Science Literacy Level of Global Warming Issue to Sustainable
Lifestyles of Elementary School Teachers
Juhadi, Apik Budisantoso, Febrina Larasati and Edy Trihatmoko
Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia
Keywords: Global warming, Sustainable Lifestyle, Teacher of Elementary School.
Abstract: This research aimed to identify the scientific literacy level of global warming and its correlation to the
sustainable lifestyles of the teachers of elementary school, including how they implement it. The research
goal was conducted since global warming phenomena affect the balance of ecology and human life. For this
reason, mitigation in the education sector is needed. Disaster mitigation in terms of education refers to the
policies of the Ministry of Education and Culture. The policy document includes the application of scientific
literacy in learning to prepare people for global warming. Besides, the policy document aims to foster a
sustainable lifestyle as an effort to overcome the increasing ecological footprint that exceeds the existing
space capacity. Therefore, this must be instilled in children's learning from an early age. Learning an old age
put the teachers with a critical role so that we put the teachers as the primary sample research. The research
data was processed using quantitative and qualitative descriptive data analysis techniques. The result shows
77% of teachers have moderate science literacy level of the global warming, then for sustainable lifestyles,
there are about 77% of teachers in the "good" category and 23% of teachers in the moderate group. For the
implementation, the teacher still uses the lecture method with the LKS handbook.
As an ecological imbalance, Global warming is a
process of increasing the average temperature of the
Earth's atmosphere. This phenomenon caused by
increasing greenhouse gases that now being an
international consensus among scientists (Juhadi et
al., 2013 Smith et al., 2019). These greenhouse gases
make sunlight cannot be reflected out of space
optimally so that it accumulates in Earth and make the
surface temperature increase (Wuryandari, 2016).
The increasing temperature is calculated at 0.8 °C on
the global mean surface temperature (GMST) since
the beginning of the industrial era based on the special
report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) in 2019 (IPCC, 2019). To-third of the
temperature increased began in 1975. So that
scientists limit the "safe" temperature of the Earth's
surface at 1.5 °C.
Human activities that trigger an increase in
greenhouse gases are the excessive use of fossil fuels.
Those activities are related to the utilizing of motor
vehicles, industrial activities, deforestation, air
conditioners usage. The accumulation of carbon
compounds in the atmosphere potentially gives
damage to the ozone layer and other adverse effects
(Meiviana, 2004) as had been recorded in 2015, 18.35
billion tons of carbon dioxide released on the Earth’s
atmosphere (Sulistyo, 2015). By the rapid
development and carbon-emitting, the amount of
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere must increase by
the present time. As had been recorded, the increasing
number of motor vehicles in Indonesia, from 2015 to
2017, was around 121 million, 129 million, 138
million, respectively (BPS, 2018).
The increasing number of motor vehicles will
cause an increase in CO2 in the atmosphere. Where
CO2 is one of the constituents of greenhouse gases, it
will trigger more greenhouse gases that accumulate in
the atmosphere and cause more heat from the sun
retained on Earth. This condition will threaten the life
of living things on Earth, including humans
(Anenberg et al., 2012; Hansen et al., 2013; Hao et
al., 2016). If this phenomenon is allowed to continue,
it will have an impact on the ecological balance. To
overcome this, the Ministry of Education and Culture
(Kemendikbud) in 2017 urges the public to master
scientific literacy.
Science literacy defines as an ability to
understand, communicate, and use science to solve
Juhadi, ., Budisantoso, A., Larasati, F. and Trihatmoko, E.
Science Literacy Level of Global Warming Issue to Sustainable Lifestyles of Elementary School Teachers.
DOI: 10.5220/0010018502990304
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 3 2019) - Social Engineering Governance for the People, Technology and Infrastructure in
Revolution Industry 4.0, pages 299-304
ISBN: 978-989-758-472-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
problems and bear the attitude of sensitivity for their
own and their environment (Arif, 2017).By science
literacy, the community is expected able to have the
skills to use their scientific knowledge in making wise
attitudes toward the environment.
