quality of the performance of the specialist doctors.
However, these can happen if the specialist doctors
accept and assume that the performance measurement
is a source of information that can help them to
improve their performance. These can happen if
every specialist doctors is informed of the results of
their performance measurement as well as followed
by explanations of the measurement results and how
to improve their performance (Giesbers et a.l, 2014).
From the results of the above research and discussion,
it can be concluded that the barriers perceived by
specialist doctors in government hospitals in Medan
City about the performance measurement of specialist
doctor are non-transparency and miscommunication
between the specialist doctor itself, with the HR
department as well as the financial section of the
system performance measurement of a specialist
Therefore, all sections related to performance
measurement, such as medical committee, HR
department, finance section and specialist doctor
themselves must provide time to sit together, to
explain the overall performance management
process, then the calculation of medical services from
performance measurement results, and more recently
determine the target number of patients treated in
each specialist doctor. After the measurement, a
specialist should be aware of the results of the
specialist doctor’s performance measurement by
means of the medical committee should be able to
provide time and choose a neutral, special place, and
there is no limit table between the medical committee,
the HR department, the finance department and the
specialist, although performance measurement results
can already be viewed online. The medical committee
should prepare for an interview by reviewing the
results of an existing performance measurement and
the reasons for the performance measurement. Firstly
a specialist doctor should see that the feedback
provided comes from a credible source. This is
important to be done so those specialist doctors are
satisfied with the performance measurement process
that has been done. Another important thing is to let
a specialist doctor discuss his thoughts and feelings
and set performance goals for future goals.
Thanks to Universitas Sumtera Utara which has
funded this research (TALENTA University of
Sumatera Utara) through Non PNBP fund for Fiscal
Year 2017.
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