the remainder is 55.6% Influenced by other variables
not contained in this study.
Based on the results of the research, data processing
and analysis and discussion have been done as
1. Based on the results that of the three free
variables are motivation, destination image, and
satisfaction is seen that only Motivation
variables that do not have a significant influence,
while other variables have a significant effect on
the loyalty of tourists visiting the tourist areas of
North Sumatera province. Associated with
existing theories, simultaneous results indicates
that the free variables consisting of motivational
variables (X1), Destination image variables (X2),
and Contentment (X3) simultaneously have a
positive and significant effect on the bound
variable i.e. Travellers loyalty (Y).
2. Based on the research that the majority of
tourism visit North Sumatera province is
dominated by women with the highest
percentage whose activity is a student in terms of
age between 17 to 25 years.
3. Based on the research that the tourism site in the
province of North Sumatera in this case Lake
Toba, Bukit Lawang, and Berastagi is the
mainstay sector of tourism that is dominant in the
visit by tourists.
4. Based on the results of the study that the level of
visit to North Sumatera province tourism is
categorized low. This is why travellers are
difficult to decide on loyalty decisions for tourist
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