previous section, the promotion has three main
objectives to be achieved, namely Informing,
Persuading, and Reminding (Liliweri, 2011).
Creativity here starts with creative planning content,
creative processes to the birth of creative products
that are then conveyed to the broader community
through social media, and various digital platforms.
Communication strategy planning is carried out to
produce promotions that have an impact on achieving
these 3 objectives. Promotion through social media
has a two-way impact, both for message senders and
message recipients. Response and feedback from the
community as the recipient of the message becomes
vital in the promotion process. From the Promotion of
Saung Angklung Udjo cultural tourist destinations on
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram social media, there
are many direct responses from followers and also
some feedback in the form of suggestions, input, and
other forms of communication. Feedback obtained
through social media is usually in addition to posting
comments on Facebook and Instagram, as well as
replies on Twitter, also in the form of likes, shares,
and retweets, and questions in direct messages both
about SAU, angklung and tourism in Bandung.
Creativity in promoting Saung Angklung Udjo
cultural tourism destinations to date can be said to
have succeeded in increasing the number of tourists
visiting SAU.
Increasing the competence of human resources
related to communication and information
technology (ICTs) literacy and the use of digital
technology has proven to have a positive impact on
SAU. Technology literate human resources are able
to use digital facilities as a medium of promotion,
marketing, and education to increase the number of
tourists visits so that they contribute significantly
economically. The use of digital facilities as a media
for promotion, marketing and education through
various digital platforms such as web sites, Facebook,
youtube, twitter, Instagram and various other social
media facilities has an impact on the development of
tourist destinations Saung Angklung Udjo. In the end,
in a broader context, the existence of the digital era
provides opportunities that can be used to develop the
cultural richness of a nation. Through ICTs, cultural
wealth can be protected, developed, and promoted
more widely through various digital platforms that
have an impact on improving people’s welfare.
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