This attitude and high sensitivity towards the
environment is also called sustainable lifestyle. A
sustainable lifestyle is a concept adapted from the
concept of sustainable development, which states that
development or improvement of people's welfare in
meeting needs without ignoring future needs. A
sustainable lifestyle is more directed to a personal
lifestyle that can be done by individuals in their daily
activities related to environmental preservation so
that the environment has a sustainable function for the
next generation (Saraswati, 2012). Sustainable
lifestyles are possibly associated with small things
that we do every day and can have an impact on the
The concept of global warming and sustainable
lifestyle scientific literacy must be instilled from an
early age. At this early age, children tend to imitate
the things around them quickly, as the nature of early
childhood characteristics (Kartadinata, 2003).
Therefore, the teacher's role is crucial in early
childhood learning because the teacher will later
become a role model for their students (Rosidin and
Suyatna, 2017). Teachers are also expected to have a
good understanding of global warming literacy and
sustainable lifestyle literacy so that they can be
modeled and can achieve successful learning. From
the above, the writer will examine how the level of
scientific literacy of "global warming" of the
sustainable lifestyles of elementary school teachers.
This research was conducted in Bangsri Village,
Bangsri District, Jepara Regency, Central Java, in
June 2019. The population of the research area was
76 teachers. From this population, the number of
samples taken by purposive sampling, as a sampling
technique with specific considerations, namely the
teachers who take care of the grade classes of 4, 5,
and 6 because they began to teach global warming in
particular subjects. Based on the criteria of the
research, the samples are collected up to 30 teachers.
The research was conducted in Bangsri Village as one
of the villages in Bangsri District, Jepara Regency.
Bangsri Village is located at 6 ° 31 '59 "- 6 ° 32 '15"
South Latitude and 110 ° 44 '22 "110 ° 46 '0" East
Longitude. Bangsri Village is in an area with a height
of <500 m above sea level, so it can be categorized
that Bangsri Village has a gentle topography. Bangsri
Village has an area of 748.78 Ha or equal to 7.49 km2,
partly dominated by forests in 45% and buildings in
37% and other as mix land uses. Rainfall in Bangsri
District itself is around 1127 mm/year, with 98 rainy
The population in the Bangsri Village is around
17,998. The population density of Bangsri village is
around 2,403 per km2. In addition, the sex ratio of
Bangsri Village is 99 from 8,932 for the male
population, and 9,066 for the female population. So
there are every 100 women there is 99 male
Bangsri Village has eight public elementary
schools with a total of 98 classrooms. Besides, in the
village of Bangsri, there are also two private primary
schools with a total of about 14 classrooms with a
total of 235 students and 17 teachers.
4.1 Science Literacy Level of Global
Based on the analysis of primary data from the
questionnaires, 77% of teachers have scientific
literacy of global warming at a moderate level, then
13% of teachers have scientific literacy of global
warming at a low level, and 10% of teachers have
scientific literacy of global warming at a high level.
From the percentages can be described that the
average teacher of this research sample has a
moderate science literacy level of the global
warming. To teach a subject matter, the teachers must
have good knowledge so that there are no
misconceptions when teaching students, this
statement in line with Dal et al. (2015); Abidin,
Mulyati, and Yunansah (2017); Rosidin and Suyatna,
2017; Dal et al. (2019). The theory stated that teachers
must be able to become effective teachers in terms of
personal quality, knowledge, reproduction skills of
practice, and problem-solving.
From the results of primary data analysis, it is also
known that several trends can be seen from the
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
background of the teacher being studied. Because the
teachers have backgrounds such as employment
status, age, and different teaching classes. The results
of the primary data analysis stated that the teachers
who teach in grade 6 tend that their global warming
literacy is at a moderate-high level.
Then for teachers who teach in class 5 tend to have
the level of global warming scientific literacy at a
moderate level, and for teachers who teach in grade 4
tend to have the level of global warming scientific
literacy at a low-moderate level.
This can be caused by the teacher placement
factor at a grade level also influenced by the level of
knowledge they have (Rosidin and Suyatna, 2017;
Dal et al., 2019).
