The Implementation of a Delegation Part of the Mayor Authorities to
the District Head in Padang Sidempuan City
Muhammad Arifin Nasution and Indra Kesuma Nasution
Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Delegation Part of Authority, District, Public Services.
Abstract: The delegation of part of the authority was regarding part of government affairs delegated from the
Regent/Mayor to the District Head through licensing and non-licensing services had been ratified by the City
of Padang Sidempuan in the Mayor of Padang Sidempuan City Regulation. It shows the high enthusiasmof
the people in Padang Sidempuan City to use the public services provided. This research had an important goal
which was to provide a descriptive analytic by indicators Edward III, analysis of the ability of the statecivil
equipments in managing rules related to public services. The Implementation of a Delegation Part of the
Mayor Authorities to the District Head in Padang Sidempuan City was analyzed using the city which also
managedtwo regional administrations under the districts namely subdistricts and villages, as a case study.
Interview and observation to the executor of the delegation of some mayor's authority to the district head in
Padang Sidempuan City. The results show that the delegation of part of the authority had not been
communicated comprehensively and continuously by their government. Resources were not supported by the
availability of the implementing equipments, low budget priorities, overlapping dispositions and SOP
(Standard Operating Procedures).
Transformation of public administration directed to
the implementation of functions of government
management that is based on the need for increasing
the speed of effectiveness and quality of service in
accordance with the dynamics of Community
progress and Development challenges. Good public
service performance can encourage improved
community welfare. Entwistle (2005) states that
effective public administration services will be able
to safe the budget so that the country's spending
budget can be allocated to the needs directly related
to the welfare of the community. In addition, the
effectiveness of administrative services will
accelerate the fulfillment of administrative needs to
accelerate the economic growth of society. For
example, in Southeast Asian countries, Cain (2014)
conducted research and dissect problems and provide
knowledge on the best practices in implementing
decentralization for local governments in the country
of Thailand. In the work, one of the provinces is the
Kalasin province of Thailand used as the location of
case studies. The results show that the proper
implementation of decentralization provides a
profitable development system in the local
government department.
The local government of Padang Sidempuan also
conducts public administration reform efforts with
the aim of providing excellent service to its
community while accelerating the economic growth
of the community in its region. Therefore, it needs to
be created good governance. The intended service is
an administrative service in accordance with the
Government's rules regarding delegation of some
authority. Padang Sidempuan City Government
presented the procedure by opening integrated service
in the sub-district related to licensing and non-
licensing services by pouring the rules in Padang
Sidempuan City Mayor Regulation Number 3 year
With the power of the authority contained in
article2 paragraph 1 namely District of head shall
enforce the government authority delegated by the
mayor to deal with some regional autonomy that
includes aspects: licensing, recommendation,
coordination, development, monitoring, facilitation,
determination, and establishment. Among all the
descriptions have been given explanation article per
article, but it is more specific related to the service is
Nasution, M. and Nasution, I.
The Implementation of a Delegation Part of the Mayor Authorities to the District Head in Padang Sidempuan City.
DOI: 10.5220/0010002300440050
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 3 2019) - Social Engineering Governance for the People, Technology and Infrastructure in
Revolution Industry 4.0, pages 44-50
ISBN: 978-989-758-472-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
licensing and non licensing with authorization
authority amounting to 16 points and non licensing
amounted to 151 points.
But in the fact from the field shows the low
participation of people in using of facilities licensing
services and non-licensing, it raises the assumption
that the implementation of public services during the
range of 2008 to 2019 is not carried out effective and
efficient. It is also supported by the investigation of
the Commission of Ombudsman which shows the
value of service by the district in Padang Sidempuan
City lowest in Indonesia in 2018 by obtaining the
value of 16.66. The Phenomena like this become a
recurring incident because, bureaucracy in some
regions in Indonesia do not want to escape from the
comfort of the position of bureaucracy in the past as
disclosed. McLeod (2005) has factor Indonesia is a
country of the fourth largest in the world with the
third largest democracy and the second largest in
developing countries is also a growing democracy
with a history of vulnerable institutions and high
levels of corruption, including public services.
