The Implementation of GEMPAR as Farmer’s Character Building in
Pesticide Toxicity Prevention
Eka Lestari Mahyuni
, R. Hamdani Harahap
, Urip Harahap
and Nurmaini
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Character-Building,Farmer, Gempar, Pesticide.
Abstract: Pesticide toxicity was the problem that difficult to solve cause the improper habit of farmers in pesticide
use. This study aimed to analyze the implementation of GEMPAR as character building of farmers in
pesticide toxicity. This is the participatory action research based on qualitative approaches. The study
conducted in Karo’s farmer of Sumber Mufakat village. The sample taken by purposive technique sampling
resulting in 20 farmers that distribute on 9 hamlets. All process gathering with in depth interview and FGD.
Data were analyzed using realist evaluation to create the social change into farmer’s character building. The
results found that GEMPAR has eight step to change the farmer’s character when using the pesticide. The
steps are recognize the hazard of pesticide, using the appropriate PPE, paying attention to the wind
direction, storing pesticides in safe place, safe disposal of pesticide package, personal hygiene, reporting in
immediately and use the natural pesticides. All steps are designed to be comprehensive and meet the level of
health services. Therefore, GEMPAR as sustainable action could be expected as character building of
farmers while using pesticides. The obstacle of GEMPAR lies in the appropriate assistance process which
needs to be considered as support of local government.
The pesticide use in Indonesia as an agricultural
country is quite high and widespread. Thousands of
farmers are poisoned by pesticide in daily and every
year estimated in million people suffer of pesticide
toxicity. This phenomena was a serious problem in
agricultural communities in poor and developing
countries (Achmadi, 2005; World Health
Organization, 2017). Pesticide toxicity is a condition
that could be occur due to exposure to chemical
used. Besides it is giving positive impacts such as
increasing agricultural production and decreasing
food borne disease and vector borne disease,
pesticides also have negative impacts, namely
toxicity which could be in systemic or non-systemic
effect, acute, and chronic symptom (Lu, 2006;
Aktar, Sengupta and Chowdhury, 2009; Yuantari,
2011; Mahyuni, 2015).
WHO states acute toxicity of pesticides never
goes away as a record. The prevalence of acute
toxicity due to pesticides in several countries such as
Nicaragua, Indonesia, Vietnam, Brazil, China,
Bangladesh, Cambodja, and India reaches 8.8% to
88%. Even pesticide toxicity giving the harmful
effects such as cancer, disability, infertility and
hepatitis each year (Purwati., 2010; Zhang et al.,
2011; Fikri, Setiani and Nurjazuli, 2012; World
Health Organization, 2017). The toxicity incident
caused by pesticides use occurred in North Sumatra
with 120 victims and in Central Java two people
died due to the pesticide with active ingredients of
diazinon (Sentra Informasi Keracunan Nasional,
2017). Pesticide toxicity is also experienced by Karo
farmers ranging from 55.26% to 91.25% (Dinas
Kesehatan Kabupaten Karo, 2008).
Chronic toxicity is more difficult to detect
because it is not immediately felt and does not cause
specific symptoms and signs. However, chronic
toxicity in a long time caused the health problems.
Some health problems that are often associated with
the pesticides use include eye and skin irritation,
cancer, miscarriage, defects in infants, nerve, liver,
kidney and respiratory disorders, multiple myeloma,
sarcoma, prostate and pancreatic cancer, uterine
cancer, breast cancer, neurobehavioral, as well as
Mahyuni, E., Harahap, R., Harahap, U. and Nurmaini, .
The Implementation of GEMPAR as Farmer’s Character Building in Pesticide Toxicity Prevention.
DOI: 10.5220/0010012801320138
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 3 2019) - Social Engineering Governance for the People, Technology and Infrastructure in
Revolution Industry 4.0, pages 132-138
ISBN: 978-989-758-472-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Hodgkin (Arcury and Quandt, 2003; Alavanja,
Hoppin and Kamel, 2004; Engel et al., 2005;
Deborah, 2006).
