Relationship between Interpersonal Communication with
Participation of Toddler’s Mothers in Posyandu Activities
of a Puskesmas
, Arlinda Sari Wahyuni
, Selamat Ginting
Public Health Faculty of STIKesLhoksemawe, Aceh, Indonesia
Public Health Faculty of DELI HUSADA Health Institute, Deli Tua, Indonesia
Keywords: Interpersonal Communication, Toddler’s Mother, Participation on Posyandu Activities.
Abstract: This study aims to determine the relationship of maternal interpersonal communication participation in
Posyandu activities in KutaBlang Health Center, Bireuen Regency. This research is descriptive and cross
sectional in mothers who have children under five years as many as 91 people through interviews with
questionnaires. The results showed participation mothers in Posyandu activities amounted to 68.1%, there
was a significant interpersonal communication relationship (openness with RP = 2.3 95% C1 = 1,321 to
4,296 • empathy 2.6 95% CI = 1,560 to 4,586; support with RP = 2 , 5 95% CI = 1,432 to 4,504; positive
attitude with RP = X3.0 95% CI = 1,632 to 5,577 and equality with RP = 2.6 95% CI = 1,394 to 5,038) with
maternal participation. Interpersonal communication has a significant relationship with maternal
participation because it has a p-value <α 005. The most dominant relationship with maternal participation in
Posyandu cadre activities is position, which has a relationship of 8,616 times (2,352 to 31,569). It is
recommended to posyandu cadres to show good empathy in interpersonal communication with mothers, and
toddlers mothers should provide good participation.
Health workers play an important role in efforts to
improve health, but the expected coverage has not
gone as expected. Efforts to increase community
participation are needed one of them through cadre
(Winda, 2014).
Based on the profit of the Aceh Health Service
(2011), the Government of Aceh as part of the State of
Indonesia needs special attention, due to political
pressure due to the prolonged conflict and from 1998
to 2006, followed by the earthquake followed by the
tsunami wave at the end of December 2004, destroy
infrastructure and have a psychological impact on
society and have a negative influence on the
implementation of Integrated Healthcare Center
activities. The number and percentage of Integrated
Healthcare Center by district/city were 64.09%
classified as Integrated Healthcare Center,
22.99%Integrated Healthcare Center, 7.46% Integrated
Healthcare Center full moon and 1.71% independent
One of the effects of the low participation of
mothers in Integrated Healthcare Center activities is
the pattern of growth and development of children
under five who are not controlled, the emergence of
various diseases in children under five, the nutritional
status of infants is not fulfilled so it is feared that it
could threaten the quality of human resources as the
nation's next-generation (Puskesmas Kuta Blang,
To increase the use of Integrated Healthcare
Center, it is necessary to source accurate information
in conducting interpersonal communication with
mothers who have children under five in the working
area of the Health Center.
General Purpose, in this study to determine the
interpersonal communication cadre of Integrated
Healthcare Center with the participation of mothers
who have toddlers in Integrated Healthcare Center
activities. Specific Objectives, the relationship of
Bukhari, ., Wahyuni, A. and Ginting, S.
Relationship between Interpersonal Communication with Participation of Toddler’s Mothers in Posyandu Activities of a Puskesmas.
DOI: 10.5220/0010021006180625
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology (ICHIMAT 2019), pages 618-625
ISBN: 978-989-758-460-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
openness with maternal participation, the relationship
of empathy with maternal participation, the
relationship of supportive attitude with maternal
participation, the relationship of positive attitude with
maternal participation, and the relationship of
equality with maternal participation.
2.1 Literature Review
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect
of parents' attachments, media exposures and peers
on adolescent early sexual behavior in the Middle
School 4 Middle School in TebingTinggi City in
2019 ".
2.2 Factors That Influence
According to Joseph De Vito (2001) in Carlita
(2011), the factors that influence communication
through a humanistic approach are as follows; (I)
Openness, (2) Empathy, (3) Supporting attitude, (4)
Positive attitude, (5) Equality.
1. Openness
Openness consists of three aspects that are common
in interpersonal communication, namely: the
willingness to open information about one's own self
which is usually hidden, the willingness to react
honestly to the message conveyed, and want to
acknowledge the thoughts and feelings that are felt.
Openness is realized when health workers/cadres
want to be open and honestly inform the public
about disease information, health care, treatment
measures and the development of public health
2. Empathy
To empathize with someone is to feel what the
person feels, to experience what the person is
experiencing. The condition of empathy can be
realized if the hospital is willing to give attention
and know what is being discussed and what is the
patient's desire and needs. Empathy can be verbal or
non-verbal (facial expressions, eye contact,
mindfulposture, and physical closeness and proper
touch or caress).