Then for employment status does not affect how
the level of scientific literacy of the global warming
possessed by teachers because based on the results of
primary data analysis of 13% of teachers who have
low scientific literacy level of the global warming
comes from teachers who have certification of the
employment status and for 10% of teachers those who
have high scientific literacy level of the global
warming are also teachers who have certified of the
employment status and for 77% of teachers who have
global warming literacy which is comprised of
teachers who have both certification and non-
certification employment status.
So it cannot be said that teachers who have
certified with scientific literacy status are all high or
low as well as teachers who do not have certification.
This condition is in line with Abidin, Mulyati, and
Yunansah (2017) that the real development of
teachers lies in the willingness and ability to develop
themselves when they have become teachers.
As seen in Figure 1 there are six parameters for
two indicators, namely knowledge indicators
consisting of 3 settings, namely content, procedural,
and episystemic knowledge. episystemic is the term
to understand the role of defining the critical features
and specific constructions. This term also identifies
as the process of building knowledge in science
(Abidin et al., 2017). For the second indicator as the
competency indicator also includes 3 parameters,
namely the parameters for science usage in explaining
global warming, preparation of scientific
experiments, and interpretation of data and facts.
Figure 1: Graph of comparison of parameters in global
warming science literacy. Source: primary data analysis,
In Figure 1, the indicator of episystemic
knowledge has a low value compared to other
parameters in terms of knowledge parameters. It
seems ironic considering that episystemic knowledge
is an essential term in global warming. As for the
indicators of competency, the science usage in
explaining global warming has the lowest value,
among other competency parameters.
The two low parameters indicate that the teachers
have not mastered the global warming scientific
literacy yet. So that when teaching global warming,
the teachers will face the difficulties of using
scientific terms.
In addition to these two parameters, the skill
parameters compiling scientific experiments also get
the lowest value after the parameters of the use of
science in explaining global warming. Because based
on the results of observation also showed that the
sample was never taught using simple scientific
experiment methods in the classroom. So when
answering questions for this parameter, the teachers
are having difficulty getting the conclusions.
When compared between the two indicators, the
knowledge indicator has a higher average value than
the competency indicators. Based on the results of the
primary data analysis, the overall teachers have a
higher knowledge value than competency or skill.
4.2 Sustainable Lifestyles Attitude
The sustainable lifestyle attitude will be grouped into
three categories: good, moderate, and not good. And
based on the results of primary data processing, there
are 77% of the teachers have good sustainable
lifestyles, and 23% of teachers are categorized into
moderate category. Besides, there are about 76% of
teachers who have been certified. With this
certification program, teachers receive a one-time
salary allowance so that it can be used to improve
economic conditions. By having a good financial
situation, it will also affect individual consumption.
Sustainable lifestyles have the following indicators:
Science Literacy Level of Global Warming Issue to Sustainable Lifestyles of Elementary School Teachers
Table 1: Percentage of Each Category on Sustainable
Lifestyles Indicator (Source: Primary data analysis, 2019).
lifestyles Indicators
Not Good Moderate Good
Intensity of
Motorbike Use
20% 63% 17%
Energy Saving
17% 53% 30%
Paper Use 7% 70% 23%
Tissue Use 13% 70% 17%
Meat Consumption
13% 63% 24%
Tree planting 10% 73% 17%
Plastics Use 10% 70% 20%
AC Use 6% 67% 27%
Based on Table 1, the highest percentage of “not
good” attitude is the usage of motorbike. From the
analysis of the statement items on the questionnaire,
it is known that there is around 53% of the sample
traveling for both short and long distances
Furthermore, 73% of the sample answered that
they are always using a motorbike when leaving for
Figure 2:Teacher's motorbike parking.
The use of motorbikes for working can also be
affected by the distance between the house to school.
Based on the questionnaire, the distance can be
categorized into three groups; 500 m (23%), 600-1
km (27%), and 1.5 km (50%). So, the use of
motorbikes becomes essential to improve mobility.