Delegation of some authority has implemented in
the form of public services both licensing and non-
licensing conducted by the government of Padang
Sidempuan city, in this case is the district through a
integrated service system in each district Located in
Padang Sidempuan City. The results of the study later
became one of the benchmarks of performance and
improvement of equipments in conducting delegation
of a part authority through public services that the
district will do in Padang Sidempuan city in
improving the quality of Service to the public using
licensing and non-licensing services.
In this case study, the research location was in Padang
Sidempuan City, Province of North Sumatra and as
one of the west coast cities in North Sumatra. In
Padang Sidempuan, there are 6 districts, the name of
the region and the population were shown in Table 1
based on data from the Central Statistics Agency of
Padang Sidempuan in 2017.
The method of this research was a qualitative
approach, analysis was carried out simultaneously
with data collection, known as continuous analysis.
Qualitative analysis was carried out by following
several processes such as data reduction, data
presentation and conclusions was drawn based on
data reduction and presentation.
Table 1: Total Population of Padang Sidempuan City per
Men Wome
Padang Sidempua
30.865 33.480 64.358
2. Padang Sidempua
32.912 33.725 66.576
Padang Sidempua
16.849 17.345 35.116
4. Padangisidimpuan
10.452 11.235 22.604
5. Padang Sidempua
7.902 8.171 16.073
6. Padangsidimmpuan
Angkola Julu
3.961 4.229 8.190
103.709 109.208 212.917
The design of this research was a qualitative
approach. The data was collected and analyzed using
descriptive-analytic methods through the indicator of
Edward III Model in Agustino ( 2006).
a. Primary data; was the data obtained in the field or
in the study area through observation and
interview techniques to informants namely:
1. Local Secretary of Padang Sidempuan City
2. First (I) Assistant Government of Padang
Sidempuan City
3. Six District Heads of Padang Sidempuan City
4. Members of the Local Parliament (DPRD) of
Padang Sidempuan City
5. Community of Padang Sidempuan City
b. Secondary data; was collected and processed from
any sources such as the documents, reports,
publications, and so on.
The main problem of public administration isthe
lack of awareness that effective implementation is
needed to carry out the decision by the policymakers
successfully. Communication deals with how policies
are communicated to organizations and/or the public,
the availability of resources to implement policies,
attitudes, and responses from the parties involved and
how the organizational structure of policy
1. Communication; the success of the policy
requires that the implementor knows what needs
to be done. What were the goals and objectives
of the policy (target group) so that it reduced the
distortion of implementation.
2. Resources; even though the contents of the policy
had been clearly communicated and consistent,
but if the implementor lacks the resources to
implement, implementation was not be effective.
The Implementation of a Delegation Part of the Mayor Authorities to the District Head in Padang Sidempuan City
3. Disposition; was the character and characteristics
of the implementor such as commitment,
honesty, democratic nature.
4. The bureaucratic structure; in charge of
implementing policies had a significant influence
on policy implementation. One of the important
structural aspects of every organization was the
existence of standard operating procedures
The relationship was described in the Figure 1.
Figure 1: Structure Relations Edward III
As a basis for evaluating the elements as a Delegation
Part of the Mayor authority to the Head of the District
in Mayor Regulation Number 3 of Year 2014, several
things that become benchmarks and were described in
accordance with applicable regulations.
3.1 Communication
Effective implementation occurs when decision
makers already know what was done. Knowledge of
what was done can run if the communication went
well, so that every decision and implementing
regulations must be transmitted (communicated) to the
appropriate personnel.
