The Commitment of Stakeholders in Resolving Hoax Phenomenon at
Medan, Sumatera Utara
Munzaimah Masril
Communication Science Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan,
Keywords: Social Media, Hoax, Stakeholders, Commitment.
Abstract: The rise of the news Hoax has led to social turmoil that led to the potential for conflict. Some many individuals
and groups are victims of Hoax information on social media. Preaching about Hoax is ultimately considered
to be news that is considered true; precisely what is fake news. Social media, which was created to update
personal status or findold friends who are separated, has turned into a means for someone to express political
opinions, comment on the opinions of others. Social media has changed its function to become a place for
people to find undirected conversations and fake news. In addressing the problem of Hoax, it is needed the
commitment of stakeholders such as government, non-government organization (NGOs) community,
academics, social media activists, and also the societies.
Social media provides a space for users to voice their
thoughts and opinions in the thought process. The
devices on social media act as a stage for users of state
buildings to share their outfits as they have not been
Mass media is often the mouthpiece used by
citizens as a medium to convey their aspirations. It's
just that the opportunity to be published in the mass
media also cannot happen easily.There are editorial
work mechanisms and policies that are provisions,
while if expressing aspirations through political party
mechanisms, there is a structure that must be passed
from the lowest level to the top and takes sometimes
complicated procedures.
Therefore, an aspiration is sometimes only
stopped at chatter or issues that are only circulating in
a coffee shop or other gathering place.Social media is
present to bring new values in the middle of its user's
social, religious and economic issues. Then what is
noted is that since social media has emerged and
various types of content can be uploaded, what
citizens do and their collaboration with mass media
institutions is transformed into something new. This
makes the information that develops in the
community must be confirmed because the source of
information is very diverse (Juditha, 2018).
Moreover, the trend of news interest that is read
by users of social media is only adjusted to the tastes
of each individual, which makes the truth of the
information consumed by the public increasingly
misleading. This phenomenon is evidenced by the
widespread circulation of false news (hoaxes) in the
community that is spread through social media. Based
on data released by the Ministry of Communication
and Information (Kemkominfo), throughout 2018
there were at least 800,000 (eight hundred thousand)
hoax spreading internet sites with various motives
and goals (Yuliani, 2019).
Furthermore, the Ministry of Communication and
Information said that from August 2018 to April
2019, 1731 fake news reports were successfully
identified, verified, and validated by the AIS Team of
the Ministry of Communication and Information. The
political category hoax is said to dominate the total
number of false news stories during this period with
620 fake news items, in other words, the most
widespread hoax distribution circulated in April 2019
before the implementation of the Democratic Party
(Maharani, 2019).
The increased of hoaxes, especially in big cities in
Indonesia, is inseparable from the increasing number
of internet users in Indonesia. North Sumatra
Province, which is the province with the most
population number 4 (four), the region with the
number of internet users reaching 994,000 people in
Masril, M.
The Commitment of Stakeholders in Resolving Hoax Phenomenon at Medan, Sumatera Utara.
DOI: 10.5220/0010018803120316
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 3 2019) - Social Engineering Governance for the People, Technology and Infrastructure in
Revolution Industry 4.0, pages 312-316
ISBN: 978-989-758-472-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the city of Medan. This fact makes the spread of false
news (hoaxes) one of the main problems in Medan.
According to data from the Sub Directorate (Subdit)
II/Cyber Crime the Special Criminal Directorate
(Ditreskrimsus) of the North Sumatra Regional Police
has handled 8 (eight) cases of hate speech and hoaxes
between July 2017 and February 2018. This data will
certainly continue to grow until the middle of 2019,
so research on how the phenomenon of hoaxes that
occur in the city of Medan and how to anticipate
hoaxes in a social media framework needs to be
This study uses a qualitative method with a
constructivist paradigm based on case studies. The
method of collecting data for this research is used
interviews and FGDs, while also using data from
international journals, national journals, books, and
media news releases.
The collection of research data is then carried out
through a review process of documents or reports
related to research conducted based on phenomena on
social media, government policies, and stakeholders'
formulas in overcoming deception, specifically in
3.1 Digitalization Process and the
The development of the internet has had an impact on
changes in the political, economic, social and cultural
fields. One of the developments in science and
technology that is progressing very rapidly is the
development in the field of information technology.
It is marked by the birth of the internet, which is
scientifically referred to as cyberspace (Juliswara,
Concerning the digitalization process, the
dimension of state sovereignty then expanded, which
no longer consisted of land, sea and air space, but also
virtual space. The virtual space that is portrayed from
the internet has created a new legal regime known as
the law of the internet, cyberspace law, or telematics
law. Thanks to the internet, information exchange
takes place faster and faster. The internet and its
supporting technological devices seem to want and
have made the world almost united (Kellner, 2011).
