(BUMN) with P value (0,000) < alpha value.
Therefore the better the task assignments will
increase the implementation of the internship
program in state-owned enterprises (BUMN).
4.3 Recommendation
This research shows that the working environment,
mentor roles, and task orientation become important
aspects of the implementation evaluation of the
internship program of state-owned enterprises
(BUMN). Therefore, there are some
recommendations made as follows:
This program should be continued, the internship
program not only giving benefits to all the
students but also strengthening the relationship
between the higher education system and state-
owned enterprises (BUMN). Therefore,
combining roles, skills, and knowledge from the
higher educations systems with the industry
becomes a way of improving the quality of
vocational program graduates.
The educational institution needs to direct and
communicate with the participants of the
internship program in terms of work at the state-
owned enterprises (BUMN) by giving
assignments that match their skills.
Education institution together with companies
should prepare standard internship guidance and
socialized to the mentors or users. In some case
we have found that some mentors did not
understand so well regarding this program.
Companies should be more seriously doing the
program, specialy in facilities and working
equipment and also companies should prepare
more budget for extra works, because the
internship program applied for six months
minimum, so the company may maximize the
students contribution but they should pay
attention to student benefit.
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