Alternative Strategy for Decreasing Non-performing Financing in
Commercial Unit PT. XXX KCS Bekasi using Analytic Network
Process (ANP)
Wahyu Nofiantoro, Nisa Ismundari Wildan
Finance and Banking-Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
Keywords: Analytic Network Process, Non-Performing Financing, Strategies, Decision
Abstract: PT XXX KCS Bekasi in 2018 has a poor financing performance, indicated by the value of Non-Performing
Financing of 9%. There are two main factors, namely, internal factors and external factors. Both of these
factors are interrelated and affect the causes of Non-Performing Financing at PT XXX KCS Bekasi to be very
complex and challenging to repair. This research is included in the type of applied research because it aims
to provide solutions to specific problems practically, namely identifying priority aspects of the problems that
affect the high NPF at PT XXX KCS Bekasi, as well as explaining the best alternative policies and strategies
in reducing NPF using the Analytic Network Process (ANP). The ANP method was chosen because of its
ability to make decisions in complex conditions. This method is a development of the previous method,
namely the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The result of this study is the selection of a short-term
alternative strategy to reduce NPF value is to conduct financing restructuring and increase financing
expansion to reduce the total NPF value. The alternative long-term policy taken to prevent the reoccurrence
of NPF is to develop an integrated information system and an early detection system of default by customers.
The growth of the bank industry in Indonesia is
starting with dual banking system implementation.
This growth means that the Sharia Bank system and
conventional bank system are granted permission to
operate simultaneously (El Ayyubi, Anggraeni, &
Mahiswari, 2018). In 1992 the growth was
characterized by the establishment of Bank
Muammalat Indonesia, gradually sharia banks are
considered able to meet the needs 2 of people who
want banking services in accordance with the
principles of Sharia, especially those related to With
the practice of RIBA, speculative activities, and
distribution of financing on ethical and Sharia lawful
business activities (Ascarya & Yumanita, 2007).
There are fundamental differences in Sharia bank
business activities with conventional banks. The
difference lies in the operational principles used.
Bank Syariah applies the principle for the outcome,
whereas conventional banks still apply the principle
of interest. In the concept of Sharia banks, interest is
a clear practice of RIBA. In Sharia banking system
also does not know the term credit, known is
financing. The development of the new Sharia bank
has been felt since the government and Bank
Indonesia changed the banking LAW through LAW
No. 19 of 1998, and the provisions of Bank Indonesia
that permitted conventional banks to form a unit
Sharia enterprises (UUS).
Broadly, sharia banks have three operational
activities, namely gathering Fund (funding) that can
be taken in the mechanism of savings, Giro, and
deposits. Secondly, the distribution of funds (lending)
that can be reached by the mechanism of Murabahah,
Musyarakah, Ijawah, and Qardh. Third bank services
in the form of provision Bank guarantee (Kafalah),
Letter of Credit, Hiwalah, Wakalah, and buy and sell
foreign exchange (Barkatullah, 2014).
On 29 April 2015, the government proclaimed
the one million house Program through the Ministry
of Public Works and the People’s Housing (PUPR),
which is a joint movement by all stakeholders of the
government’s residential areas. Center, local
government, residential developers, banking, private
companies and communities to address the backlog of
housing in Indonesia.
Nofiantoro, W. and Wildan, N.
Alternative Strategy for Decreasing Non-performing Financing in Commercial Unit PT. XXX KCS Bekasi using Analytic Network Process (ANP).
DOI: 10.5220/0010029500002967
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE 2019) - Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable 4.0 Industry, pages 48-58
ISBN: 978-989-758-530-2; ISSN: 2184-9870
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Looking at a huge opportunity, in this case, PT
XXX as a company that already has experience in the
construction/property/residential sector is committed
to solidly strengthen the dominance of business in the
housing sector one of them by keeping moving
through The one million homes development
Program each year has increased. The government,
through the Ministry of Public Works and Housing
(PUPR), targeted the achievement of the one million
house Program in 2019 years higher than the previous
year. In 2015, the achievement of a one million house
program was 669,770 units. Whereas in the year
2016, there were as many as 805,169 units, and in the
year 2017, as many as 904,758 units. Lastly, in the
year 2018, there were as much as 1,132,621.
