needed by residents of suburban areas to do business
in urban areas. In Tanjungbalai City, the largest
population is in Teluk Nibung Subdistrict, which is
usually said to be a suburb, but this area is an
industrial and fishing landing area which is the main
livelihood of the majority of Tanjungbalai City
residents, even in this area the National and
International Ports are located. then it is natural that
in this sub-district the largest number of inhabitants
live. But still there is an imbalance in population
density in each district. Problems often arise due to
overcrowding, especially regarding housing, health
and safety. Therefore, population distribution must
be a particular concern of the government in
carrying out development.
Figure 2. Population Density of Tanjungbalai City by
Kecamatan 2018.
3.2 Profile of PDAM Tirta Kualo
The presence of PDAM in Indonesia as the main
provider of drinking water services is made possible
through law no. 5 of 1962 as a regional government-
owned business entity that provides services and
organizes public benefits in the field of drinking
water. PDAM activities range from collecting,
processing and clarifying to distributing to
The drinking water supply company in
Tanjungbalai City was established on January 22,
1936 under the name WATER LEIDING BEDRIJF,
promulgated in Javasche Courat-No. 18. Based on
the Decree of the Mayor of the Regional Head of the
Kindergarten. II Tanjungbalai, on April 22, 1974
Number: 3/KDH/1974 exchanged their names and
status as the Office of Drinking Water Companies.
Then with the approval of the Regional House of
Representatives at the Tk. II Tanjungbalai, dated 15-
12-1981 number 729 / DPRD / TB / 81 and based on
mutual agreement between the Mayor of
Tanjungbalai and the North Sumatra Clean Water
Project, starting from October 1, 1982, his status
became BPAM.
Tirta Kualo Regional Water Company (PDAM)
was formed based on Regional Regulation Number:
1 dated 18 November 1988. Organization and Work
Procedure of PDAM Tirta Kualo Tanjungbalai City
was formed based on Tanjungbalai City Regulation
No. 09 of 2009, in accordance with Minister of
Internal Affairs regulations No. 2 of 2007.
3.3 Drinking Water Supply by PDAM
Tirta Kualo
Based on the Decree of the Minister of Public
Works No. 269/KPTS/1984 dated August 8, 1984,
it was said that the implementation of the
management of infrastructure and supply of clean
water to the community was fair and equitable,
continuously in accordance with hygiene
requirements and aimed at generating additional
income for the local government. Furthermore, the
Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs number:
690-096 year 1994 regulates the pattern of PDAM
technical guidance including having the main
function of public services to the community, being
able to finance itself, developing service levels, and
becoming a source of PAD (Regional Original
Income) for the City Tanjung Balai.
Based on data from PDAM Tirta Kualo, an
overview of clean water supply by PDAM Tirta
Kualo is shown in Table 2. It shows an increase in
the number of residents in the City of Tanjungbalai
from 2017 to 2018 amounted to 2,408 people. This
resulted in an increase in the percentage of SR,
which was previously 23,320%, increasing to
However, of the total installed water debit,
PDAM Tirta Kualo did not experience an increase
from the previous year, resulting in an increase in
deficit deficit in water debit from the previous 29 lt /
sec increased to 49 lt / sec.