antioxidant properties of anthocyanin and carotenoids
which protect cells from oxidative damage due to
oxidative stress and the presence of anthocyanin and
carotenoids will play a role in increasing cell
proliferation. The ability as an antioxidant is also
shown by the results of increased SOD and decreased
MDA. The repairing pancreatic Langerhans islets in
DEE, DEA, and DMEEA were not different from
what happened in diabetes given metformin drug
(COP). Metformin can repair the pancreatic
Langerhans islet, not because of its antioxidant
properties but through its ability to increase insulin
sensitivity, thereby increasing GLUT4 levels and
blood glucose uptake to the tissues causing blood
sugar to decrease. This condition causes endocrine
cells to regenerate by mitosis or proliferation (Song,
2016; Rena et al., 2017).
Figure 2 went through starts from tamarillo in the
form of ethanol extract and acetone extract. Ethanol
extract predominantly contained anthocyanin, while
acetone extract was more dominant containing
carotenoids. From the dominant type of anthocyanin
i.e: pelargonidin 3-rutinoside and the dominant of
carotenoid type i.e: β-cryptoxanthin which were
antioxidant function. They could suppress oxidative
stress by reducing MDA levels, increasing SOD
levels. That condition would cause cell repair such as
β-cells on the pancreas Langerhans islet, so the β cell
could increase to producing insulin which was used
to reduce blood sugar in STZ-NA induced diabetes
rats. Decreasing of oxidative stress also could reduce
insulin resistance, so the insulin sensitivity increased,
further GLUT4 activity increased, followed by the
increase of glucose uptake, then also decreasing of
blood sugar.
Tamarillo extract that caused synergism of
anthocyanin and carotenoid compounds with
different polarity properties could decrease oxidative
stress in STZ-NA induced diabetes rats by decreasing
malondialdehyde (MDA), increasing the level of
superoxide dismutase (SOD) and repairing of
Langerhans islet of pancreas rats. Its mechanism of
decreasing oxidative stress with decreased MDA,
increased SOD, so impaired of Langerhans islet,
moreover improved function of beta cells/HOMA-β
following improved β-cells function, moreover
increased insulin level than would decrease blood
sugar. Other hand decreasing oxidative stress also
implied decreasing HOMA IR/insulin resistance, so
improved insulin sensitivity, moreover increasing of
GLUT activity, then increasing of uptake glucose
following to decreasing of blood sugar.
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