Based on the results of the interview there were
problems that affect communication in the
implementation of the policy delegation of some
authorities such as the need for clarity of instructions
in the implementation of the policy and clarity,
consistency of Mayor Regulation Number 3 of year
2014 especially in Communication that builds
interaction between the district and other regional
equipments organizations which causes less synergy
and not coordinated optimally. It can be said that poor
communication occurs. This can be seen in the results
of the interview that there was an overlapping of
authority between the Sub-District and the Licensing
Office regarding matters that were the authority of
each institution. Some permits delegated to the district
can also be managed directly by the Licensing Office
and even some of the permits listed in Mayor
Regulation No. 3 of 2014 had expired and was deleted
by the Ministry of Home Affairs.
According to Hogwood and Gunn, communication
plays an important role for the ongoing coordination
of policy implementation. Coordination was not
merely a matter of communicating information or
forming suitable administrative structures, but it also
involves more basic issues, namely the practice of
implementing policies (Wahab, 2005). The policy of
Delegating part of the authority to the sub-districts
through PATEN (Integrated District Administrative
Services) had not been effective because there had
been no synchronization of activities between the sub-
district with other institutions or the community that
was less educated about the licensing function.
Coupled with public awareness to take care of permits
(administrative order) was still low. The community
feels that they did not yet have the obligation to fulfill
administrative order so that it influenced the attitude
and response of the policy implementers.
3.2 Resources
Basically, the contents of the policy had been clearly
and consistently communicated, but if the policy
implementer lacks the resources to implement the
policy, the implementation was not be effective. These
resources includes:
a. Facilities and Infrastructure
From the results of interviews and observations in
the field it can be seen that in carrying out their duties,
the technical team of PATEN (Integrated District
Administrative Services) of Padang Sidempuan City
conducted a survey regarding the readiness of the
facilities and infrastructure of the District in
supporting the implementation of PATEN in the
District. While the funds used to complement the
facilities and infrastructure needs were charged to the
budget of each Sub-District resulting in facilities and
infrastructure such as Tables / Counters/Registration
Tables. File Processing Place, Payment Place, Waiting
Room, Picket Place in each sub-district have different
forms, but still have the same function because the
supply depends on the ability of the budget of each
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
Sub-district and consideration of the efficiency of the
implementation of PATEN (Integrated District
Administrative Services) as a form of partial
delegation. Mayor's authority to the Camat.
Nevertheless, the Government of the City of Padang
Sidempuan in meeting the technical requirements by
means of providing facilities and infrastructure has
been in accordance with mandated by Permendagri
No. 4 of 2010 concerning PATEN (Integrated District
Administrative Services) facilities and infrastructure
which was marked by the presence of facilities that
can provide comfort to the community in making
arrangements to the District Office. The results of the
above study were in accordance with the opinions of
Berry Parasuraman, and Zeithaml(1988) which say
that all physical forms include physical facilities,
equipment and communication facilities.
b. Human Resources
Based on the data obtained in the field it was
known that there were still problems in terms of the
quality and quantity of personnel in the District. This
happens because the distribution of personnel in the
District has not been evenly distributed. As with other
Districts, Padang sidempuan Utara district also
experienced it, although the number of employees was
quite large when compared to other Districts, but in
reality based on interviews conducted with the
Districts that the number of employees who actually
fully worked in the Padang Sidempuan Utara District
Office was only as much 19 people, the rest are
Kelurahan employees, not yet guaranteeing the
fulfillment of personnel, especially in the
implementation of PATEN (Integrated District
Administrative Services), both in terms of Quality and
Quantity. If analyzed based on the needs of employees
based on the technical implementation of PATEN
(Integrated District Administrative Services) in the
District, the number of employees was not sufficient
in the administration of PATEN (Integrated District
Administrative Services). Grindle (1980) said there
were two important factors in creating an effective
implementation of Government programs, namely
personnel with competency trained and the
availability of numbers. Therefore, the number and
quality of personnel in Padang Sidempuan districts
still need to be increased because if the delegated
authority is not supported by sufficient district
personnel, the implementation of PATEN (Integrated
District Administrative Services) in the District cannot
run as expected. Lack of technical personnel to
support the killing requirements of licensing
conditions is an obstacle to the implementation of the
Delegation of part of the authority in the town of
Padang Sidempuan district.