The one million home Program is a collaboration
with the developers of various associations, such as
Real estate Indonesia (REI) and the Indonesian
Housing and Settlement Development Association
(APERSI). The concept is collaborating on business
from both developers and banks. This community-
based housing Program will obtain a home loan
subsidy (KPR) in the form of a Housing financing
liquidity Facility (FLPP) and a cash advance subsidy
(SBUM) from Directorate General of Housing
Financing of the Ministry of PUPR. The company’s
credit and financing has been increased by 19.48% to
Rp 237.76 trillion, which is supported by the growing
housing credit.
According to the census of 2015, the percentage
of households occupying a self-owned home has
increased from 78% in 2010 to 82.63% in 2015. Thus,
there is still a residential backlog of 11.4 million units
waiting to be completed immediately. The
government’s commitment to settle the backlog of
housing is the company’s opportunity to expand the
housing business, especially in the subsidies and low-
income communities segment (MBRI). In addition to
committing, the company also saw the million house
Program can provide a multiplier effect up to 136
industry sectors that are expected to improve the
quality 3 of economic growth faster, as well as a
potential business, both from Terms of credit, funding
and source fee-based income.
Although the historical PT XXX has grasped its
own market and is thought to be able to participate in
the program directly, the risk of credit/financing
problem is still a problem that needs special attention
because the impact will affect both or poor bank
performance during that period. The bigger the
market is held, the higher the risk will occur in the
process of observation conducted by the author for
three months in PT. XXX KCS Bekasi found a
problem centred on the commercial Unit. The
problem occurs in the high value of NPF in 2018
(Non-Performing Financial) in the year, which is 9%
which is based on POJK No. 15/POJK. 03/2017 on
the determination of Status and follow-up of public
Bank supervision of a bank is not If the NPF value is
higher than 5%. Based on the results of interviews
with employees of PT. XXX KCS Bekasi The high
donor value of NPF PT. XXX KCS Bekasi in 2018 is
construction financing using a MUTANAQISAH
contract because construction financing has the most
substantial portion of financing Of 73% of the total
outstanding issued by the commercial unit. The
height of NPF PT. XXX KCS is influenced by several
aspects that are aspects of human resources, aspects
of information system development, business
processes aspects, Morale hazard aspects, and
economic aspects.
Based on the above aspects, the commercial Unit
should prevent the NPF from increasing among others
by restructuring, the division of the number of
customer accounts to be monitored as much as the
number OF SDI in the commercial Unit, expenditure
of the call letter or SOMASI. However, newly
implemented solutions merely solve financing
problems in the short term only. It takes a long-term
Strategy II so that PT. XXX KCS Bekasi does not
experience the same problems later on.
In this case, the authors use the Analytic
Network Process because ANP is a qualitative
method approach which is the development of the
previous method of Analytic Hierarchy Process
(AHP). ANP can assist decision-makers in measuring
and synthesizing several factors in a hierarchy or
network. In addition, ANP has a simple methodology
that is easy to apply for qualitative studies such as
decision making, planning or forecasting, evaluation,
mapping, strategizing, and allocation of resources
(Aminudin, 2010).
2.1 Financing Monitoring
Financing monitoring or commonly referred to as
financing monitoring is the most crucial part in Sharia
bank business activities because the bank still has to
be informed that the funds have been given to assist
the customer’s business process thoroughly and can
be returned within the agreed period (Sumar’in,
Financing monitoring is done through some of the
activity of the:
1. Implementation of financing
Alternative Strategy for Decreasing Non-performing Financing in Commercial Unit PT. XXX KCS Bekasi using Analytic Network Process
2. Completeness of documents and administration
of financing
3. Business Development
4. Use of financing
5. Payment History
6. Financial performance
7. Warranties consist of warranty, the value of
guarantee, warranty perfection.
According to the financing monitoring process can be
done :
1. On Desk
a. Verify customer financing documents in
case there is no delay on eligibility;
b. Research and verification of deficiencies
c. Identification of potential problems in the
procurement of cash;
d. Detection of the worsening tendency of
customer’s financial condition;
e. Assess customer’s intention in fulfilling its
2. On-site
a. Visits of physical locations, the company
will schedule physical monitoring and send
its employees to view the condition of the
field in the form of business activities,
guarantee the progress of the project, detect
customer problems, customer business
management, and others;
b. Trade checking, view the business
conditions of the financing customer by
utilizing information derived from suppliers,
distributors, competitors, industry
associations, or other business partners;
c. Credit checking, to monitor financing by
utilizing information relating to the smooth
debt of receivables, both for facilities
provided by the correspondent banks and
other banks. 3. Early Detection Early
detection is an early monitoring action by
the bank for smooth financing and
individual attention in order not to enter the
phase of less fluid, doubtful or even stuck.