Beware of the increasingly stretching of internet
technology and the number of users, the Government
of Indonesia through the Ministry of Communication
and Information has prepared a number of regulations
to regulate various types and models of information,
one of which is the Law of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 11 Year 2008 concerning Information and
Electronic Transactions (ITE Law).
The ITE Law, in addition to being a sign of
changing orientation, models and information
systems in Indonesia, also marks the return of state
restrictions on information, including information
received via the internet (Atmaja, 2014).
Zain Noval, the Head of the Office Agency of
Communication and Information Medan, said:
"Social media is one of the online media where its
users can carry out various activities including
communicating with each other, looking for
information, and adding new friends, with all the
features it has. Communication in social media
becomes very easy because communicating using
social media is no longer limited by distance, time,
and space. Communication can occur anywhere,
anytime, and even without face to face” (Interview,
That is, the use of massive communication
technology can be found in various places and
situations, and we can easily meet people who are
interacting with other parties who are connected
through its gadgets. In the domestic sphere, from the
living room to the bedroom, communication
technology is scattered side by side with human life.
The increasingly prominent role of communication
technology in our midst, it can be seen clearly that
lifestyle changes that occur apply in almost all circles,
children, adolescents and adults (Nilan and Fexia,
The presence of the internet as a form of
technological development in the field of
communication is a matter that is familiar to modern
society in Indonesia. Previously, internet technology
was only used to send electronic messages via email
and chat, but it was also often used to search for
information through browsing and googling. But
along with the times, the internet can give birth to a
new network commonly known as social media
(Nugraheni & Yuni, 2017).
Furthermore, until now law enforcement in
Indonesia is experiencing difficulties in dealing with
the phenomenon of electronic crime (cybercrime).
This is because there are still very few law
enforcement officers who understand the ins and outs
of information technology (internet).
In addition, law enforcement officials in the
regions are not ready to anticipate the rise of this
The Commitment of Stakeholders in Resolving Hoax Phenomenon at Medan, Sumatera Utara
crime because there are still many law enforcement
officials who have not been literate about technology.
Then there are still many law enforcement institutions
in the regions that are not yet supported by the
Internet network.
During 2018 alone there were 292 cases related to
the ITE Law, this number has doubled compared to
the previous year with a total of 140 cases.
Defamation becomes the most favorite criminal case
with 149 cases, followed by hate speech cases with
81 cases, while violation cases are in third place with
71 cases. As many as 35.92 percents of people who
reported cases of the ITE Law were state officials,
including regional heads, agency/ department heads,
ministers, and security forces. While lay reporters or
the public recorded 32.24 percent (Yuliani, 2019).
3.2 The Hoax Phenomenon on Social
Hoax in the Oxford dictionary (2017) is interpreted as
a form of fraud whose purpose is to make humor or
bring danger. The phenomenon of the Hoax case
occurred due to several things, mainly related to the
interests and lack of filtering news information on
social media from the authorities. This makes it easier
for hoax makers and spreaders to do their jobs.
Substantially, the presence of Law No. 19 of 2016
concerning Amendment to Law No. 11 of 2008
concerning Information and Electronic Transactions
is inevitable from social media user protest
movements throughout Indonesia. Especially in the
article on defamation, many of which caused strong
reactions from the public where freedom of
expression on social media was felt to be restricted
(Mahmoud & Auter, 2009).
Based on the latest data from the Ministry of
Information and Technology (2019) which revealed
that of 1,146 respondents, 44.3% of them received
hoax news every day and 17.2% received more than
once a day. Even the mainstream media that are relied
upon as trustworthy media are sometimes
contaminated with hoaxes. Mainstream media is also
a channel for hoax information/news dissemination,
each at 1.20% (radio), 5% (print media) and 8.70%
While the Head of the office agency of
Communication and Information Medan, Zain Noval
stated that:
"Hoax is not only happening by the mainstream
media, but a hoax is also now very much circulating
in the community through online media. Then, the
channels that are widely used in hoax dissemination
are websites, chat applications (WhatsApp, Line,
Telegram) and through social media (Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, and Path” (Interview, 2019).
Furthermore, it must be acknowledged that
provocative news on social media attracts the public's
attention. Social media is used by the community to
be a place to convey public opinion that is
humanitarian or human interest on issues that develop
in the community. With the internet, people can opine
through social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Path,
Line, WeChat, Website, Blog, E-mail, and others
(Renata and Rachmaniar, 2016).
