honor. Because reading together will strengthen the
brotherhood (fellowship), especially among the
followers of tarot, in general with all Muslims.
Manaqiban is practiced once a month as a bond
between followers by reflecting on the struggles of
the teachers and imitating them in their daily lives.
This activity also has a profound effect on the peace
of the soul, especially during the event.
4.4 Tanbih as TQN Way of Life
The rise of terrorism and radicalism shows a shift in
human views about human values. In this case sufistic
education becomes very important and is very much
needed by individuals and communities. The moral
and weak character of the community needs to be
developed in many ways because the form of Sufistic
education is vertically moral and has good worship of
Allah SWT, and horizontally is moral good to fellow
The Sufistic Education in the text of the Tanbih
Murshid of the Qadiriyah Naqsyabandiyah (TQN)
Congregation, of course, is also intended to contribute
to minimize the phenomena of terrorism and
radicalism. Tanbih is religious advice given by a
Mursyid teacher in the form of an order (testament)
which is distributed to all his students. The entire
contents of the Tanbih texts are always read by
students (Ikhwan) TQN Suryalaya in each ritual of
the Manakib program. The order of its position is read
after the recitation of the Holy Qur'an. This shows the
importance of Tanbih for every brother The tanbih
manuscript is a religious advice given by Abah Sepuh
to Abah Anom on February 13, 1956 (11 years after
the proclamation of Indonesian independence), which
contains a form of an order (will) which was
distributed to all brothers (all followers/
practitioners/murders of Mursyid TQN Suryalaya)),
both men and women, young or old, as follows:
"We are a place where people come with their
questions about TQN, and we present with full
sincerity a will to all students, to be attentive to
everything, that is, not to take action against State
and religious rules. Obeying both of them
appropriately, it is the attitude of a man who is
steadfast in his belief, who is able to manifest his
willingness to serve both (the State and Religion)
and show obedience to Allah SWT. This action
shows as proof of service to the State and religion.
Understand O students, do not be tempted by bad
desires, or be influenced by the temptations of
Satan. Be aware and be careful of the wrong path,
which is against the commands of religion and the
State in order to avoid attraction to the whisperings
of Satan who always enter into the recesses of our
hearts" (Arifin, 1983).
The text above suggests that there is a need for a
symbiosis between ethics (religion) and politics
(state) in finding solutions to various problems in the
social and political fields. Citing Rais's (2001)
opinion, that political ethics consists of six elements,
namely justice (al-'adl), deliberation (as-Shura),
equality before the law (al-Musawa amama Al-
Qonun), protecting honor (himayatul karomah al-
Insaniyyah), freedom (al-Hurriyah), and social
control for government accountability (riqbatul
ummah wa mas'uliyah al-hakim).
In addition, the Tanbih Mursyid TQN Suryalaya
above also gave confirmation and understanding
through his Sufi education to the TQN brothers about
the effort to make the ideal relationship between
fellow humans as well as possible. By encouraging
the ikwan to be able to show the social good that is
obtained through purity of heart, which boils down to
the four elements of individual status in society. First,
the ikhwam must show respect for the higher level,
both spiritually and statusually. This must be done so
that they can live together in harmony and mutual
respect for mutual benefit.Second, in order not to
engage in disputes for each of the civilizations with
the same status / fate / status in all respects, they must
maintain a modest attitude, working together for the
benefit of the TQN, the country and the religion. Not
promoting quarrels and disputes.
Third, do not insult or do anything unkind, do not
act arrogantly toward the lesser of us. Instead, people
need to be sympathetic so that they feel happy, not
afraid and do not hurt their feelings. Instead they
should be guided by gentle advice that will make
them realize they need to walk the right path.
Fourth, to the poor (the poor), the Brotherhood
should be gentle, kind, generous, patient, and
generous with smile which is the embodiment of the
consciousness of the animals for their fate. It should
be noted that they are weak and or poor not in their
own right, but are the Qadrat of Allah Almighty.
4.5 Values of Political Ethics in Tanbih
Spiritual crisis is the root of the problems that lead to
various life crises, both religion, morality, outlook on
life, ideology, social, economic, cultural,
humanitarian, leadership, and of course politics. The
spiritual crisis is caused by moral pain that is in the
hearts of human hearts. The heart disease is the
willingness to obey Satan's temptations and desires.
If, humans obey this, evil attitudes can take over
themselves, such as ignorance, arrogance, jealousy,
arrogance and others. This will create negative things
such as violence and rudeness, and this will result in