Indications of problematic financing,
according to (Ibrahim & Rahmati, 2017) :
1) Account behaviour, account behaviour
to be an indication of early business
customers experiencing problems for
example account balances often
experience overdraft;
2) Financial statement behaviour, the
symptoms of problematic financing can
be decreased liquidity, decreased
financing capital turnover, increased
3) Customer behaviour, symptoms of
problematic financing such as poor
customer health, household disputes,
banks often do not answer;
4) Business conduct, in this category, the
symptoms of problematic financing are
characterized by the relationship with
the customer deteriorating, low selling
price, loss of significant customers,
reluctant to visit, and labour strikes.
2.2 Collectibility Financing
Collectibility is the rate of return or repayment of
financing by the customer. This level of payment is
the determining quality of financing. Quality
financing can also be seen from the business
prospects and the business performance from the
concerned financing customers.
The collectibility of financing aims to know the
quality of financing so that banks can calculate and
anticipate early financing risks. The setting of
collectibility is also used to determine the reserve
level of financing loss potential.
Collectibility financing is set to be smooth, in
particular attention, less fluency, doubtful and
a. Seamless (collectibility 1), i.e. if there are no
delays in principal payments, margins,
investment results/for ahcils, and/or returns
(Ujrah) or there are delays in principal payments,
margins, investment returns/outcomes, and/or
returns Services (Ujrah) up to 30 calendar days;
b. In special attention (collectibility 2), i.e. the
delay of principal payment, margin, investment
result/profit share, and/or the Return of Service
(Ujrah) that has exceeded 30 calendar days up to
90 calendar days;
c. Less smoothly (collectibility 3) namely if there is
a delay in principal payment, margin, investment
result/profit share, and/or the return of services
(Ujrah) that has exceeded 90 calendar days up to
120 calendar days;
d. Doubtful (collectability 4) is if there is a delay in
principal payment, margin, investment
result/profit share, and/or the return of services
(Ujrah) that has exceeded 120 calendar days, up
to 180 calendar days. Stalled (collectibility 5)
namely is if there is a delay in principal payment,
margin, investment result/profit share, and/or the
return of services (Ujrah) that has exceeded 180
calendar days.
ICVHE 2019 - The International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE) “Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable
4.0 Industry”
2.3 Non-performing Financing
According to the copy of regulation of the Financial
Services Authority No. 15/POJK. 03/2017
concerning the determination of Status and follow-up
of public Bank supervision that in order to support the
creation of financial system stability, a healthy
banking system is required. Healthy banking is
banking that has a problematic “credit” (NPL/Non-
Performing Loan) or problem financing (NPF/Non-
Performing Financing) less than 5%.
Called the NPL or NPF is a credit or financing that
has a quality less fluent, doubtful, or stuck as referred
to in the provisions of the legislation on the
assessment of the quality of public bank assets and
provisions of OJK ( Financial Services Authority) on
the assessment of asset quality of Sharia and sharia
business units (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, 2017b).
A net (NPL Net) Credit ratio calculation Formula
is problematic:
A net (NPF Net) financing ratio calculation
Formula :
The higher the NPL or NPF of a bank is, the worse
the health quality of the bank. Conversely, the smaller
the NPL or the NPF bank, the better the health quality
of the bank.
In this research, the prosecution used is a qualitative
approach using the method of Analytic Network
Process (ANP). According to (Saaty, 2001) Analytic
Network Process or ANP is a new approach to
qualitative methods created by Thomas L. Saaty, a
research expert from Pittsburgh University. ANP is a
development of the previous method of Analytic
Hierarchy Process (AHP). ANP can assist decision-
makers in measuring and synthesizing several factors
in a hierarchy or network. In addition, ANP has a
simple methodology that is easy to apply for
qualitative studies such as decision making, planning
or forecasting, evaluation, mapping, strategizing,
resource allocation, and so forth.
In general, research with a qualitative approach
only describes the results of the invention in the field
without doing more in-depth synthesis. In this case,
ANP has more advantages over AHP, such as a
comparison of more objective, more accurate
predictive capabilities, and more stable results. ANP
is more general than AHP used in multi-criteria
decision analysis. AHP’s structure is a decision
problem in the form of a hierarchy, while ANP uses a
network approach without having to set the level of
the same hierarchy used in AHP.
