mean or unkind to others (Livingstone, 2011).
Livingstone explains teenagers online activities, as
follow: doing homework (90%), information seeking
(94%), send/receive e-mail (72%), playing games
(70%), instant messaging (55%), visiting political
sites and social problems (55%, +12y.o),
downloading music (46%), looking for school
information/career (44%, +12y.o), quiz (44%), online
shopping (40%, +12y.o), reading news (26%, +12
y.o), looking for advice (25%, +12 y.o), visiting chat
room (21%), uploading photos/strories (17%),
intentionally visiting porn sites (10%).
The motives of internet using can be groupped
into four, that are: looking for information,
entertainment and excitement, communication and
transaction (buying or selling products).
Although teenagers use internet to do their school
tasks, internet activity on teenagers mostly for
fullfiling their excitement needs. They learn from
their friends how to make a social media account,
looking for information, playing online games and
visiting porn sites (Qomariyah, 2009).
Many studies about intenet using in teenagers
show that internet is like a two-sided sword. At one
side is helpful for information source (Livingstone,
2009); useful in learning-teaching process (Bosch,
2009). But,the other side is a negative one such as
degradation of student achievement, have contact
with someone unknown, visiting porn sites, internet
addiction (Cho & Cheon, 2005; Leung & Lee, 2011),
and even a death (Livingstone, 2009).
All risks or the negative side as consequences of
the internet use and teenagers’ exploration on the
internet said by Livingstone (2011) as online risks.
Online risks are including: contact with pedophilia,
exposed by violence, sexual violence, rasism,
advertising, cyberbullying, being stalked, harrasment,
internet gambling, scam, hurting self like suicide,
bulimia, anorexia, and so on.
Online risks are differentiated into: (1) content
risks where children/teenagers are not allowed to get
messages that not appropriate with their age; (2)
contact risks where children in group or individual
participate in risk communication; (3) conduct risks
where children themselves make a risk content or
contact risks (Staksrud & Livingstone, 2009).
Uses and Gratifications theory is used in this
research to discover about online risks in Medan
teenagers moreover to know and explain how the
external and internal factors affect the online risks.
From many studies about internet use in teenagers,
actually there are not much researches which use the
uses and gratifications theory and media uses
approach. There are four (4) approaches about online
risks and internet function on children/teenagers
based on researches that done before. They are: 1)
internet in everyday-life; 2) media literacy; 3) media
uses; 4) media effects. Among those researches done
before, there is no research using the Uses and
Gratifications as an approach or framework.
McQuail (2010) said that media effects can be
intended or unintended, as expected or unexpected.
Kind of changes caused by media are: 1) intended
change, where media can make an intended change;
2) unintended change, where media can make an
unintended change; 3) minor change (form or
intensity), minimal change happens; 4) facilitate
change (intended or not), where media just as a
facilitator for the change happens as expected or not;
5) reinforce what exist (no change), where change
does not happen but just reinforcing existing beliefs;
6) prevent change, where media intend to prevent the
change through slowly delivering idological content
so can restrain the unintended change happen.
McQuail (2010) established the typology of
media effects based on process and link the intended
and unintended with short term and long term
effect.those typologies are: 1) planned
effect/intended- short term; 2) unplanned effect- short
term; 3) planned effect/intended- long term; 4)
unplanned effect/unintended-long term.
Typologies that relate with online risks are
unplanned/unintended- short term effect, and
planned/intended-short term. There are types of
effects in those typologies. They are: 1) individual
reaction, unpredictable and unplanned consequencies
as results of media exposure, such as imitation and
learn about agressive and deviant behavior including
suicide. McQuail (2010) states that this type of effect
is kinds of individual strong emotional respon, sexual
arrousal, anxiety and fear; 2) individual respon, a
process in which an individu is changing or refuse to
change as exposed by messages that are created to
affect someone’s cognitive, attitude and behavior.
Typology relates with online benefit is that media can
make a planned intended change and also unplanned
Based on the discription how the online risks that
teenagers face while using the internet, this research
addresses questions, such as:
a. What are the Medan teenagers’ motives to access
information through social media?
b. How do the Medan teenagers’ habits while access
the information through social media?
c. What are content risks, contact risks, and conduct
risks that Medan teenagers meet while accessing
information through social media?