c. PATEN fee
Based on the results of the above interview it can
be concluded that the financing and acceptance of
Padang Sidempuan Utara District in the
implementation of PATEN (Integrated District
Administrative Services) has been implemented in
accordance with the mandate of Permendagri No. 4 of
2010 concerning PATEN (Integrated District
Administrative Services) Guidelines which state that
the costs of administering PATEN (Integrated District
Services) are charged to the Regional Revenue and
Expenditure Budget and are an inseparable part of the
work plan and budget.
For the District of Padang Sidempuan Utara, the
implementation of PATEN (Integrated District
Administrative Services) has been included in the
District Government's budget, namely in the fiscal
year, 2014, 2015, and 2016, but in the budget,
activities were accommodated only for the cost of
ATK (Office Stationery) activities PATEN
(Integrated District Administrative Services) and
PATEN implementers' honorarium (Integrated
District Administrative Services), while for the
training activities the PATEN officers (Integrated
District Services) have not been budgeted by the
District Government, and from the results of the
interviews it was also known that the costs incurred by
the District in administering PATEN (Integrated
District Administrative Services) was greater than the
costs received in the administration of the PATEN
(Integrated District Administrative Services), this was
certainly affect the effectiveness of the
implementation of the PATEN (Integrated District
Administrative Services).
3.3 Disposition
It is the character and characteristics of the
implementor such as commitment, honesty,
democratic nature. From the analysis and observation
in the field there are factors - factors of concern in
accordance with Edward III in Agustino(2006)
regarding dispositions in policy implementation
consisting of:
a. Appointment of the operator of the Padang
Sidempuan PATEN (Integrated District
Administrative Services) policy operator.
Dispositions or attitudes of policy implementers
caused real obstacles to policy implementation if
the existing personnel do not implement the
policies desired by higher officials. Therefore, the
appointment and selection of personnel
implementing the policy must be sourced from
people who had dedication and loyalty to the
The Implementation of a Delegation Part of the Mayor Authorities to the District Head in Padang Sidempuan City
policies that had been set, more specifically in the
interests of the community.
b. Incentives were one of the techniques suggested
to overcome the problem of the attitude of policy
implementers by manipulating incentives aimed
at the PATEN policy implementers. Basically
people move based on their own interests, then
manipulate incentives by policy makers to
influence the actions of policy implementers.
Adding certain benefits or costs might be a
motivating factor for executors to carry out orders
well. This is done as an effort to meet personal or
organizational interests.
Furthermore, from interviews with several
sources, information was obtained that the existence
of technical staff was the most basic requirement for
the sub-district. Information from the interview
obtained that when administering the IMB (Building
Permit) the sub-district officer had obstacles in
meeting the requirements in the form of technical
fines related to the location of the IMB (Building
Permit). The sub-district government was assisted by
the technical regional organization (OPD) which was
a place for consultation on technical matters.
However, seconded officers are not settled in the
district (ad hoc). Often the administration of IMB was
hampered by technical matters that cannot be held by
the district. In addition, sometimes the district must
issue their own incentives for the seconded technical
team whose costs were greater than the total costs for
obtaining permits.
According to Merilee S. Grindle in Subarsono
(2006), the location of decision making explained
whether the location of a program was appropriate or
not. The decision making was in a policy plays an
important role in implementing a policy. Policy
makers ranging from the highest leadership to the
lowest leader in the implementation of PATEN
(Integrated District Administrative Services) were
reflected in the regulations governing the delegation
of authority from the Regent / Mayor to the District
Head. That was the case in Padang Sidempuan City,
the basis for the holding of PATEN (Integrated
District Administrative Services) was that the
stipulation of Padang Sidempuan Mayor Regulation
Number 3 of Year 2014 concerning Devolution of
Some Mayor's Authority to the Sub-District Head to
Carry Out General Affairs and Regional Government
Affairs was not easy.