3. Supporting attitude
A supportive attitude is realized through the ability
of health workers to be able to explain clearly and in
detail about disease information, medical actions
taken and the development of community conditions
so that they feel comfortable and not afraid.
4. Positive attitude
A positive attitude in interpersonal communication
is demonstrated in two ways; to express a positive
attitude, and give praise to others. A positive attitude
can be communicated verbally or non-verbally for
example by smiling, positive facial expressions,
attentive attitudes, verbal positive expressions,
eliminating negative judgments.
5. Mother's participation
According to Mikkelsen (1999) dividing
participation into 6 (six) terms, namely (1)
Participation in the voluntary contribution of the
community to the project without participating in
decision making; (2) Participation is "sensitizing"
(sensitizing) the community to increase the
willingness to accept and the ability to respond to
development projects; (3) Participation is voluntary
involvement by the community in changes that it
determines on its own; (4) Participation is an active
process, which means that the person or group
concerned, takes the initiative and uses his / her
freedom to do so; (5) Participation is the
strengthening of dialogue between the local
community and staff who carry out the preparation,
implementation, monitoring of the project, so as to
obtain information about the local context, and
social impacts; and (6) Participation is community
involvement in the development of themselves, their
lives, and their environment.
This type of research, this research is descriptive
through the cross-sectional approach. Population and
sample; The study population was all mothers in the
working area of KutaBlangPuskesmas with a total of
41 villages (926 people). The sample in this study
was taken using a cluster sampling technique of 91
respondents. Research variable; is cadre
interpersonal communication to mothers who have
children under five, which consists of openness,
empathy, supportive attitude, positive attitude and
equality in the working area of
KutablangPuskesmasBireuen Regency: Data
collection consists of primary data and secondary
data. Primary data is data obtained from
observations/observations, interviews and
questionnaires/questionnaires that have been
prepared include independent variables that are
interpersonal communication, the dependent variable
is the participation of mothers. While secondary data
in the form of data obtained from certain parties or
others. In this study, secondary data were obtained
from KutablangPuskesmas documents, other people
and family members of respondents. Research
instruments and measurement methods; Researchers
Relationship between Interpersonal Communication with Participation of Toddler’s Mothers in Posyandu Activities of a Puskesmas
collecting data using a questionnaire that has been
tested for validity and reliability.
4.1 Univariate Analysis
In the table below we can see the results of
interpersonal communication provided by respondents
Table 1: Cadre Interpersonal Communication
Variabel penelitian Jumlah (%)
Well 60
Less 31
Total 91
Well 72
Less 19
Total 91
Supporting attitude
Well 64
Less 27
Total 91
Positive Attitude
Baik 59
Less 32
Total 91
Well 53
Less 38
Total 91
Mother's participation
Well 62
Less 29
Total 91
Table 1. Shows that for the openness of the 91
respondents studied there were 60 respondents who
stated that the cadres had good openness, for
empathy there were 72 respondents who stated that
the cadres had good empathy, for the supportive
attitude there were 64 respondents who said the
leader had a good supportive attitude, for positive
attitudes there are 59 respondents who stated the
leader had a good positive attitude, for equality there
were 53 respondents who said that cadr had good
equality and for the dependent variable mother
participation of 91 respondents studied the most
prominent was in the good category of 62
4.2 Bivariate Analysis
4.2.1 The Relationship between Cadre
Openness and Mother's Participation
Table 2: Relationship between Cadre Openness and
Participation of Mothers who have Toddler in Posyandu
Mother's participation
Well Less
Cadre n % n % n %
Well 47 51,6 13 14,3 60 65,9
Less 15 16,5 16 17,6 31 34,1
Total 62 68,1 29 31,9 91 100
The above table shows that respondents who
rated good cadre openness had good participation as
many as 47 mothers (51.6%) and those who had less
participation were 13 mothers (14.3%). Respondents
who rated cadre openness lacked good participation
by 15 people (16.5%) and those who had less
participation by 16 people (17.6%). This shows that
p = 0.005 (p <0.05) means that there is a relationship
between the openness of cadres and the participation
of mothers in Integrated Healthcare Center activities
in the work area of Kutablang Puskesmas in Bireuen
4.2.2 Relationship between Cadre Empathy
and Mother's Participation
Table 3: Relationship between Cadre Empathy and
Participation of Mothers who have Toddlers in Posyandu
Mother's participation
Well Less
Cadre n % n % n %
Well 55 60,4 17 18,7 72 79,1
Less 7 7,7 12 13,2 19 20,9
Total 62 68,1 29 31,9 91 100
The above table shows that respondents who
rated good cadre empathy had good participation as
many as 55 mothers (60.4%) and those who had less
participation were 17 mothers (18.7%). Respondents
who rated cadre empathy lacked good participation
as many as 7 mothers (7.7%) and those who had less
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
participation were 12 mothers (13.2%). This shows
that p = 0.002 (p <0.05) means that there is a
relationship between the cadre's empathy and the
participation of mothers in Integrated Healthcare
Center activities in the work area of
KutablangPuskesmas in Bireuen Regency.