ANP is used to solve problems that rely on the
alternative-alternatives and the existing criteria. In
terms of its analytical techniques, ANP uses pairing
comparisons to the alternatives and criteria of the
project. In AHP network There is goal level, critical,
subcriterion, and alternative, where each level has an
element. The Level in AHP is called a Cluster on an
ANP network that can have both criteria and
alternatives in it, which are called vertices.
4.1 Description of Research
4.1.1 Framework
The method of Analytic Network Process has three
phases, i.e. the first decomposition or analyst to
structure the complexity of the problem, both the
comparison (pairwise comparisons) assessment for
measurements into the ratio scale and the third is the
composition for The synthesis is to reunite all the
parts that have been degradable and measured into
one unit.
The first stage of decomposition, this stage is
carried out through in-depth interviews with
employees who have duties and responsibilities in the
commercial unit of PT. XXX KCS Bekasi. The
decomposition stage consists of four phases, namely:
Alternative Strategy for Decreasing Non-performing Financing in Commercial Unit PT. XXX KCS Bekasi using Analytic Network Process
(1) Logging the issue
Figure 4.1: Confirmed Framework (Source: Agrregated
interview results with respondents that have been validated
by exp)
In the first phase, there are 23 aspects of the problem
that successfully identified from three respondents,
namely Desy Rifqya, Fuad Rajab Nugroho, and
Muhammad Iqbal Komaruddin. After re-examined,
the aspect of the problem can be classified into two
parts: internal problems and external problems.
Table 4.1 Aspects of the problem
4.1.2 Framework ANP
After confirmation by all respondents, the final form
of the framework has been determined as in Figure
4.1. There are 4 (four) main clusters, namely goals or
goals, financing problems at PT. XXX KCS Bekasi,
short-term strategy, and long-term strategy. In the
central cluster of problems, five aspects become the
criteria of the problem, namely human resources,
information systems, business processes, customer
hazard Morale, and the last is the economy.
At first, the final form of the model after
confirmation by all respondents there are internal
aspects and external aspects after the cluster main
goal (goal). To facilitate the processing of data and
inputs given by experts, the aspect of the problem
does not need to be grouped into internal and external
problems, because each other is a linkage. Grouping
aspects of internal and external problems is only a
tool at the start of the framework
Then in the long term Cluster strategy, there are
three strategies that are identified based on literature
review and deep interviews with respondents and
experts, all strategies are grouped based on
similarities in nature.
1) Cluster of destinations
The destination Cluster is the top level of a structured
framework that contains the main objectives of the
research, which is an alternative to the selection of
NPF reduction strategies on commercial units of PT.
XXX KCS Bekasi. In this cluster, there is a right
direction to the aspects of the problem of causes NPF
in Sharia banking, or it can be said that alternative
decision-making of NPF reduction strategy in
commercial units covered five aspects of the issue
The primary criteria for alternative selection of
2) Cluster problem
Cluster problem causes NPF in PT. XXX KCS Bekasi
consists of aspects of SDI that has three subclusters,
namely high employee turnover, SDI competence,
and the amount of SDI is not yet ideal.
Next is the aspect of an information system, which
until now no monitoring mechanism can take a
personal approach to the customer and the absence of
the information system of customer journal.
Currently, the bank is only waiting for information
from the customer regarding the profit/loss of
business or its project, which is very vulnerable to
change by the customer.
ICVHE 2019 - The International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE) “Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable
4.0 Industry”
Further aspects of the business process, there is a
problem with SOP compliance. In certain conditions,
some situations can not if only fixed in the SOP alone,
in such conditions should be observed and tightened
mechanism of deviation or waiver mechanism. In
Sharia banks, there is a financing committee that acts
as an approver if there is a licensing deviation, in this
case, the role of risk management should also give
consideration through the bank’s risk acceptance
Furthermore, the aspect of the customer’s moral
hazard is a deviation or non-compliance by the
customer who directly affects the financing process
that has been agreed from the beginning with the
bank, causing Non-yielding business processes.
Last is the economic aspect when talking about
the environment of economic conditions is a result of
the policy decided by the government. If the policy is
taken inappropriately, it will produce a bad economic
condition, because banking regulation does not affect
a lot of financing, which affects the length of
financing is the policy that causes The purchasing
power of the public. The interview with experts also
resulted in an alternative strategy solution that is
divided into a long-term strategy and short-term
strategy To tackle the five aspects of the problem
3) The long term alternative Cluster strategy
The alternative cluster of long-term strategies
consists of three main clusters, namely the
strengthening of SDI capacity, SI development, and
reinventing the organization. Although each solution
comes from grouping the problem at the level above
the connectedness of the solution is possible against
problems beyond the directly related problems.