Various efforts have been made to reduce the use
of chemicals in agricultural sector. Starting from the
IPM program, the 6T principle, biopesticides, to the
organic farming system. But there are no farmers
who have a concern in reducing the risk of
poisoning. The cause refer to un-comprehensive
programs running which top-down system. Various
methods are carried out such as eco-farming, urban
farming and even the United Nations directing the
family farming program for sustainable farming
systems (Sumarti et al., 2007; Kurniasari, Hartati
and Riwayati, 2009; Moekasan and Prabaningrum,
2011; Tanziha, 2011; Syahyuti, 2016; Setiawan,
Redjeki and Nasution, 2017; Arfan and Araswaty,
Community development is an effort to help
community groups to have a voice and influence on
life-related issues that can accommodate the
interests of the community (Pitchford and
Henderson, 2008). GEMPAR is a social movement
as an effort to develop the community in preventing
pesticide toxicity. GEMPAR is an acronym for
Gerakan Masyarakat Petani Atasi Racunwhich is a
movement carried out by farmers to overcome all
phenomena of pesticide problems. GEMPAR
consists of eight steps arranged to overcome the risk
of toxicity as primary, secondary, and tertiary
prevention. The GEMPAR movement carried out
easily and simply with the aim of being able to play
a role in character building of farmers who are
health and safety while using pesticides as their
daily needs (Mahyuni, 2019).
This study aimed to analyze the implementation
of GEMPAR as character building of farmers in
pesticide toxicity.
This study is an applied study with Participatory
Action Research (PAR) based on qualitative
approach. Participatory action doing by the farmers
in eight movement of GEMPAR. Participation of
community showed in how to implement of
GEMPAR as action of characteristic building in
pesticide toxicity prevention. All action step taken
on subjects and carried out by involving the active
participation of the community in health and safe of
pesticide usage. GEMPAR as community
development that the farmer will be change and
create the farmer’s character building (Stringer,
1999; Koch and Kralik, 2009; Mardikanto, 2010).
The research was conducted on farmers at
Sumber Mufakat, Kabanjahe as a pilot project of
GEMPAR. This village has 9 hamlets with
horticultural farming communities in Sumber
Mufakat Village, Kabanjahe, Karo. The sample
taken by purposive technique sampling resulting in
20 farmers that distribute on 9 hamlets.that selected
as agent of change for 9 hamlets with criteria
committed, healthy, communicated, and able to
work together. Data collected by using in-depth
interviews and Focus Group Discussion (FGD), self-
report and participatory observation.Data were
analyzed using realist evaluation to create the social
change into farmer’s character building. The
analysis divided into conceptual text, how the
mechanism and the evaluation of
intervention.Ethical clearance has been proposed
and used by researchers by giving freedom to
participants (autonomy), doing good (beneficience),
not harming (non-maleficience or do not harm), and
confidentiality (confidentiality) of the ethical
Karo Regency is an area with a majority ofpeople
engaged in agriculture. Plant species are dominated
by horticultural crops which are prone to disturbance
so it requiredthe intensive attention and frequent of
pesticidesuse. Intercropping planting patterns tend to
make farmers use many types of pesticides in a day.