4.2.3 Relationship between Attitude
Supporting Cadres and Mother's
Table 4: Relationship between Attitudes Supporting
Cadres and Participation of Mothers who have children
under five in Posyandu Activities
Mother's participation
Well Less
Cadre n % n % n %
Well 50 54,9 14 18,7 72 79,1
Less 12 13,2 15 13,2 19 20,9
Total 62 68,1 29 31,9 91 100
The table above shows that respondents who
rated good cadre support attitude had good
participation of 50 mothers (54.9%) and those who
had less participation were 14 mothers (15.4%).
Respondents who rated the attitude of supporting
cadres lacked good participation by 12 mothers
(13.2%) and those who had less participation by 15
mothers (16.5%). This shows that p=0.003 (p <0.05)
means that there is a relationship between the
attitude of supporting cadres and the participation of
mothers in Integrated Healthcare Center activities in
the work area of Kutamblang Puskesmas in Bireuen
4.2.4 Relationship between Cadre's Positive
Attitude and Mother's Participation
Table 5: Relationship between Cadre's Positive Attitude
and Participation of Mothers who have Toddler in
Posyandu Activities
Mother's participation
Well Less
Cadre n % n % n %
Well 48 52,7 11 18,7 72 79,1
Less 14 15,4 18 13,2 19 20,9
Total 62 68,1 29 31,9 91 100
The above table shows that respondents who
rated the cadre's positive attitude as having good
participation were 48 mothers (52.7%) and those
who had less participation were 11 mothers (12.1%).
Respondents who rated the cadre's positive attitude
lacked good participation as many as 14 mothers
(15.4%) and who had less participation as many as
18 mothers (19.8%). This shows that p = 0,000 (p
<0.05) means that there is a relationship between the
cadre's positive attitude and the participation of
mothers in Integrated Healthcare Center activities in
the working area of KutablangPuskesmas in Bireuen
4.2.5 Relationship between Cadre Equality
and Mother's Participation
Table 6: Relationship between Cadre Equality and
Participation of Mothers who have Toddler in Posyandu
Mother's participation
Well Less
Cadre n % n % n %
Well 43 47,3 10 18,7 72 79,1
Less 19 20,9 19 13,2 19 20,9
Total 62 68,1 29 31,9 91 100
The above table shows that respondents who
rated equality of cadres as good had good
participation of 43 mothers (47.3%) and those who
had less participation were 10 mothers (11.0%).
Respondents who rated the equality of leaders as
lacking good participation were 19 mothers (20.9%)
and those who had less participation were 19
mothers (20.9%). This shows that p = 0.003 (p
<0.05) means that there is a relationship between
cadre equality and maternal participation in
Integrated Healthcare Center activities in the
working area of KutablangPuskesmas in Bireuen
4.3 Multivariat Analysis
Table 7: Results of Logistic Regression Analysis on
Independent Variables
95% CI
0,665 0,003 0,138 0,038 -0,508.
0,779 0,000 0,057 0,012 - 0,264
0,731 0,086 0,286 0,068 - 1,196
0,680 0,045 0,2 0,067 - 969
0,694 0,186 0,399 0,102 - 1,555
0,849 0,000 48,90
Relationship between Interpersonal Communication with Participation of Toddler’s Mothers in Posyandu Activities of a Puskesmas
In this modeling, all candidates are tested
together with multiple logistic regression analysis
using the enter method. Based on the results of the
analysis above, two variables have a p-value> a =
0.05, namely the attitude variable supports cadres
who have a p-value of 0.086 and the cadre equality
variable with a p-value of 0.186, so that these
variables are excluded and the multivariate model.