First, on the SDI aspect of Pemguatan, it is hoped
that SDI Bank can direct, give input and determine
the contract in accordance with the project/client’s
Second in the aspect of increased risk
management capacity, to take an unregulated decision
in the SOP, then the role of risk management Divison
becomes crucial to weigh the risks that may occur.
Third, on the development aspect of the SDI
training program, there is a gap analysis that is
measuring personnel capacity to the problems
handled. After that, there will be a further stage that
is training need analysis, at this stage will be known
training needed to develop the competence of SDI to
handle the problem at hand.
Fourth on the aspect of SDI competence,
standardization of competency of SDI is necessary to
prevent the performance of a unit in this case of a
commercial unit in case of employee turnover. In
addition, the creation of carrier paths is also important
so that each SDI is able to know the next working
period and employment.
Five Softskill SDI (Akidah), often training
organized by banking in this case sharia is more
focused on the development of Hard skills, but on the
other hand, there is sense or ability of soft skills that
also need to hone, because One’s success is the
manifestation of his relationship with God. It is
obligatory to be owned by any banking student
because by the existence of an Insani banking is
willing to run Sharia, when an Insani willing to run
Sharia, there will be an Akhlakul karimah (good
moral). If born well, then the process of giving
financing to customers will be based on the blessing
to help others, not just make a profit.
In the central cluster of information systems, there
are two alternative long-term strategies for
developing information systems integration and early
detection systems. Referring to the problem should be
the software that connects the customer with the bank
so that every transaction movement that is in the
customer can be monitored directly by the bank.
Because according to experts, customers tend not to
want to the business institution conditions/projects to
the bank.
From the banking side, the software is beneficial
to determine the object for the ideal outcome and
monitor the movement of the project/business, so that
the bank has a control mechanism for the customer’s
business/project. With the system, the risks that may
occur can be detected early so that the loss impact is
not too significant.
On the primary cluster reinventing the
organization, this aspect has three alternative policies,
namely purification of the Akad, repair of SOP, and
the assistant AO. The bank, as a significant financial
institution should implement the refreshment or
revitalizing role per section to create an increase in
effectiveness, efficiency and Insani ability to innovate
so as not to make The same error repeatedly.
4) The short term Cluster strategy
Cluster Short-term strategy to downgrade the NPF.
First, refer to the NPF calculation formula where
Rumunsya is the number of doubtful accounts (Col.
3, 4, 5) divided by the total financing given. The logic,
the larger the number of dividers the result is
deficient. In this case, more and more financing is
given then the smaller its NPF value.
Alternative Strategy for Decreasing Non-performing Financing in Commercial Unit PT. XXX KCS Bekasi using Analytic Network Process
Secondly, the monitoring effort in a way is made
by PT. XXX KCS Bekasi who currently is a visitation
to the customer’s project/business in order to see the
suitability development of the customer’s business
between reports with its realization.
Thirdly, financing restructuring is a bank’s effort
in collecting problematic financing. It is usually done
by sending a letter of warning 1 when the rider’s
detection of instalment payment is when entering the
Collectibility 2, which the customer delinquent more
than 90 days. If after 7 – 14 working days There is no
good i’tikad from the customer to pay or just respond
to a letter from the bank, then the warning letter is
appointed as a warning letter 2, warning letter 3, to
SOMASI. SOMASI is a call letter with a strike to the
customer regarding the loan arrears. The customer is
asked to come to the office and discuss with the
commercial unit before being taken follow-up
financing his problem. If after the discussion also did
not find the bright point, then the next step is to find
investors to take over the project or direct execution
of collateral.
4.1.3 Profile Respondents
According to Ascarya (2006:34), there are no
requirements for the number of respondents used for
validation. Terms of valid respondents are those who
are experts in their field. Therefore, the respondents
chosen in this research are sharia banking
practitioners who are every day engaged in the sharia
banking world. There are two respondents as
representatives of the sharia banking industry, and
one respondent represents the academic world. In
order to obtain the primary data on the sharia banking
world of experts and practitioners against problems
affecting the Non-Performing Financing of the sharia
bank, the “pairwise comparisons” questionnaire was
modified into a questionnaire Make it easier for
respondents to fill in questionnaires. Once the rating
questionnaire is filled, subsequent questionnaires are
converted into pairwise form comparisons when
entering data into software Superdecisions 2.10.