The pesticides use is also inappropriate and not
according to procedure. Farmers always increase the
dose of pesticides used by themselves. Farmers often
mix 3 or even 5 types of pesticides at once for
spraying. Direct contact often occurs because
personal protectionis not used. As a result, resistance
to pesticides can be assumed to increase in Karo
farmers. Organochlorin type pesticides such as
Gramaxon and Roundoup are still used as the cause
of 21 poisoning cases in January-October 2017
period (Mahyuni, 2015; Mahyuni, Yustina and
Sudaryati, 2017; Rumah Sakit Umum Kabanjahe,
Pesticide toxicity was the problem that difficult
to solve cause the improper habit of farmers in
pesticide use. Based on the results of previous
studies, several risk factors contribute to triggering
poisoning due to the pesticides use including type of
pesticide use, health status, frequency of spraying,
length of service and wind direction, pesticide
The Implementation of GEMPAR as Farmer’s Character Building in Pesticide Toxicity Prevention
dosage, duration of spraying and spraying time, level
of knowledge, farmer's working attitude including
storage method, mixing place, method handling
pesticides after spraying, use of Personal Protective
Equipment, eating and drinking behavior during
breaks and direction of spraying; last history of
spraying, bathing well, smoking while spraying,
history of training or counseling, position of
spraying on wind direction and age, carrying,
storing, transferring concentrate, mixing, spraying
and cleaning the spray equipment used (Budiyono
and Prastowo, 2005; Ruhendi, 2008; Prijanto,
Nurjazuli and Sulistiyani, 2009; Budiawan, 2014;
Rahmawati and Martiana, 2014; Mahyuni, 2015;
Yuantari, Widianarko and Sunoko, 2015; Ipmawati,
Setiani and Danudianti, 2016; Osang, Lampus and
Wuntu, 2016; Suparti, Anies and Setiani, 2016).
These various risk factors contribute to
increasing the health symptoms. The effect of
pesticide residues could disrupt steroid metabolism,
impair thyroid function, affect spermatogenesis; and
disruption of the endocrine hormone system
(Suhartono, 2014). Symptoms of poisoning
experienced include paraesthesia, tremors,
headaches, fatigue, vomiting, pupils or iris slits
narrowed so that vision becomes blurred, watery
eyes, foaming mouth, lots of saliva, dizziness, heavy
sweating, rapid heartbeat, nausea, stomach cramps,
diarrhea, difficulty breathing, paralysis, and
fainting(Yuantari, 2011).
Pesticides toxicity allows the risk of
hypothyroidism (Suhartono, 2014). Pesticide
exposure in pregnant women reduce the quality of
growth and development of children and trigger an
increase in the incidence of stunting (Suhartono and
Dharminto, 2010). Exposure to pesticides can affect
the state of hemoglobin which causes anemia
(Kurniasih, Setiani and Nugraheni (2013) and there
is a significant relationship between the dose of
pesticides with blood sedimentation rate (LED) in
farmers using pesticides (Utami, Dangiran and
Darundiati, 2017). Pesticide poisoning can also
cause skin sensitivity disorders (Dini, Nurjazuli and
Dewanti, 2016).
Based on the concept of poisoning, we need a
mechanism to reduce the risk of pesticide poisoning.
One step is to control the risk of pesticide poisoning
and the achievement of health independence that is
integrated with all parties involved through
empowering the farming community in an effort to
protect and care for farmers while using pesticides.
Community empowerment in the health sector is the
main target of health promotion. Society or
community is one of the global strategies for
promoting health empowerment as a primary target
that has the will and ability to maintain and improve
their health (Kementerian Kesehatan Republik
Indonesia, 2010).
Empowerment as a step to move the masses have
an impact on changes in the behavior and culture of
a person or community. This change is done through
education that can support the development of the
character of healthy farmers in using pesticides.
Education was the determinnat of character
formation, personality and the facilitator is the key
factor of the succesfull implementation of character
building (Fatoni, 2017). Empowerment will create
renewal agents that are able to turn a wrong concept
into a true concept through socialization, training
and assistance. To remind, the lack of funding and
lack of training surfaced as key barrier to
implementing of character building (Witherspoon,
2007). GEMPAR was created to solve the risk factor
of pesticide toxicity related into primary, secondary
and tertier prevention of health.
Gerakan Masyarakat Petani Atasi Racun
abbreviated as GEMPAR is formulated to be
solution of the risk factors problem or determinant
phenomena for pesticide toxicity. GEMPAR also
adapted to the culture of local farmers who have
kinship each other.
