Attraction of Executive Interest in the Establishment of Regional
Regulation Number 3 of 2011 in Medan City
Zakaria, Badaruddin, Heri Kusmanto and Fikarwin Zuska
Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Perda (Regional Regulation), Executive, Community, Political.
Abstract: Public policy is absolutely necessary as a guideline for implementation and technical guidance and also
applies internally in the government bureaucracy and required public service standards, elaboration on the
community of services to which they are entitled, who can get them, what are the requirements, and what
form of service. This will bind the government (state) as the service provider and the community as the service
recipient. In making public policy, the Medan City government must prioritize the interests of the community
rather than the personal interests or interests of certain groups. And the government should give more time in
the socialization of the making of this Perda or regional regulation and better accommodate all proposals and
suggestion from the public.
Regional Regulation is one of the legal products or
regulations that are legally made by the Regional
Government in carrying out the administration in the
region consisting of the Regional Head and the
Regional People's Representative Assembly (DPRD).
Regional Regulations have a position in the hierarchy
of laws regulations as regulations governing regions
in accordance with the conditions and interests of
each region. In the establishment of a Regional
Regulation, it must consider several aspects and
existing provisions to create a good regulation for
each region. One of the implementation of public
policy in Medan City is the birth of Regional
Regulation No. 3 of 2011 where there are several
interests such as economic, political and social. This
factor is often the main consideration and greatly
influences the process and content of public policy.
There is a political mission of policy makers that
cannot be avoided. Likewise, an understanding of
public policy also affect the attitudes of policy
makers. One of the policies regarding Regional
Regulations that was successfully issued by the
Medan City Government and DPRD of Medan City
was Regional Regulation No. 3 of 2011 concerning
Land and Building Taxes.
Conditions that occur in the Medan city show a
pattern of interaction between bureaucracy and
politics in the context of the preparation of regional
regulations that contains political interests and the
role of interest groups to intervene, and try to
influence political decisions between the Mayor of
Medan (executive) and the DPRD of Medan City
(legislative) so that the bureaucracy and politics like
two currencies that will never be separated from each
other, although these two institutions have very
different characters, they must co-exist.
Characteristic of bureaucracy is the form of tiered
institutions, recruitment based on expertise, and is
impersonal. While politics, is an effort to determine
regulations that are acceptable to some citizens to
bring the community towards a harmonious common
life. Bureaucracy still needs the support of politicians
to carry out the public policies that it establishes. On
the other hand, politicians also need bureaucratic
support which at the real level functions as executors
or implementers of public policy (Haryatmoko,
The Medan City Government through the
mechanism of the Regional People's Representative
Assembly (DPRD) has compiled and poured a
regulatory policy relating to the Land and Building
Tax into a Medan City Regional Regulation No. 3 of
2011 concerning the PBB of Rural and Urban. From
the observations in the field, various interest groups
were identified because these agencies have legal
authority as policy makers, and have an impact on the
interests of individuals and groups. Researchers try to
Zakaria, ., Badaruddin, ., Kusmanto, H. and Zuska, F.
Attraction of Executive Interest in the Establishment of Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2011 in Medan City.
DOI: 10.5220/0010012501160121
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 3 2019) - Social Engineering Governance for the People, Technology and Infrastructure in
Revolution Industry 4.0, pages 116-121
ISBN: 978-989-758-472-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
explain and explore the role of interest groups
through Political Parties, DPRD and Medan City
2.1 Public Policy
Keban (2004) provides an understanding of public
policy can be seen from the philosophical concept, as
a product, as a process, and as a framework. As a
philosophical concept, policy is a set of principles, or
desired conditions, as a product, policy is seen as a
series of conclusions or recommendations, and as a
process, policy is seen as a way through which an
organization can know what is expected of it, that is,
programs and mechanisms in achieving its products,
and as a framework, policy is a process of bargaining
and negotiation to formulate issues and methods of
While Woll (1966) public policy is a number of
government activities to solve problems in society,
both directly and through various institutions that
affect people's lives. In the implementation of public
policies there are three levels of influence as the
implications of these government actions namely; 1)
there are policy choices or decisions made by
politicians, government employees or others who aim
to use public authority to influence people's lives, 2)
the existence of policy outputs, where policies
implemented at this level require the government to
make arrangements, budgeting, personnel formation
and make regulations in the form of programs that
will affect people's lives, 3) the impact of policies
which are the effects of policy choices that affect
people's lives.