4.1.4 Data Processing
Data processing is done using software
Superdecisionss 2.10, which can be downloaded free
from the website In this
website, two versions can be downloaded namely V
2.10 and V 3.2 which can both be installed on MAC
and Windows PC platforms with low resolution or
high resolution (HD Resolution) depending on the PC
In data processing, some stages are performed to
synthesize results. The first stage is the creation of the
framework. The second stage is the creation of the
Pairwise Comparisons questionnaire. Next, the third
stage is to test the consistency and Synthesizing
results. Finally, the last step is to determine the
priority aspect of the problem, long-term strategy and
short-term strategy option conducted by PT. XXX
KCS Bekasi.
(1) Framework Making
The previously compiled Design framework was
moved into a research model conducted using
Superdecisions software. In Figure 4.2, it presented
the form of a Framework that has been formed based
on the form of framework confirmed by respondents.
Figure 4.2: Framework on Superdecisions (Source:
Processed Data using Superdecisions)
Kueisoner is done automatically through software
super decisions 2.10 in its implementation, the
“pairwise comparisons” questionnaire was modified
using a rating card system to shorten the number of
questions produced of the model formed. The
interview is done to the respondents using rating
system cards. After the result is obtained, the data is
entered into the software Superdecisionss 2.10 as
presented in Figure 4.3
Figure 4.3: Kuesioner Pairwise Comparisions (Source:
Processed Data using Superdecisions)
ICVHE 2019 - The International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE) “Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable
4.0 Industry”
According to Thomas L. Saaty must be ensured
the level of inconsistency should be below 10% or 0.1
when the respondent’s response level is above 10%,
it can be said that the expert answers are not valid due
to various matters. The value of inconsistency index
through SUPERDECISIONSS software can directly
be known when entering data as presented in Figure
4.4 below, in the table below the inconsistency value
of 0.043, which means less than 0.1 (10%) Which
means that the respondent’s answer is consistent or
Figure 4.4: Inconsistency Index’s Value (Source: Processed
Data using Superdecisions)
(2) Syntheses Results
After all the numbers entered, it can be drawn the
synthesis of the result so that it will produce a
sequence of priorities of the essential aspects of NPF
problems, the priority of alternative strategies to
reduce NPF PT. XXX KCS Bekasi.
Chart 4.1: Analysis of overall aspects (Source: Processed
Data using Superdecisions)
Table 4.3: Syntheses Results
The Limiting value is a priority value on any
single Cluster that is worth one or one hundred
percent if it counts in a single Cluster, while the
Normalized by Cluster value is the priority value of
all priority issues and alternatives Cluster policies. In
this study used the Normalized by Cluster value
because essentially the order of precedence over
alternative options on a single Cluster would result in
the same order either using Normalized by Cluster
values or by using the value of the limiting
4.2 Combined Research
4.2.1 Aspects of the Problem
All aspects are combined into one without being
grouped into each cluster. Based on the priority score
is known that the aspect of the problem that is the
leading cause of BPF PT. XXX KCS Bekasi is
automatic monitoring, competency of SDI, Shariah-
compliant outcomes and customer journal
information System. Of the four main priorities, there
are two aspects related to information system, namely
automation system and customer journal information
System. Once converted into chart form can be seen
based on Chart 4.1. The automatic aspect of the
system has a high priority value of 0.06 while the
second priority of SDI competence has a priority
value of 0.04.
The billing process as a financing monitoring
issue is constrained because of the still manual
monitoring system, the use of MS Excel is not yet
able to assist the billing process, based on the paper
Creation warning letter published by PT. XXX KCS
Alternative Strategy for Decreasing Non-performing Financing in Commercial Unit PT. XXX KCS Bekasi using Analytic Network Process
Bekasi in 2018. Twenty-nine warning letters
accumulated on one date. It shows less effective
monitoring process. Based on the results of FGD, the
automatic monitoring and early detection system are
required by the commercial unit concerning the NPF
reduction strategy at PT. XXX KCS Bekasi. The
absence of a reliable monitoring system, according to
the speakers and in the discussion above can be
categorized as a moral hazard conducted from the
banking side, because it allows the customer to make
delays in payment or even Other acts that harm the
bank itself.
