physician based on the opinions of some experts
(Lalongkoe and Edison, 2014; Mardjikoen, et al.,
2015; Claramita, et al., 2016; Ganiem, 2018) but there
are factors which influences therapeutic
communication from Lalongkoe and Edison (2014).
When patients have an inadequate educational
background and knowledge, physician use words and
language that are easily understood, understood and
digested by patients, while patients have adequate
educational background and knowledge, physicians
use words and language that are appropriate so the
patient does not feel dictated or patronized. This is
contrary to the wishes of the informants who do not
want to be differentiated based on their level of
education. Therefore, although this is an important
aspect for physicians to consider when
communicating with patients, do not let this offend
the patient.
However, if the results of this study are applied in
a hospital and become a minimum standard of patient
expectations, it will be more difficult for the hospital
to satisfy the same patient when the patient comes
back to the hospital. Therefore, the results of this
study can be the highest standard that can be achieved
by a physician when communicating with patients,
not the minimum standard that must be achieved by a
physician. However, if the patient forgets this ideal
expectation, the hospital can use this expectation
standard and have the same impact repeatedly when
the patient comes back, ie the patient is satisfied with
the therapeutic communication behavior of the
physician every time the patient comes to the hospital
(Rust and Oliver, 2000).
Therefore, the physician's behavior in therapeutic
communication based on the patient's perspective was
that the physician invites the patient or the patient's
family to joke (pleasantry) and the physician does not
discriminate patients based on their level of education
Physicians and hospitals can use this patient's
expectations as the highest standard that physicians
can meet when communicating with patients. The
lecturer can make this patient's hope an example for
medical students about the ideal therapeutic
communication behavior. If the physician performs
with excellence of these two things, then the patient
will feel well received by the doctor at the beginning
of the examination.
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