3.4 The Bureaucratic Structure
Implementing the policy has a significant influence
on the policy implementation. One of the important
structural aspects of every organization was the
existence of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
The nature of policy implementation was very
necessary in-depth analysis.
At the same time as the PATEN ServiceStandards
(Integrated District Administrative Services), the
regulation states that officials of PATEN (Integrated
District Administrative Services Services) consist of:
Head of Subdistrict, District Secretary and Head of
Government and Trantibum Section (Peace and
Public Order).
1. The regulation states that the head of district
(Camat) had the duty to:
a. Lead, coordinate and control the
implementation of PATEN (Integrated
District Administrative Services);
b. Prepare a budget and cost plan;
c. Establish technical implementation;
d. Accountable for the performance of PATEN
(District Integrated Services) to the Mayor
through the Regional Secretary
2. The District Secretary had the following tasks:
a. To administer PATEN administration
(Integrated District Administrative Services);
b. Being responsible for the secretariat /
administration of the organizer and initialing a
letter from the section head, which is then
submitted to the Camat to be signed. If there is
no Sekcam replaced by one of the Section
c. In carrying out their duties, Sekcam is
responsible to the Camat.
3. The tasks of the Section Chief in charge of
administrative services are:
a. Carry out technical services. In carrying out
this task the Section Chief studies the file and
conducts validation which is then submitted to
the operator for typing. Upon completion, the
head of the Section corrects and initials the
letter which is then forwarded to the Secretary;
b. In carrying out his duties, Kasi was
responsible to Camat.
Related to the preparation of PATEN facilities
and infrastructure (Integrated DistrictAdministrative
Services) was carried out jointly with internal
socialization which is part of the PATEN (Integrated
District Administrative Services) preparation stage.
The source of funds needed in the preparation of these
facilities and infrastructure comes from the Padang
Sidempuan Regional Budget (APBD), which was
managed by each District. Then in determining the
needs for facilities and infrastructure in the District, a
buttom-up is done to provide flexibility in
determining and compiling what was needed in the
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
District and by top-down conducting surveys to find
out the actual conditions in the field. Although finally
found different conditions of infrastructure and
facilities between the Districts because their
fulfillment depends on the needs and budgetary
capabilities of each District.
Furthermore, it was also stipulated in the
Appendix to the regulation of the Mayor of Padang
Sidempuan No. 3 of Year 2014 concerning Integrated
Administrative Services of Subdistricts in the City of
Padang Sidempuan on the job description of the
Implementing Integrated District Administrative
Services (PATEN) of Padang Sidempuan City. The
Technical Implementer of PATEN (Integrated
District Administrative Services) consists of:
a. Information clerk
b. File clerk / File recipient.
c. Computer operator officer
d. Cash clerk
The appendix mentions the job description of the
information officer, namely:
a. Greet residents and provide information to
community members;
b. Asking residents to fill in the guest book;
c. Invite residents who will take care of the letter, to
the counter / service desk;
d. Delivering residents who met the district head,
District Secretary, Section Chief or other
employees for special consultations, the room /
table in question was not in place or is busy being
invited to wait in the waiting room;
e. Bring letters that had been processed at the
counter / service desk to be initialed by the
Section Head and District Secretary and bring to
the District Head for signature. After everything
was returned to the counter / service desk; and
f. Update all information on the information board.
Then, the job description of the ticket window
clerk/recipient is:
1. Greet residents and provide information to
community members;
2. Submit the results of management to the
community that has been processed;
3. Schedule incoming and outgoing letters;
4. Arrange incoming and outgoing files at the
service desk / table; and
5. Responsible for the PATEN archive.
The job description of the computer dispatcher
1. Entering (inputting) data of citizens using the
service and type of service requested;
2. Printing a letter or recommendation requested by
a community member;
3. Collecting the data needed in the District
4. Entering the data needed in the PATEN database
format (Integrated District Administrative
5. Updating the development of sub-district data and
public services;
6. Securing data that has been collected (database
backups into storage media or other computers
Next, the job description of the cash holder was:
