5.6 Relationship of Cadre
Interpersonal Communication with
Mother's Participation
Based on the results of the multivariate analysis used
is multiple logistic regression analysis, to obtain
answers to variables that have a greater relationship
between several independent variables. In this model
all independent variable candidates can be included
in the multivariate model because it has a p-value
<0.25 then it is tested together with multiple logistic
regression analysis using the enter method. Based on
the results of stage one analysis, two variables have
a p-value> a = 0.05, namely the attitude supporting
cadre variable and the cadre equality variable, so
that the variable is excluded from the multivariate
model. Then the second stage of the test with the
openness variable, the cadre empathy variable, and
the cadre's positive attitude significantly correlates
with the participation of mothers in Integrated
Healthcare Center activities. The results of the
second resilience analysis found that the cadre
empathy variable had a greater relationship than the
cadre openness variable and the cadre's positive
attitude. The cadre empathy variable has a
relationship of 8,616 times (2,352 - 31,569) with the
participation of mothers in Integrated Healthcare
Center activities.
The results showed that openness has a relationship
to maternal participation with a significant value of
p = 0.005 (p <0.05), empathy has a relationship to
maternal participation with a significant value of p =
0.002 (p <0.05), supportive attitude has a
relationship to participation mothers with a
significant value p = 0.003 (p <0.05), a positive
attitude has a relationship to maternal participation
with a significant value p = 0,000 (p <0.05), equality
has a relationship to maternal participation with a
significant value p = 0.003 (p <0.05). To increase
maternal participation in Integrated Healthcare
Center activities, it can be done through an
interpersonal communication approach from
Integrated Healthcare Center cadres about Integrated
Healthcare Center activities carried out in the
KutaBlangPuskesmas work area, Bireuen Regency.
The interpersonal communication was emphasized
that cadres as educated personnel in the health sector
or mediators who are closest to the mother must
have a role in giving a positive attitude to the
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