KB Village is an area where the number of pre-
Prosperous Families (KS) and KS-1 (poor) is above
average and the number of KB participants is below
the average achievement of KB participants at the
village/ subdistrict level. The purpose of establishing
a KB village is to improve the degree of public
health including the nutritional status of children
under five.
Stunting problems illustrate the existence of
chronic nutritional problems, influenced by the
condition of the mother/prospective mother, the
fetus, and infancy/toddler, including illnesses
suffered during infancy. Therefore, improvement
efforts must include efforts to prevent and reduce
interference directly (specific nutrition
interventions) as well as efforts to prevent and
reduce indirect interference (sensitive nutrition
interventions). Specific nutrition intervention efforts
focused on the First 1,000 Days of Life (HPK)
group, namely pregnant women, nursing mothers
and children 0-23 months. Sensitive nutrition
interventions are contributions from other sectors
such as food security, availability of clean water,
sanitation, poverty, education, social, etc.
Research Ni'mah, et al. (2015) about the factors
that influence the incidence of stunting in infants in
the working area of the Tanah Kali Kedinding
Health Center, Surabaya. Variable length of low
birth babies (OR = 4,091; CI = 1,162-14,397),
toddlers not exclusive breastfeeding (OR = 4,643; CI
= 1,328-16,223), maternal knowledge about
malnutrition (OR = 3,387; CI = 1,410-10,658) , low
family income (OR = 3,250; CI = 1,150-9,187) and
low maternal education (OR = 3,378; CI = 1,246-
9,157) are factors that influence the incidence of
Stunting in infants with p values <0.05. Based on
Aridiyah's research (2014) about the factors that
influence the incidence of Stunting in children under
five in rural and urban areas in Jember Regency.
The specific objectives of this study are as
1. To analyze the influence of sociodemography
(age, education, occupation) on Stunting events.
2. To analyze the effect of mother's knowledge on
the Stunting incident
This research model is an observational study with a
cross sectional design in which the free and bound
variables are measured once at the same time. The
population of this study were all children under five
years old who were registered in KB Village,
namely Environment VII, VIII, IX of Payah Pasir
Sub-District, Medan Marelan District and
Environment V and IX of Sicanang Sub-District,
Medan Belawan District. The sample was a number
of children under five years old who were registered
in KB Village, namely Environment VII, VIII, IX of
Payah Pasir Village, Medan Marelan District and
Environment V and IX Sicanang Village, Medan
Belawan District. The number of samples in this
study was 104. Respondents were mothers of
children under five who were registered in KB
Village, namely Environment VII, VIII, IX, Payah
Pasir Sub-District, Medan Marelan District and
Environment V and IX Sicanang Sub-District,
Medan Belawan District. The sampling technique
was carried out by proportionally with simple
random sampling taken from the data of children
under five years old who were registered in KB
Village, namely Environment VII, VIII, IX, Payah
Pasir Sub-District, Medan Marelan Sub-District and
Environment V and IX, Sicanang Sub-District,
Medan Belawan District. Data collection techniques
were carried out interviews using a questionnaire
that has been tested and tested for validity and
reliability testing. Data analysis technique was done
by using Univariate Analysis to present data on the
frequency distribution of proportions from cases and
controls and Bivariate Analysis performed a chi-
square test to assess the degree of significance (p)
and PR to determine the magnitude of the influence
of the independent variable on the dependent
3.1 Univariate Analysis
Based on the research conducted in Medan KB
Village, the distribution of the proportion of
respondents found in the Table 1. It can be seen that
the distribution of the proportion of respondents by
age is highest in the age group of 20-35 years which
is 72.1% (74 people) and the lowest in the age
group> 35 years which is 27.9% (29 people). The
distribution of proportions based on the highest
education in high school graduates was 43.3% (45
people) and the lowest at the Diploma level was
3.8% (4 people). Based on the results of categorizing
education, it was found that the proportion of
respondents with high education was 52.8% (55
people) and the proportion of respondents with low
education was 47.1% (49 people). Based on work
the highest proportion of respondents in mothers