Agent of change is an important part of the
community movement. An intervention will be
easier to implement and more effective with the
influence of agent of change, those limiting the
human toxicity and accesibility of the pesticide,
quality, affordability and accesibility a healthcare in
the community (Eddleston et al., 2006).
In this study the agents of change chosen had the
commitment to overcome the poison and distributed
in nine hamlets at Sumber Mufakat village that
collected into 20 people. All agents of change are
educated and conduct GEMPAR actions which
participate in ongoing analysis of each GEMPAR
steps. The education provided also increased the
active participation of the community and
directlyassessed the toxicity prevention program
conducted through GEMPAR. The community
involvement is very effective in supporting wider
promotion of GEMPAR. Educationis often proposed
to promote the safer practice in pesticide use. There
is no policy able to trigger a self sustaining
behavioral change. But the the approaches could be
implement based on constant social control and
participation that would lead farmers to create new
thinking and to be change as their decision (Feola,
Gallati and Binder, 2012).
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
The results found that GEMPAR has eight step
to change the farmer’s character when using the
pesticide. The steps are recognize the hazard of
pesticide, using the appropriate PPE, paying
attention to the wind direction, storing pesticides in
safe place, safe disposal of pesticide package,
personal hygiene, reporting in immediately and use
the natural pesticides. All steps are designed to be
comprehensive and meet the level of health services.
Therefore, GEMPAR as sustainable action could be
expected as character building of farmers while
using pesticides.
GEMPAR is carried out in such a way as to
change the awareness of the farmers community that
always use pesticides in appropriate and correct
accompanied in slowly that will switch to using
natural pesticides. The mechanism of community
movements in GEMPAR is carried out by setting the
indicators compiled through FGD with the
community in three cycles of change. It means the
interventions are made easier for farmers to
implement social change so that healthy farmers are
formed (See Table 1). At last, there are eight steps of
GEMPAR could be carried out as follows:
1. Every farmer reads the packaging of pesticides
used to recognize the dangers of pesticides and
knows the early symptoms of poisoning before
2. Every farmer uses complete personal protection
in the form of a ninja mask, anti-fog glasses,
gloves, and protective waterproof clothing,
3. Every farmer pays attention to the direction of the
wind during spraying pesticides that facilitated
through the GEMPAR flag placed on the
farmer's field,
4. Every farmer keeps pesticides in a closed
container and placed in a safe place and out of
reach of children,
5. After spraying, the farmer discards the remaining
pesticide residue in a closed container,
6. After spraying, farmers clean themselves by
bathing or washing their hands with the help of
acem acem leaves,
7. If the farmer experiences complaints related to
the pesticides used, he can report the complaint
by fill in the SEDARA (Sehat Dari Racun) Card
to be forwarded to the village office,
8. Every farmer can slowly switch to using natural
pesticides and leave synthetic chemical
pesticides to achieve healthy and natural
agricultural products.
These eight GEMPAR have been carried out
continuously and become accustomed to the
community. It shows the formation of character
through GEMPAR has been well established and
socialized. The manifestation of GEMPAR has been
investigated includes the formation of GEMPAR
Community which has characteristics as a
community that cares about the farmer’s health with
mindset to prevent toxicity due to pesticides use. As
the final destination, Sumber Mufakat farming
community will move to an organic system where
ther is no any chemical using to increased farmer’s
agricultural productivity.
Based on the evaluation results, the form of
acceptance from GEMPAR has expanded by itself
not only in the research locations, but extends to
other villages covering one district. This is
supported by the community gathering habits where
there are meetings from various regions and farmers
share their experiences when they are met. Agents of
change who gather in GEMPAR’s community
always share their experiences and promote the eight
movements to reduce the risk of pesticides toxicity.
The implementation of GEMPAR is able to
improve the behavior of pesticide use that is safe and
in accordance with procedures, so that the incidence
of poisoning due to pesticide use is reduced by
around 70%. Farmers' understanding also increased
to work safer and healthier about 93%. Farmers also
use complete personal protection routinely at 100%,
and farmers begin to think about avoiding use of
chemical pesticides and switch to safer pesticides
that are not even made of chemicals around 60%.