Seen from the size of customers who entered the
category in the problem financing from 137 accounts
there are 49 accounts or there are 35% problem
financing, the amount of accounts that are included in
the problem financing category is one of the factors
The NPF’s high value. According to the FGD, the
high number of problem financing showed that the
implementation of the eligibility assessment system
for debtor does not go well, it indicates the need for
increased competency From the commercial unit in
determining the prospective debtor, especially in the
application of prudence principles, the accuracy of
the capacity of prospective debtors and competencies
in determining the proper agreement for the financing
4.2.2 Alternative Aspects of a Long-term
Based on the value of the priorities that have been
changed into chart form, the long-term alternative is
the most priority and influential in reducing the long-
term NPF value is to develop information system
integration, visible from the value. The highest
priority is 0.13, while the other policy is still related
to the information system of an early detection system
of 0.07 and followed by a policy of the development
of the SDI training program of 0064.
Chart 4.2: Analysis of long-term strategy priorities (Source:
Processed Data using Superdecisions)
The policy of development of information system
integration has a very high value of 0.13; this in
accordance with the main aspects of the problem is
the absence of the monitoring system. Experts in this
study believed the integrated information system is a
strategy that needs to be taken, especially with the
growing use of information technology in various
fields at this time. With the advancement of
technology, especially the use of big data, will help
the commercial unit effectively in conducting the
feasibility assessment of potential debtors,
monitoring and evaluation of financing and
integration of other operations will reduce the Morale
hazard (either due to weakness Not good) from the
customer’s side. Then the second policy is the
preparation and implementation of the early detection
system of the problematic financing, can be generated
from the data generated by the integrated information
The next long-term strategy is the development of
an Insani resource training program, the growth of
information systems in terms of hardware, namely the
use of mobile devices to the application of IoT
(Internet of Things), then accompanied by Integrated
software creation that is able to process big data into
a piece of information, will be wasted if not
accompanied by the readiness of the brain are of its
insanitation. The improvement of competence related
to the presence of the 4.0 industrial Revolution,
especially the use of big data in the decision-making
process of prospective customers, will change the
technique and way of determination of prospective
customers to be more productive and efficient, all
new techniques and methods, become the new
competence that must be owned by the human
resource PT. XXX KCS Bekasi, this is the basis that
the SDI training program should be developed in
accordance with the development of technology and
the system Integrated.
Changes in methods and techniques complete the
process of financing realization because the
implementation of integrated systems will
implication on the inception of work procedures and
instructions so that the SOP repair will be essential
and become a fourth alternative strategy To be
considered by PT. XXX KCS Bekasi.
Then the fifth alternative policy is not less
important is the improvement of the employee
Softskill especially in the field of creed, because PT
XXX is the banking that implements the sharia
system in its operational, then the implementation of
Sharia started from Spirit Ubudiyah or worship, the
main principle of Sharia not only seeks only profit but
also worship especially the application of Tabaru
principles or please help.
ICVHE 2019 - The International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE) “Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable
4.0 Industry”
4.2.3 Alternative Aspects of Short-term
In the alternative selection of short-term strategies for
decreasing NPF at PT. XXX KCS Bekasi, it was seen
on Chart 4..3 that the restructuring strategy of
financing became the main choice followed by the
financing expansion strategy. Chart 4.3
Chart 4.3: Analysis of short-term strategy priorities
(Source: Processed Data using Superdecisions)
The aspect of the financing restructuring in the
short-term strategy of decreasing NPF value in the
ANP framework has the highest priority value of
0.054, indicating that PT. XXX KCS Bekasi has an
emphasis on the rescue efforts through restructuring
Financing compared to other strategies. This effort is
in accordance with the principle of credit completion
in Sharia review, where the sharia principle further
emphasizes the problem of settlement of problematic
financing with deliberation first through financing
restructuring efforts. In general, efforts to address
problematic financing can be made with preventive
(preventive) and curative (treatment) efforts.
PT. XXX KCS Bekasi in handling the problem
has two main approaches: Stay strategy and exit
strategy. The Stay strategy is the primary strategy
undertaken by PT. XXX KCS Bekasi is a strategy
whereby banks still want to maintain business
relationships with customers in the context of long-
term time. This strategy is commonly referred to as a
cooperative strategy. The efforts associated with the
implementation of this strategy begin with the
process, reconditioning and restructuring.
The second strategy used by PT XX KCS Bekasi
is the exit strategy, which is a strategy where the bank
does not want to continue the business relationship
with the customer, in a long time unless other factors
strongly support the possibility of improvement of
customer condition. This strategy is done through
write off action, such as the auction through bank
management (IPIH Fitriani, 2018). Based on
interviews conducted with the speakers, the option of
write off action is the last option of handling
problematic financing in PT. XXX KCS Bekasi.
