program in the development of this maritime tourism
village can be implemented in harmony.
Besides being known by people who are still thick
with Javanese cultural values, small fishermen in
Tambak Lorok are also known as religious
communities. They have a strong Islamic belief
system of the existence of God as an almighty
substance and influence all their activities as
creatures. For small fishermen in Tambak Lorok,
every activity they do is always supervised by God. It
is this belief that underlies them to carry out a series
of religious services and rituals so that they will
receive strength, protection and salvation from the
Lord of the universe. These religious rituals are
personal and communal rituals. Personal rituals they
usually do in their homes such as prayer, dhikr, alms
and reading the Qur'an. They also do personal rituals
in the form of slametan when they acquire new items
such as new boats, new homes, and other objects. For
communal rituals, they usually do it in mosques, in
residents' homes, and in open spaces. This communal
ritual takes the form of recitation, yasinan (reading
the Qur’an Surah Yasin), and sea alms. In connection
with the changes in the physical and social
environment due to the development of this maritime
tourism village, religious rituals give them peace of
mind, certainty of life, and the strength of social
solidarity to deal with every problem that exists.
The next social system that makes small
fishermen in Tambak Lorok able to adapt and deal
with any changes that exist is the strong social
institutions they have. Their village is divided into
several RWs and RTs which in addition to regulating
population problems, also become a mediation for
residents in overcoming every problem they face. For
example, the waste problem that used to be a big
problem that cannot be resolved, can now be resolved
by the existence of a garbage bank that is coordinated
by PKK women in each RT. Likewise with mutual
cooperation and village security activities, it is also
coordinated by the heads of the local RT, so that when
there are teenage fights can be resolved with the
mediation of the RT heads and and the local
community. In addition, the kinship between citizens
also strengthens their social institutions.
Socio-cultural changes due to changes in the physical
environment experienced by small fishermen in
Tambak Lorok require them to be able to adapt to
existing conditions. The many socioeconomic
problems they faced when their fishing village was
changed to become a marine tourism village
demanded that they have to have a variety of ways to
solve it. The complexity of the problem is not only
related to the psychology of citizens personally, but
also the psychology of the community as a
community. The success of small fishermen in
Tambak Lorok in overcoming the problem is caused
by their resilience or survival skills. This resilience
utilizes social systems that exist in society such as the
actualization of local cultural values, the
externalization of religious spirituality, and the
strengthening of the social institutions they have.
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