Acceleration Of Region Development In The Outer
Environment In Medan City” it can be concluded that
the existence of infrastructure development in the
Medan Tuntungan District of Medan is implemented
quite effectively and is able to add and improve some
facilities and infrastructure, not only road
infrastructure, health infrastructure, educational
infrastructure, but also increase economic
infrastructure. Although the infrastructure
development carried out in the Medan Tuntungan
sub-district area has not been optimal, the actions
taken by the Medan Tuntungan sub-district
government have brought a better change, and made
the atmosphere and environment of the people safer
and more comfortable. Factors that support
infrastructure development in Medan Tuntungan
Subdistrict include the support of all citizens towards
government policies through proposals submitted to
the City Government regarding the need for
infrastructure development in Medan Tuntungan
Subdistrict, in the context of accelerating regional
development, the ability of the Medan Tuntungan
District Head to approach the leadership of the
organization. vertical of the City government and
coordination with several related institutional leaders,
Law Number 33 of 2004 concerning financial balance
between the central government and regional
governments and the safe and harmonious condition
of the community environment so that infrastructure
development in the Medan Tuntungan District can be
carried out properly. Factors that hamper
infrastructure development in Medan Tuntungan
Subdistrict are the lack of public awareness of the use
and maintenance of infrastructure provided by the
government, so that conditions are easily damaged.
Such as the use of vehicles that have a burden that
exceeds the maximum transport limit, the limited
regional budget for infrastructure development such
as road construction, education, health and the
economic sector, so that the acceleration of regional
development cannot be actualized, and funding
factors are often late so often projects development
stalled so that it does not reach the target time of the
Based on the results of research that has been
done, the suggestion from the author is that the people
of Medan Tuntungan District must be more aware of
the use and maintenance of infrastructure that has
been provided and built by the government. So that
the infrastructure that has been built can have good
conditions. Such as the use of vehicles that have a
burden that exceeds the maximum transport limit.
And the budget allocated for development can be
increased, so that the acceleration of development can
be realized properly.
Thank you to the Research Institute of the Universitas
Sumatera Utara with the Contract Number: 4167 /
UN5.1.R / PPM / 2019, dated April 1, 2019 for
providing research funding so that this research can
be carried out and published.
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