like this can occur in public places, in private
agencies, or in transportation.
Soekarno (2011) explained that by getting
political education, the masses of the people were
expected to be creative, critical, independent, and
participatory if they were given the opportunity to
behave democratically. It Can foster political
skepticism and the wisdom of political insight about
political phenomena with all their networks. That
way people are able to carry out the functions of
political control, verification (proof) of the ongoing
political reality.
People who have received political education
will be able to carry out political control functions
against the government. Control over the
government here does not mean criticizing every
policy issued by the government but it can provide
input on the policies issued or the government's
attitude that is not in accordance with the laws and
applicable laws and regulations so that checks and
balances occur in the running of the government.
In addition, people who have received political
education are also expected to be able to verify and
be able to choose news about the ongoing political
reality. The public will also be able to distinguish
between news that is considered a hoax and actual
news. Political cleverness does not mean that the
public has excessive fanaticism towards one party or
group but can be smart to determine their attitude
and trust the news or reality.
Political education is supposed to be carried out
by political parties as mandated by Law No. 2 of
2008 concerning Political Parties. This political
education can be done in various ways, for example
by giving examples to the public how to politely
express opinions in public. This is the simplest thing
a political party can do so that the public will see
what the political party has done.
Soeharto (2011) states that political education is
an activity that aims to form and grow political
orientations on individuals. It includes conceptual
beliefs that have political content, including also
political loyalties and feelings, as well as political
knowledge and insights that cause a person to have
an awareness of political issues and political
attitudes. In addition, he aims to enable every
individual to provide active political participation in
his community. Political education is an activity that
continues throughout human life and it is not
possible to be fully realized except in a free society.
Regarding political education, in Article 31
paragraph 1 of Law No. 2 of 2008 concerning
Political Parties, it is stated that political parties
conduct political education for the community in
accordance with the scope of their responsibilities by
paying attention to justice and gender equality with
the objectives of:
a. Increasing awareness of the rights and
obligations of the community in the life of
society, nation, and state
b. Increasing political participation and community
initiatives in community, nation and state life,
c. Increasing independence, maturity, and building
the nation's character in order to maintain the
unity and integrity of the nation.
If you look at what is stated in Law No. 2 of
2008 concerning Political Parties, it can be seen that
the level of success of political parties in providing
political education can be seen from three aspects,
namely; (1) When people already have an awareness
of their rights in politics, such as expressing
opinions in public and playing an active role in the
country's development, (2) When the community
already has awareness in actively participating in the
General Election, both as a Candidate for Legislative
Members and coming to the Polling Station (TPS) as
a voter, (3) When the community has independence
and is no longer dependent on the government in
daily life.
To achieve this goal is indeed not easy, it takes
the participation of political parties, the community,
and even the government as representatives of the
elected political party cadres. The challenges that
must be faced together and no longer occur mutual
blame between the community, political parties, and
the government. If a synergy has been created
between the three elements, then political parties are
not only a tool for the public to confront the
government, but as a tool to realize the ideals of the
Indonesian people as written in the opening of the
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, namely
protecting the whole of the Indonesian people and
all of Indonesia's bloodshed, promoting public
welfare, educating the nation's life, and participating
in carrying out world order based on independence,
eternal peace and social justice.
The function of political parties to provide education
to the public about political life in Indonesia at this
time cannot yet be fully carried out because there are
still many challenges that must be faced. The hardest
challenge for the political parties is how to change
the image of the political party itself which is
already bad due to the actions of unscrupulous