2.2 Interest Groups
Interest groups have an understanding as an
organization formed by a number of people because
of the similar attitudes, beliefs, and / or goals. The
interest groups are basically organized human
associations, having membership, leadership
patterns, financial resources to finance activities, and
communication patterns inside and outside the
organization. In the political system, as is the
functional structural theory proposed by Almond and
Bingham (1995).
The interest group has 4 (four) roles in state life,
namely (1) catalyzing system change by advocating
and trying to form a collective awareness of the
community on important issues in life. Through this
role, interest groups try to develop political will and
community initiatives so that they can jointly
influence policy; (2) Monitoring or supervising
government administration. Conduct criticism to
protest if there are indications of abuse of authority
and law violations by state officials; (3) facilitate the
reconciliation of citizens with justice institutions.
This interest group often defends the general public
who are often victims of violence and victims of legal
injustice by the government, and (4) realizing a
number of programs in the context of community
empowerment (Gaffar, 1999).
In conveying interests, interest groups may turn
into pressure groups if efforts to deliver demands are
conveyed intensively by launching extraordinary
tactics and political pressure to influence policy, so
that the government and political officials are willing
to approve their demands (Duverger, 1984). There are
also tactics or strategy of the movement carried out
by interest groups in conveying their demands
through the following methods:
a. Conveying demands/aspirations to political
b. Participation in the policy formulation process
c. Lobbying and negotiating with political officials
d. Make use of personal relationships with the
political elite
e. Submitting criticism and aspirations through the
mass media
f. Non-conventional movements, namely forms of
political participation by means of violence such
as demonstrations, strikes, blocking roads, large-
scale convoys and other acts of violence.
Based on the tactics or strategy of the movement
above, the effectiveness of the implementation of the
role of interest groups is very dependent on the
intensity of the movement, public support for the
issues raised, the strength of argument and
communication in lobbying and negotiations,
interpersonal relations and how much ability to gather
as much mass as a source of movement authority in
exerting pressure so that it forces the government to
follow demands from interest groups (Duverger,
An interest group is a group of people who form
an alliance that is driven by certain interests. These
interests can be in the form of general or public
interest or interests of certain groups. Examples of
alliances that are interest groups, namely mass
organizations, alumni associations of a school, groups
of origin, and certain hobby groups. Interest groups
aim to fight for something "interests" by influencing
political institutions in order to obtain favorable
decisions or avoid adverse decisions. The interest
Attraction of Executive Interest in the Establishment of Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2011 in Medan City
group does not try to place its representatives in the
House of Representatives, but rather influences one
or several parties in it or the competent agency or
2.3 Executive Institutions
An executive institution is an institution that
implements laws, in daily life an executive institution
is an institution that runs the wheels of government.
In democratic countries the executive body usually
consists of heads of state such as kings or presidents,
and their ministers. According to Budiardjo(2008)
stated that: "The Executive Board in a broad sense
also includes civil servants and the military. The task
of the executive body, according to the traditional
interpretation is azaztriaspolitica, only implements
policies that have been determined by the legislature
and enforces the laws made by the legislature.
However, in the implementation of the executive
institution very freely in the space of motion ". The
function of the Local Government is to make policy,
development and social. Article 25 of Law Number
32 Year 2004 concerning Regional Government
states that the Regional Head has the following duties
and authorities:
1. Leading the administration of regional
government based on policies determined by the
2. Submitting draft of Regional Regulation.
3. Establish a Regional Regulation that has been
approved by the DPRD.
4. Arranging and submitting a Regional Regulation
plan on the APBD to the DPRD to be discussed
and determined together
5. Strive for the implementation of regional
6. Representing the area inside and outside the court,
and can show the authority of attorney to represent
it in accordance with statutory regulations, and
7. Carry out other duties and authorities in
accordance with statutory regulations.
Regional authority as regulated in Law Number
22 Year 1999, article 7 states:
1. Regional authority encompasses authority in all
fields of government, except authority in the field
of foreign policy, defence, justice, monetary and
fiscal affairs, religion and authority in other fields.
