value requires a considerable increase in points.
Increasing the value of the six people is
approximately 15 points. Skin conditions in each
patient are certainly not always the same, several
factors that cause these patients are still in the
condition of dry skin after one week of intervention
due to atrophy of the sebaceous glands associated
with decreased lipid surface that causes dehydration
of the stratum corneum (Masmoudi 2014). In
addition, the length of time a patient undergoes HD
can also influence, due to the decrease in sweat glands
along with the abnormal function associated with
hypervitaminosis A when the patient undergoes
dialysis (Ankudowikcz, 2018; Mendez, 2015).
It varies in post-test humidity values that appeared
in the intervention group did not affect itching in
patients. Moisture level of the skin is very dry, normal
and moist after one week of intervention, giving the
effect of reducing itching on the patient's skin. It
shows VCO intervention given can reduce the itching
experienced by patients even though the patient's skin
is still at a very dry level. The reduction in itching felt
by the patient is caused by VCO administration.
According to Evangelista's research (2014), VCO can
reduce score in Atopic Dermatitis patients, VCO can
also moisturize the skin and reduce pruritus scores
without giving antihistamines. Pruritus resolution can
be explained by concomitant improvement in barrier
function on the skin. Disorders of the skin barrier alter
epidermal innervation and increase nerve density in
the skin.
Based on the results of the statistical tests and the
discussion above, it can be concluded that Giving of
VCO intervention increases skin moisture in patients
with chronic renal failure in theGrandMed Lubuk
Pakam Hospital. Through the main components of
VCO are Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFAs)
especially about 50% lauric acid when applied to the
skin with a soft and uniform touch, will bind to sweat
and coat the surface of the skin by holding water in
the stratum corneum.
For hospitals in general, it is hoped that VCO
interventions can be complementary therapies to help
overcome the problem of dry, itchy skin in other
patients except for patients with CKF.
For the next researchers, it is hoped that further
research can be measured by measuring ureum
creatinine after being given a VCO intervention on
the itching experienced by the patient or measuring
the endogeneous morphine level of the patient related
to comfort after being given a VCO intervention.
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