Social engineering through GEMPAR is able to
stimulate farming communities to participate more
and spread GEMPAR actions and become part of a
community that has the aim of reducing the risk of
pesticide poisoning. The challenge of GEMPAR will
increase farmer awareness by itself because farmers
will continually improve every process and change
experienced while involved in GEMPAR action.
Issue of character building might be enhanced by
promoting all aspects and identifying the meaning of
character and virtue. Actually all of the individual
factors were implied to (Gherardi and Nicolini,
2002; Bryan and Babelay, 2009).Study of
personality related to situationist theory of human
behavior in the organizational setting. Its variability
looks that people's behavior is likely to be quite
inconsistent with regard to the patterns of expected
behavior (Alzola, 2008).
The Implementation of GEMPAR as Farmer’s Character Building in Pesticide Toxicity Prevention
Table 1: Matrix of GEMPAR cycle in focus group discussion.
GEMPAR Cycle 1 GEMPAR Cycle 2 GEMPAR Cycle 3
Recognize the hazard of pesticide
Recognize the hazard of pesticide
Recognize the hazard of
pesticide used
Use appropriate personal
Use complete personal protection
Use complete personal
The direction of the wind has no
effect because it cannot be controlled
Note the direction of the wind
when spraying is marked with a yellow
GEMPAR flag in the field
Note the direction of the wind
when spraying is marked with a
green GEMPAR flag in the field
Keep pesticides in a safe place Keep pesticides in a closed place
Keep pesticides in a safe place
that is closed
Plant all remaining pesticides
Discard the remaining pesticides in
their place
Discard the remaining pesticides
in their place
Personal hygiene
Clean yourself after spraying with
acem-acem leaves
Clean yourself after spraying
with acem-acem leaves
Report toxicity complaints
Report toxicity complaints
Report toxicity complaints
Use natural pesticides so that
farmers are healthy
Use natural pesticides to make
farmers healthy (organic systems)
Use natural pesticides to make
farmers healthy (organic systems)
But the weakness of GEMPAR lies in the
individual perception that characterizes the village
community. Perception of rural character shows that
density is less important in an individual's
perception of rural character that are concepts of
community, livelihood and signs of development
and change. It needs to planner to factor in the
perspectives of local players like stakeholders in the
regency. In the other hand have to examine the stress
use, psychological need satisfaction, goal setting and
goal storming provide promising leads to explain
how strength interventions work. Strengths
interventions have been incorporated into broader
programs aimed at enhancing well being and
achievement.(Tilt, Kearney and Bradley, 2007;
Quinlan, Swain and Vella-Brodrick, 2012). It shows
that the obstacle of GEMPAR lies in the appropriate
assistance process which needs to be considered as
support of local government.
The formation of farmers' character in preventing
pesticide toxicity due to inappropriate pesticides use
could be realized in a community development
program that is manifested in the action of
GEMPAR (Gerakan Masyarakat Petani Atasi
Racun). GEMPAR has the characteristics of
preventing toxicity in pesticides use contained in 8
preventive steps are recognize the hazard of
pesticide, using the appropriate PPE, paying
attention to the wind direction, storing pesticides in
safe place, safe disposal of pesticide package,
personal hygiene, reporting in immediately and use
the natural pesticides. These movement as character
building to reach the healthy farmer without
pesticide to reduce the risk of pesticide toxicity.
We thank you for all participation of agent of change
that very commit with GEMPAR that held in
Sumber Mufakat Village. This program wouldn’t be
sustainable without Mr. Dinis Karo Karo as the
leader of village and thankfully for Mr. Timur
Taraigan, Mr. Japet Tarigan that has collaborated to
effort this prevention program. We hope, by
GEMPAR all of farmers community in Sumber
Mufakat Village could be the icon of Healthy
Village without chemical hazard.
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