2. The authority of other fields, as referred to in
paragraph (1) includes policies on macro national
development planning, financial balance funds,
state administration systems and state economic
institutions, development and human resources,
utilization of natural resources and strategic high
technology, conservation and national
Seeing from the authority of autonomous regional
government, government can be divided into three
groups (Manan, 1996)
1. Government in the strict sense of the
administration of executive authority or state
2. Government in a rather broad sense, namely the
implementation of certain executive and
legislative authority attached to autonomous
regional government.
3. Government in the broadest sense which includes
all spheres of state positions in the executive,
legislative, and so on.
The executive and legislative relationship can be
seen from two main alternatives, namely the
parliamentary government system and the
presidential government system. The government
system is defined as a way of working relations as
well as functional relations between state institutions.
The parliamentary system is usually defined as a form
of constitutional democracy possessed by the
legislature. Thus, the executive can be dismissed
through a vote of no confidence. In contrast to the
presidential system, usually the chief executive is
directly elected by the people through presidential
elections. Because it is directly elected by the people,
the president as chief executive cannot be overthrown
through a motion of no confidence by parliament.
According to the concept of "triaspolitica"authority
in the state is divided into three namely, Legislative
authority, Executive authority and judicial authority.
With the separation system, the concept of
"triaspolitica" is an atmosphere of "check and
balance" because each authority can supervise each
other, test it so that it is impossible for the authority
organs to exceed the predetermined authority. Thus
there will be consideration of authority between these
institutions. The concept of "triaspolitica" is a
modification in the western system of government.
Based on the opinions of the experts above, the
researcher argues that the participative dominance of
the political legislature can lead to the dominance of
the executive or legislative body in government. That
is due to competition so that political parties are not
united in supporting the government. This situation
will make the executive unable to control the
members of the council / legislature through the
political party concerned (coalition), so that the
members of the board will lose their authority over
the executive.
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
2.4 Division of Executive and
Legislative Authority
Indonesia adheres to anauthority-sharing system
which is greatly influenced by philosophical thoughts,
especially by philosophers John Lock and
Montesquieu. John Lock in the book titled Treatises
on Civil Government in Ismail Suny (1985) separates
authority in each country into legislative authority (the
authority to make laws) and also executive authority
(implementing laws). The two authorities between the
executive and the judiciary must be separated. In
addition, every country has other authorities, which
are also called federative authorities. Half a century
later a philosopher named Montesquieu in his book
entitled "L'Espirit des Lois" perfected that in every
government there are three types of authority namely
executive, legislative and judiciary.
According to him, these three authorities must be
separated from each other. Jennings (1956) discusses
more about "Separation of Authority" and divides it
into two meanings, namely the separation of material
authority and also the separation of authority in a
formal sense. The separation of material authority is
the separation of authority in the sense that the
distribution of authority is maintained firmly in the
tasks or functions of the state which characteristically
shows the separation of authorities in three parts
(executive, legislative, and judiciary). Whereas what
is meant by the separation of authorities in the formal
sense is if the division of authority (executive,
legislative and judiciary) is not maintained firmly.
The Indonesian constitutional system does not
adhere to any state system, but is a unique system
according to the personality of the Indonesian nation,
but is inseparable from the teachings of Trias
Politica. Trias Politica is a normative principle that
authority should not be handed over to the same
people to prevent abuse of authority by those in
authority so that citizens' human rights are guaranteed
and there is no arbitrariness from the authorities.
TriasPoliticawhich are now being widely applied are,
the separation of authority to 3 different institutions:
the Legislature, the Executive, and the Judiciary. The
legislature is an institution for making laws; the
executive is the institution that implements the law;
and Judiciary is an institution that oversees the
running of the government and the country as a
whole, interprets the law if there is a dispute, and
imposes sanctions on any institution or individual that
violates the law.
With the separation of the 3 authorities in the 3
different institutions, it is hoped that the running of
the government of the country will be unequal, avoid
government corruption by one institution, and will
bring up a check and balance mechanism (mutual
correction, mutual balance). Nevertheless, the course
of TriasPolitica in each country is not always smooth
or without obstacles. According to the teachings of
the TriasPolitica, the authority of the State must be
separated and each is carried out by its own organs.
