
happens because the distribution of personnel in the
District has not been evenly distributed. As with other
Districts, Padang sidempuan Utara district also
experienced it, although the number of employees was
quite large when compared to other Districts, but in
reality based on interviews conducted with the
Districts that the number of employees who actually
fully worked in the Padang Sidempuan Utara District
Office was only as much 19 people, the rest are
Kelurahan employees, not yet guaranteeing the
fulfillment of personnel, especially in the
implementation of PATEN (Integrated District
Administrative Services), both in terms of Quality and
Quantity. If analyzed based on the needs of employees
based on the technical implementation of PATEN
(Integrated District Administrative Services) in the
District, the number of employees was not sufficient
in the administration of PATEN (Integrated District
Administrative Services). Grindle (1980) said there
were two important factors in creating an effective
implementation of Government programs, namely
personnel with competency trained and the
availability of numbers. Therefore, the number and
quality of personnel in Padang Sidempuan districts
still need to be increased because if the delegated
authority is not supported by sufficient district
personnel, the implementation of PATEN (Integrated
District Administrative Services) in the District cannot
run as expected. Lack of technical personnel to
support the killing requirements of licensing
conditions is an obstacle to the implementation of the
Delegation of part of the authority in the town of
Padang Sidempuan district.
c. PATEN fee
Based on the results of the above interview it can
be concluded that the financing and acceptance of
Padang Sidempuan Utara District in the
implementation of PATEN (Integrated District
Administrative Services) has been implemented in
accordance with the mandate of Permendagri No. 4 of
2010 concerning PATEN (Integrated District
Administrative Services) Guidelines which state that
the costs of administering PATEN (Integrated District
Services) are charged to the Regional Revenue and
Expenditure Budget and are an inseparable part of the
work plan and budget.
For the District of Padang Sidempuan Utara, the
implementation of PATEN (Integrated District
Administrative Services) has been included in the
District Government's budget, namely in the fiscal
year, 2014, 2015, and 2016, but in the budget,
activities were accommodated only for the cost of
ATK (Office Stationery) activities PATEN
(Integrated District Administrative Services) and
PATEN implementers' honorarium (Integrated
District Administrative Services), while for the
training activities the PATEN officers (Integrated
District Services) have not been budgeted by the
District Government, and from the results of the
interviews it was also known that the costs incurred by
the District in administering PATEN (Integrated
District Administrative Services) was greater than the
costs received in the administration of the PATEN
(Integrated District Administrative Services), this was
certainly affect the effectiveness of the
implementation of the PATEN (Integrated District
Administrative Services).
3.3 Disposition
It is the character and characteristics of the
implementor such as commitment, honesty,
democratic nature. From the analysis and observation
in the field there are factors - factors of concern in
accordance with Edward III in Agustino(2006)
regarding dispositions in policy implementation
consisting of:
a. Appointment of the operator of the Padang
Sidempuan PATEN (Integrated District
Administrative Services) policy operator.
Dispositions or attitudes of policy implementers
caused real obstacles to policy implementation if
the existing personnel do not implement the
policies desired by higher officials. Therefore, the
appointment and selection of personnel
implementing the policy must be sourced from
people who had dedication and loyalty to the