The second stage of the test is then carried out with
the following results:
Table 8: Table analysis results of data analysis
95 /o CI
Openess 0,606 0,001 6,906 2,107
Empathy 0,663 0,001 8,616 2,352
Positive Attitude 0,597 0,000 8,585 2,585
Constant 0,852 0,000 0,040
The results of the analysis found that the cadre
empathy variable has a greater relationship than the
cadre openness variable and the cadre's positive
attitude. The cadre empathy variable has a
relationship of 8,616 times (2,352 - 31,569) with the
participation of mothers in Integrated Healthcare
Center activities.
5.1 The Relationship between Cadre
Openness and Mother's
The results of the study about the openness of
Integrated Healthcare Center leader variables,
namely mothers who rate good cadre openness have
good participation as many as 47 mothers (51.6%)
while mothers who rate openness of cadres less only
participate well as many as 15 people (16.5%). Chi-
square test results between openness and maternal
participation in Integrated Healthcare Center
activities obtained a p-value of 0.005 <(a = 0.05), so
it can be concluded that there is a significant
relationship between the openness of cadres and
maternal participation in Integrated Healthcare
Center activities. The results of the analysis also
obtained a Prevalence Ratio (RP) of 2.382, meaning
that mothers who received good openness from
Integrated Healthcare Center cadres had twice the
chance to participate either compared to those who
lacked openness from Integrated Healthcare Center
Rahmawati's research (2007), openness will
encourage individuals to express everything that will
be discussed and is one of the important elements
that can influence someone to act better. Effective
interpersonal communication must be open to the
people they are interacting with and there should be
a willingness to open up to reveal information that is
usually hidden by others. We want people to react
openly to what we say and we have the right to
expect Ml. There is nothing worse than indifference,
even disagreement is much more pleasant.
5.2 Relationship between Cadre
Empathy and Mother's
The results of the study on cadre empathy variables
found that mothers who rated good cadre empathy
had good participation of 55 mothers (60.4%) while
mothers who rated cadre empathy were less likely to
participate only as much as 7 people (7.7%). Chi-
square test results between cadre empathy and
maternal participation in Integrated Healthcare
Center activities obtained a p-value of 0.002 <(a =
0.05), so it can be stated that there is a significant
relationship between cadre empathy and maternal
participation in Integrated Healthcare Center
activities. The analysis also obtained an RP value of
2.675, meaning that mothers who get good empathy
from Integrated Healthcare Center cadres have a
2.675 times greater chance of participating either
compared to those who lack empathy from
Integrated Healthcare Center cadres.
This is by the opinion of Devito (1997) that
empathy is as "one's ability to 'know' what is being
experienced by others at a certain time, from the
other person's perspective, through the eyes of other
people. With good empathy from Integrated
Healthcare Center cadres, then cadres will feel what
will be experienced by mothers who will participate
in Integrated Healthcare Center activities. In this
study, there is an empathetic relationship between
cadres with the participation of mothers to
5.3 Relationship between Attitude
Supporting Cadres and Mother's
The results of the study of the attitude supporting
cadres variables showed that mothers who rated
good supporting cadres' attitudes had good
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
participation of 50 people (54.9%) while mothers
who rated the attitude of supporting cadres less only
participated well as many as 12 people (13.2%).
Chi-square test results between the attitude of
supporting cadres and the participation of mothers in
Integrated Healthcare Center activities obtained a p-
value of 0.003 <(a = 0.05), so it was stated that there
was a significant relationship between the attitude of
supporting cadres and maternal participation. The
results of the analysis also obtained an RP value of
2.540, meaning that mothers who get a good
supportive attitude from integrated Healthcare
Centercadres 2,540 times more likely to participate
in Integrated Healthcare Center activities compared
to those who lack supportive attitude from Integrated
Healthcare Center cadres.
This is in agreement with Nurhayati (2013),
Supporting attitude of cadres when conducting
interpersonal communication is an attitude that
commits to support the implementation of open
interaction about the implementation of Posyandu
The supporting attitude from cadres shows a
supportive attitude by being descriptive and
spontaneous giving support to mothers.
5.4 Relationship between Cadre's
Positive Attitude and Mother's
The results of the study about the cadre's positive
attitude variable showed that mothers who rated the
cadre's positive attitude as good had good
participation of 48 people (52.7%) while those who
rated the cadre's positive attitude less only
participated well as many as 14 people (15.4%).