The separation of authority is not only differentiated
and separated from one another, but must also be
handed over and carried out by separate organs of the
state. The separation of state authority is not in one
hand or organ only, so it is feared that it can cause
abuse by these organs.
The research design used in this study is a descriptive
method with a qualitative approach. The basic
consideration of why a qualitative approach is used,
namely: first, the researcher wants to find meaning,
understanding, and understanding of a phenomenon,
event, or human life by being directly and/or
indirectly involved in the setting under study,
contextual, and holistic.
The researcher is not collecting data once or all at
once and then processing it, but step by step and the
meaning is concluded during the process from the
beginning to the end of the narrative activity. Second,
researchers try to interact with people in these
situations in other words researchers try to enter the
subjective aspects of people's behavior to understand
better on how and what meaning do they construct
around events in their daily lives. Third, training
sensitivity and adaptability by sharpening the mutual
influence and value patterns encountered. The results
of the data obtained were done using descriptive-
analytical methods.
Descriptive analytical method is also a solution to
the problem investigated by describing or describing
the state of the subject or object of research (a person,
institution, community and others), at the present time
based on facts that appear or as they are. There are
two characteristics of the descriptive method, namely:
first, focusing on the problems that exist when the
research is done or the problems that are actual;
secondly, describing facts about the issues
investigated as they are, accompanied by sufficient
rational interpretations.
The location of this research is the Office of the
Regional Tax and Retribution Management Agency
(BPPRD) of Medan City, the Office of the Regional
People's Representative Assembly (DPRD) of Medan
City, the Office of the Mayor of Medan, and the
Attraction of Executive Interest in the Establishment of Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2011 in Medan City
Office of the Land Agency of Medan City, State
Enterprises/Private Companies, and the community
in Medan City.
Regional autonomy has implications for governance
that must be oriented to improving the welfare of
society by always paying attention to the interests and
aspirations that grow in society. Many aspects have
emerged from regional financial reforms. However,
the most common spotlight for regional financial
managers is the aspect of fundamental changes in the
management of local budgets (Regional Regulation
No. 3 of 2011), namely the change from traditional
budget to performance budget.
Changes in the regional budget paradigm are
carried out to produce regional budgets that truly
reflect the interests and expectations of the local
community towards economic, efficient and effective
management of regional finances. And reduce the
role of both executive and legislative interest groups
so that the Medan City Regional PAD target is
achieved and avoided by dirty games that harm the
people of Medan City.
While the rules that must be followed in the
Regional Head's policy are Law No.32 of 2004,
among others the direct election of regional heads
will make the accountability of regional heads
stronger than the accountability of DPRD. As a result
of these conditions, there will be an emphasis on
political authority that is not balanced, so that the
position of regional heads is strengthened. That the
consequences of direct elections, the DPRD and
regional heads will be directly responsible to the
voters. Therefore the regional head no longer submits
the report.
The responsibility to the DPRD, but the
mechanism is regulated in article 27 paragraph 2,
therefore the mechanism of responsibility of the
Regional Head is regulated as follows: a)
Circumstances to the President. The Minister of
Home Affairs in the form of LPPD (Regional
Government Implementation Report), b) Next to the
Regional People's Representative Assembly but in the
form of LKPJ (Accountability Statement Report), c)
Down to the community in the form of IPPD
(information on the Implementation of Regional
The DPRD will continue to have authority in the
fields of legislation, budgeting and control if the
DPRD is able to use that authority effectively, then
the DPRD is expected to be able to create balance and
strength with the executive (Regional Head).
Significant changes have occurred in the construction
of the current Regional Government, where there is
clarity between political officials (Regional Heads
and DPRD) and career officials. Political officials are
tasked with formulating political policy, while career
officials operate the policy into public service.
Based on the description above it appears that
with the direct election of regional heads by the
people will be able to increase their political
legitimacy in leading regional governments and at the
same time create checks and balances in relation to
the DPRD. However, if the DPRD is too weak or
controlled by the same party as the regional head, it
will create anauthority shift towards executive heavy.
For this reason, the empowerment of the DPRD and
the community is very important to create a balance
between the regional executive and the DPRD.
The Regional House of Representatives is a public
policy maker while the Regional Government
(Regional Head) is the implementer of public policy.