However, the use of the motorbikes cannot easily
be stopped since Indonesia is located at the latitude of
the equator geographically, which has a tropical
climate so that the air tends to be hot so that the
majority of people become dependent on motorized
vehicles. But we can be wise in using a motorbike, for
example, when the intended distance is close, we can
use a bicycle or even walking. Besides, the
government has also provided public transportation to
become a choice.
The next indicator is life-saving behaviour.
Around 53% of the teachers were categorized to have
a good energy-saving behaviour. As had been shown
in the analysis of the questionnaire. For examples, the
teachers have aware to turn off electronic equipment
including the unoccupied room when they are not
being used. As shown by picture below that the
classroom lights and the teacher's room are turned off
during the daytime and equipment such as televisions
and fans also turned off when not in use.
Figure 3: Teacher’s room condition.
The third indicator is the use of paper; 50 % of the
teachers sometimes uses scrap paper to give
assignments. One of them is making a craft from
paper recycling, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Craft from paper.
The fourth indicator is the use of tissue. An
average of 70% of teachers has relatively good use of
tissue. Even though 66% of the samples answered that
sometimes they bring a tissue to school, but the
teachers did not show it to students, as shown in the
picture below, which did not show the use of tissue
on the teacher's desk.
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
Figure 5: Teacher’s table condition.
Furthermore, for the indicator of meat
consumption, some samples have non-consumptive
lifestyles. It is also proven that 46% of the teachers do
not often consume meat in a week. In this case, the
teachers' lifestyles are already healthful because even
though 76% of the teachers already have certification
status and include civil servants (PNS), that means
having a higher income level.
To plant a tree, 40% of the teachers often plant
trees at home, and 50% of the sample answered
sometimes. The teachers always choose because it is
influenced by land and area factors, other than that to
plant trees cannot be done every day. Then to plant
trees to train students, there is 70% of the sample
answered often. Even so, there are some schools
whose parks are poorly maintained, as shown below.
Figure 6: Garden in school.
The next indicator is the use of plastic, 63% of the
sample that sometimes brings lunch to school because
as it is known that schools provide tea or water in the
glass provided in the glass as shown in Figure 5, but
in the items replacing plastic with shopping bags,
66% of the sample Never carry shopping bags when
shopping. The conclusion, on average, about 70% of
the sample stated a quite good attitude for plastic
Figure 7: Optimizing of using glass for drinking water.
The last indicator is the use of air conditioner
(AC) 80% of the sample does not use AC at home,
20% of the teachers often answered and sometimes
used AC at home, this indicates that there are about
20% of samples that have AC at home. As figured out
from the status of employmentwho have been
certified, there are around 76% of the teachers that are
considered capable of buying air conditioners related
to their employment status. However, in reality, only
20% of samples have air conditioners at home. This
phenomenon shows a proper attitude of using air
The level of scientific literacy of the global warming
of elementary school teachers by 77% is still
considering in the moderate category. On the other
hand, the tremendous knowledge is needed to teach
students and avoiding misconceptions, linearly with
the theory that the quality of the teacher's explanation
and expertise will affect the success of student
learning (Hiller in Laksana, 2015). Of the 77% of
global warming scientific literacy results, the teacher
is more knowledgeable about global warming than
the practice of applying that knowledge into a
scientific experiment or data interpretation because
based on the results of the interview also note that the
teacher does not use scientific experiments at all in
teaching class.
Science Literacy Level of Global Warming Issue to Sustainable Lifestyles of Elementary School Teachers
With a moderate level of global warming
scientific literacy, teachers have a "good" sustainable
lifestyle attitude of 77%. The economic level of the
teachers influences the lifestyle attitude, including
their needs. There are about 76% of the sample who
have certification of the civil servant employment
status are considered having good financial
conditions and can meet the consumption needs of
tertiary and energy consumption for sophisticated
electronic equipment. Still, even so, these eight
indicators for sustainable lifestyles show proper
The authors would like to thank all the elementary
school teachers and the residents of Bangsri Village.
The last to all those who helped this research.
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