Chi-square test results between cadre's positive
attitude and maternal participation in Integrated
Healthcare Center activities obtained a p-value of
0,000 <(a = 0.05), so it was stated that there was a
significant relationship between cadre's positive
attitude and maternal participation. The analysis also
obtained an RP value of 3.017, meaning that
mothers who get a positive attitude both from
Integrated Healthcare Center cadres have an
opportunity of 3,017 times more likely to participate
in Integrated Healthcare Center activities compared
to those who lack the positive attitude of Integrated
Healthcare Center cadres.
According to Devito (1997), in conducting
interpersonal communication our officers
communicate positive attitudes in interpersonal
communication in at least two ways: (1) express a
positive attitude and (2) positively encourage people
who are friends to scat interact. Interpersonal
communication is fostered if a person has a positive
attitude towards themselves and positive feelings for
the communication situation, in general, are very
important for effective interaction. To increase
maternal participation in Integrated Healthcare
Center activities, it can be done through an
interpersonal communication approach from
Integrated Healthcare Center cadres about Integrated
Healthcare Center activities carried out in the work
area of KutaBlangPuskesmas, Bireuen Regency.
Interpersonal communication is emphasized that
cadres as educated personnel in the health sector or
mediators who are closest to the mother barns have a
role in providing a positive attitude to the mother.
5.5 Relationship between Cadre
Equality and Mother's
The results of research on the cadre equality variable
found that mothers who rated the equality of good
leaders had good participation of 43 people (47.3%)
while mothers who rated equality of cadres less only
participated well as many as 19 people (20.9%).
Integrated Healthcare Center test results between
cadre equality and maternal participation in
Integrated Healthcare Center activities obtained a p-
value of 0.003 <(a = 0.05), so that there was a
significant relationship between cadre equality and
maternal participation. The analysis also obtained an
RP value of 2.650, meaning that mothers who
received good equality from Integrated Healthcare
Center cadres had a 2.650 times greater chance of
participating both in Integrated Healthcare Center
activities compared to those who received less
equality from Integrated Healthcare Center cadres.
This is according to Devito (1997), that in every
situation, inequality might occur. Apart from this
inequality, interpersonal communication will be
more effective if the atmosphere is equal. This
means that there must be a tacit acknowledgment
that both parties are equally valuable and valuable
and that each party has something important to
contribute. In an interpersonal relationship
characterized by equality, discrepancy and conflict
are seen more as an effort to understand the
differences that must exist rather than as an
opportunity to bring down another party, equality
does not require us to simply accept and approve all
the verbal and nonverbal behaviors of others.
Relationship between Interpersonal Communication with Participation of Toddler’s Mothers in Posyandu Activities of a Puskesmas
5.6 Relationship of Cadre
Interpersonal Communication with
Mother's Participation
Based on the results of the multivariate analysis used
is multiple logistic regression analysis, to obtain
answers to variables that have a greater relationship
between several independent variables. In this model
all independent variable candidates can be included
in the multivariate model because it has a p-value
<0.25 then it is tested together with multiple logistic
regression analysis using the enter method. Based on
the results of stage one analysis, two variables have
a p-value> a = 0.05, namely the attitude supporting
cadre variable and the cadre equality variable, so
that the variable is excluded from the multivariate
model. Then the second stage of the test with the
openness variable, the cadre empathy variable, and
the cadre's positive attitude significantly correlates
with the participation of mothers in Integrated
Healthcare Center activities. The results of the
second resilience analysis found that the cadre
empathy variable had a greater relationship than the
cadre openness variable and the cadre's positive
attitude. The cadre empathy variable has a
relationship of 8,616 times (2,352 - 31,569) with the
participation of mothers in Integrated Healthcare
Center activities.
The results showed that openness has a relationship
to maternal participation with a significant value of
p = 0.005 (p <0.05), empathy has a relationship to
maternal participation with a significant value of p =
0.002 (p <0.05), supportive attitude has a
relationship to participation mothers with a
significant value p = 0.003 (p <0.05), a positive
attitude has a relationship to maternal participation
with a significant value p = 0,000 (p <0.05), equality
has a relationship to maternal participation with a
significant value p = 0.003 (p <0.05). To increase
maternal participation in Integrated Healthcare
Center activities, it can be done through an
interpersonal communication approach from
Integrated Healthcare Center cadres about Integrated
Healthcare Center activities carried out in the
KutaBlangPuskesmas work area, Bireuen Regency.
The interpersonal communication was emphasized
that cadres as educated personnel in the health sector
or mediators who are closest to the mother must
have a role in giving a positive attitude to the
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Relationship between Interpersonal Communication with Participation of Toddler’s Mothers in Posyandu Activities of a Puskesmas