1. Serving as a cashier at a counter / service desk.
2. Receiving payment of service tariffs and
providing payment receipts to members of the
community receiving services;
3. Booking every money that enters and exits from
the counter / service desk; and
4. Preparing financial reports regularly.
4.1 Communication
There is no clear guidance in the implementation of
policies and clarity, consistency of Mayor Regulation
Number 3 of Year 2014, especially in
Communication which builds interaction between
districts and other regional apparatus organizations
which causes less synergy and has not been
coordinated optimally. By understanding that the city
of Padang sidempuan has a peculiarity in the structure
of government. As a city within its territory there is
still a village government whose presence is quite
influential in the communication conditions in the
socio-cultural community of the city of Padang
Sidempuan. The most significant role of the
Kecamatan so far has been seen by the community as:
1. Administrative Institution; 2. Public Service
Delivery and; 3. Emergency response.
Communication that runs respectively in each
institution causes limping mobilization of regulations
and the driving force of regional units.
4.2 Resources
Talking about Service Resources through the
Integrated District Services, several indicators in this
regard regarding resources include:
a. the funds used to complete the facilities and
infrastructure needs are borne by the budget of
each Subdistrict which results in facilities and
infrastructure such as Desk / Counters /
Registration Tables. File Processing Place,
Payment Place, Waiting Room, Picket Place in
The Implementation of a Delegation Part of the Mayor Authorities to the District Head in Padang Sidempuan City
each sub-district have different forms, but still
have the same function because the supply
depends on the ability of the budget of each Sub-
district and consideration of the efficiency of the
implementation of PATEN (Integrated District
Administrative Services) as a form of partial
delegation. Mayor's authority to the Camat.HR
capacity (Human Resources) because from the
view of researchers that the required HR must be
in the appropriate field and possess competence in
their fields, especially related to licensing services.
b. The implementation of PATEN (District
Integrated Services) has been included in the
District Government's budget, namely in the fiscal
year, 2014, 2015 and 2016, but in the budget,
activities are accommodated only for ATK (Office
Stationery) costs for PATEN (Integrated District
Administrative Services) activities and
honorarium for implementing PATEN (Integrated
District Administrative Services), where as for
PATEN officers (Integrated District
Administrative Services) training activities have
not been budgeted by the District Government
4.3 Disposition
Executors who need the soul of bureaucrats and
public servants. A typical apparatus with a
background in new public service is one of the keys
to running an effective and efficient government. The
ineffectiveness of the roles and functions of districts
in services is likely due to the limited authority given
by the City Government (Mayor) to the districts so
that the sub-districts are a little "hesitant" to take
action if problems arise in their working areas. There
are two that support the disposition was the
recruitment of officers and incentives.
4.4 Bureaucratic Structure
A different effect was also shown as it weakens the
district entity in the discipline of public
administration due to the strong sense of kinship and
politics compared to the professionalism of the public
service apparatus. One of the important structural
aspects of every organization is the existence of
standard operating procedures (SOP). nature of policy
implementation is needed in-depth analysis.
Based on the results of the study, the following
suggestions can be given:
1. A special pattern is needed in the implementation
of policies that can adjust the socio-culture or
progressively overhaul relations between
institutions and intra-institutions.
2. Up-grade the capacity of the executive apparatus
is something that is not negotiable.
3. Supervision and development of work culture that
has service orientation as a consequence of
professional responsibilities supported by
performance incentives.
4. Understand the functions of each individual and
the targets of the district institution's work
5. Rearrange intra-agency and inter-agency
communication in a series of work programs as
well as anticipating the dynamics of
contemporary administration.
6. Comprehensive understanding of the role of the
sub-district and the delegation of some authorities
from the lowest elements of the bureaucracy to the
highest by collaborating with higher education
institutions as partners in developing a healthy,
good and credible government.
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ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3