Curative or rescue stage and the completion of the
problem financing, in PT. XXX KCS Bekasi has the
same SOP with other branch offices because the
general SOP is compiled by PT XXX Center, with
attention to Compliance risk related to financing.
Identify the problem financing that occurred in PT.
XXX KCS Bekasi seen from customers who are late
making payment. The effort then is to contact the
customer by phone to remind the payment process, or
to make direct billing to the customer’s place.
However, in reality, this effort is hard to do because
the number of accounts on the commercial unit is too
much not comparable to the amount of its resource
The process of handling problematic financing, in
PT XXX KCS Bekasi, is preferable to use a stay
strategy or cooperative strategy, if in the billing
period, the customer has a good faith to settle the
obligations then the execution of the collateral is not
Will do. In this case, the party of PT. XXX KCS
Bekasi will make a restructuring effort. If in the last
day of the opportunity of repayment of obligations,
the customer pays off all Kewajiabannya PT XXX
KCS Bekasi will issue a settlement letter of all
liabilities (PSK), so the execution of collateral will
not be done.
The effort to rescue the problem financing
through a restructuring effort in PT. XXX KCS
Bekasi, allowing the customer to make repayment.
This effort will give the customer waivers to pay their
grants. The number of instalments each month will be
smaller when compared to the number of instalments
before restructuring attempts. It is hoped that the
customer can pay smoothly back its loan until the end
of the financing period.
PT will take effort. XXX KCS Bekasi in
conducting the first analysis of financing. Based on
customer’s business prospects and ability to pay
according to the projected cash flow, With a detailed
explanation of the cause of arrears, their ability to
repay after restructuring, the management efficiency
review can determine to restructure the need in the
organization. Company, repayment schedule after
revised, which has been adjusted to the ability to pay
customers, details of completeness of documents
restructuring. In suppressing the financing process as
well, the aspect of the breeding expansion is the
second strategy agreed upon by the resource as a
proper strategy in reducing the NPF in the short term.
According to the resource, by increasing the amount
of financing, a realization will be a factor for the NPF
value divider.
This strategy is in accordance with the research
conducted by Riyadi (Riyadi, Iqbal, & Lauren, 2015)
Alternative Strategy for Decreasing Non-performing Financing in Commercial Unit PT. XXX KCS Bekasi using Analytic Network Process
stating that the amount of credit transmitted
negatively affects the bad credit. The higher the credit
channelled it will drive the NPL reduction. The
results of the study were reinforced by subsequent
studies that said LDR had a negative influence on the
NPL. Each 1% LDR increase will lower the NPL by
0.0122%. Startegi improves LDR, of course, by
encouraging credit distribution. Adding credit
distribution lowers the lousy credit and opens
opportunities to increase the percentage of credit
quality delivered (Soebagio, 2005).
Based on the discussion of research results can be
concluded several things as follows:
1. Three aspects of the problem that affects the
height of NPF in PT. XXX KCS Bekasi based on
analysis using ANP method is automatic
monitoring, competency of human resources,
and for sharia yield;
2. PT XXX KCS Bekasi can do the long term
alternative strategy to lower the NPF value is to
develop information system integration, early
detection system and development of human
resources training program;
3. Alternative short-term strategy to reduce the
value of NPF PT. XXX KCS Bekasi is to conduct
financing restructuring and expand the financing
expansion to reduce the total NPF.
There are several solutions to the problem that causes
NPF PT. XXX KCS Bekasi High, namely:
1. The highest aspect of the problem with the NPF
is the automatic monitoring, to solve this
problem of strategies that are used in the long-
term strategy of creating information systems
integration that takes a long time In the process
of creating the system, to minimize PT completes
the monitoring of problematic financing before
the integration of information systems. XXX,
commercial units can use cloud-based Office
applications such as SharePoint on Office365;
2. On the task of this final work alternative, long-
term decline strategy only formulated together
with one expert of academics and officials PT.
XXX KCS Bekasi Related, then to produce a
better formulation need to be formulated with
more mature with Involve more than one expert
in academics and industry experts;
3. In PT. XXX KCS Bekasi’s decision making, it
will be analyzed in advance to the financing to be
restructured, then there should be a raw SOP in
the assessment of problematic financing or the
provision of competence Specific to the human
resources in dealing with problematic financing
that will be restructured.
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ICVHE 2019 - The International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE) “Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable
4.0 Industry”