But both have their respective duties and functions, as
stated in article 25 of Law No.32 of 2004 concerning
the duties and authorities of Regional Heads, as well
as the duties and functions of the Regional House of
Representatives listed in article 1 point four, which
states that the DPRD is an institution people's
representatives as elements of regional government
organizers. The article shows that the Regional House
of Representatives has a position that is as a people's
representative and as an element of regional
government administrators. These two positions often
cause problems, especially in conflicts of interest
which will complicate the position of the DPRD's
political elite in the decision making process,
especially in determining public policy.
The interest groups, especially the executive in the
enactment of Regional Regulation No. 3 of 2011 in
Medan, have an executive effort to influence the
placement of articles on tariffs and tax targets whose
results are then expected to be a tool for political
campaigns and imaging to the public. While other
interest groups include the legislative, property
developers, land speculators, mass organizations in
the city of Medan trying to influence the placement of
articles on tariffs, the sale value of tax objects, the
determination and reduction of tax targets that the end
result of political transactions for the interests of the
party, personal, colleagues and cronies who will
benefit as much as possible from the difference in the
rates and value of the tax object.
The view of Perda No. 3/2011 as the target of the
Medan City government in realizing PAD determines
the UN target based on its own will without academic
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
studies and consideration of its tax potential (it can be
seen that the UN target jumped up 100% more in 2012
when it became a local tax). As a result, the Medan
City Government's balance sheet has soared but the
potential sources are unclear. By raising the tax
target, especially the United Nations, it seems to
indicate a good performance and successfully made a
breakthrough in achieving PAD.
Policies that prioritize procedures for managing
the budget by carrying out large-scale spending and
accommodating it into the budget of the new Medan
Municipal Government then determine its resources
(buy/procure and then adjust the funds), resulting in
the many Pemko Medan projects that cannot be paid
for and camouflaged by the tax target as a source of
PAD was not achieved, whereas on the one hand the
determination was not based on academic studies and
the potential value of the region. Determine the UN
tax rate based on Perda No. 3 of 2011 only 2 tariffs,
namely 0.2 for under 1 billion tax object sales value
and 0.3 for NJOP above 1 billion, so that people are
burdened with significant taxes without going
through thorough study and calculation".
According to Ahmad Arif in an interview in July
2018 stated: "Because this is an interest of the Medan
Municipal Government in adding PAD as a real
support, our interests are only fighting for the
aspirations of the people. Yes, there really is because
the determination of the tax proceeds is too large so
that changes to the Perda occur by issuing Perda No.
6 of 2012 as an amendment to Law No. 3 of 2011. At
that time, the aspirations of our people were conveyed
and an agreement was made to make important
changes. Because this tax is a mainstay in the
development of Medan City".
Seeing these conditions, we can analyze that the
stipulation of policies or regulations that become the
basis for running a governmental wheel based on the
wants and needs of the people and to create good local
government (good local government) is only an issue
and phenomenon at the theoretical level and the result
of relations between the executive and legislative
branch in a discussion on Perda No. 3/2011 does not
seem to have implications for the development and
welfare of the people of Medan City, the results may
be directly at the level of the bureaucracy and
Public policy issued after approximately nine
months processed in the womb of the government
plus the DPRD is an effort to tackle the problems
faced by the community in an area, because it is an
effort to tackle public problems, the policy should
favor the interests of the people. It would be very
logical if the problem and alternative solutions to the
problem also come from the people and this is where
the function of development is not just a spark of
thought or even imagination of the policy makers in
the house of the people's representatives plus the
In the process of establishing Regional Regulation
No. 3 of 2011 in Medan City, some of the main actors
involved, that are the executive, legislative and
various community organizations that seem to have a
direct interest in the Regional Regulation, play the
most dominant role, especially in providing
suggestion on the legality aspects and information
about whether or not a Regional Regulation is born.
Whereas the legislature has more absorbent role than
those who defend and fight for the interests of the
In making public policy, the Medan City
government must prioritize the interests of the
community rather than the personal interests or
interests of certain groups. And the government
should give more time in the socialization of the
making of this Perda and better accommodate all
proposals and suggestion from the public, so that the
interests of the community can be a counterweight to
the interests of the government.
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Attraction of Executive Interest in the Establishment of Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2011 in Medan City