Moreover, in Medan from May 2018 to May 2019
there were at least 13 cases of hoaxes handled by the
North Sumatra Regional Police. The biggest hoax
case in Medan is related to politics, mainly in the
lead-up to the general election and riots after the
presidential election. Furthermore, the phenomenon
of hoaxes currently carried out through online media
is not only carried out by news sites that are well
known to the public but by anyone an internet user
can play a role in spreading information.
Head of the office agency of Communication and
Information MedanHead of Medan, Zain Noval said
"Much more information or news that is distributed
individually or in groups cannot be accounted for
truth or hoax indication. Hoax is information or
news that contains things that are uncertain or that
are not facts that occur” (Interview, 2019).
3.3 The Commitment of Stakeholders
The spread of hoaxes on social media has caused
problems for all parties, whether it is spreading
hoaxes or receiving information because it has the
potential to damage community records (Siswoko,
Various efforts have been made by the Medan city
government to minimize its distribution. However,
several cases related to a hoax that have slander and
hatred towards the Tribes, Religion, and Race in
recent years continue to occur. One social media
activist in Medan, Anwar Saragih said that:
"The strategic steps and government policies so far
have not been maximized, although it has tried to
minimize the spread of hoaxes by issuing several
regulations and supporting infrastructure. On the
other hand, the government is also not optimal in
coordinating across agencies and providing media
literacy to the community of social media users so
that they are ethical when interacting in cyberspace.
However, it has not been able to suppress the
number of hoaxes” (Interview, 2019).
This means that stakeholders, namely the central
government, regional governments, NGOs, social
media volunteers, social media activists, academics
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
and the community must be active to minimize the
spread of false news (Thurlow et al, 2004). The
central government through the Republic of
Indonesia Ministry of Communication and
Information should be more active in building
communication with stakeholders, both central and
regional so that there are a common perspective and
resolution in responding to false news (hoaxes)
circulating in the community.
Furthermore, in coordinating efforts between
these stakeholders, they must be managed under one
roof in developing a single narrative about what will
be conveyed to the public that the need to strengthen
literacy in wise efforts on social media.
Proactive and productive steps in maximizing the
role of the stakeholders must also be supported by
one-stop cooperation. The practice of disseminating
to the public authentic narrative through supporting
data needed to be known to the public correctly.
Besides, these stakeholders must build literacy
narratives delivered both government policies and
programs across sectors and regions to the public
must be conveyed through communication channels
to the public in an appropriate, fast, objective, good
quality, national-minded, and easy to understand.
This is caused by hoax problems that have
appeared not only involving photo memes or
narrative uploads but also using news language. Zain
Noval as Head of the office agency of
Communication and Information Medan Head of
Medan in his interview also conveyed how to deal
with hoaxes. He mentioned in his interview that:
"Sometimes hoax news comes from
provocative titles, photos that look evocative and
convincing. The contents can also be taken from the
official media news, it's just changed to cause the
perception as desired by the hoax maker. Social
media users must be diligent in checking the facts
for information obtained from the website or
including a link, check the URL address of the site
in question. Then Watch where the news originates
from and where it originates. It is important to
confirm information” (Interview, 2019).
Presence The role of stakeholders in solving the
hoax problem is expected to start from upstream to
downstream. Upstream issues are the responsibility of
the government in coordination with the Indonesian
police and cyber teams, while downstream is the role
of social media activists to spread literacy in efforts
to overcome hoaxes in the community (Howard&
Hussain, 2013).
Not only that, to optimize the dissemination of
information to ward off false news (hoaxes), the
stakeholders must establish a communication
network through the WhatsApp application.
This communication network contains
government public relations personnel at the central
and regional levels. Through this information group,
the stakeholders are expected to be able to filter the
information before being shared (sharing) properly.
Group members also provide information related to
activities carried out in their respective institutions to
be known by group members in the hope of being
disseminated to the WhatsApp group at their
respective agencies quickly and accurately.
Collaboration between stakeholders in efforts to
overcome hoaxes is an obligation for parties to
overcome destructive information. Stakeholders here
include the central government, local governments,
NGOs, social media volunteers, social media
activists, academics, and the public who are expected
to be active to minimize the spread of hoaxes and
overcome hoaxes.
The stakeholders must also have the same
enthusiasm in protecting the public from false
information. Furthermore, the government must lead
the coordination of these stakeholders in accelerating
the pace of coordination with platform providers,
such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Path, and other
various platforms to prevent the spread of false news
Another step that can be done is giving good
literacy to the public about the importance of ethics
and sensitivity when interacting in cyberspace.
Another thing that is no less important is to clarify as
soon as possible when there is false news by building
counter-narratives to be distributed to the public in a
constructive nature. These steps, if done by all parties
appropriately, are expected to reduce the rate of
spread of false news in the community.
Thanks to the Research Institute of University of
Sumatera Utara for the valuable support.
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