attractions that cannot yet be reached by tourists and
also right road conditions for the convenience of
tourists traveling to cultural attractions. Not all
cultural tourism villages are optimal in providing
adequate lodging facilities. Lodging needed by
tourists who stay in a tourist village does not have to
be expensive and luxurious accommodation, but at
least clean, healthy and affordable. There is also a
need to provide a restaurant that offers a rural
atmosphere, maintained cleanliness and serves a
menu of the distinctive flavour of the local cultural
tourism village. No less important is the availability
of souvenir shops that sell local produce typical
village produce, souvenirs that are characterized by
local tourism villages so that they can be a memory
for tourists who have visited so that they can be
known by the outside community. At present, the
development of the new Pagak tourism village is at
the stage of developing tourism destinations. Since
2018 the Pagak tourism village has built and
developed tourist destinations including the Rawa
Lutung Field which has been created as a park and
the construction of the Rawa Lutung tower. Paving
blocks have also been made for connecting village
destinations. This destination can be used by tourists
to take pictures and enjoy views of the village.
When this touring park has also been completed in
the form of a swimming pool as an alternative tourist
who likes water tourism. Related to lodging for the
village, there are about ten houses of villagers who
are in the process of preparation to be conditioned as
a place to stay.
4.4 Constraints on Promotion of
Village Cultural Tourism
The cultural tourism village in the Banjarnegara
district is generally an area rich in a variety of
uniqueness in the village, but both the community
and the destination manager have not been optimal
in promoting the tourism village. Therefore we need
promotional media by means of making a web about
cultural tourism villages and also working with
existing promotional media. In terms of the
promotion of village tourism, the village of Pagak
has utilized social media to develop village tourism.
There is an official website of the village of Pagak
which informs about the development of the village
of Pagak tourism and also various village tourism
activities. Likewise social media in the form of face
books and instragrams have also been utilized. Some
people are also actively involved in promoting the
village tourism through various events held.
The potential of Pagak village as one of the cultural
tourism villages in Purwareja Klampok District,
Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java Province is
quite a lot and has been identified. Some problems
have arisen related to the management of tourism
villages such as the lack of optimal quality of human
resources, facilities and infrastructure that are not
yet optimal, and obstacles in a promotion. These
problems can be overcome by the cooperation of
various parties, not only the role of government,
universities and non-governmental organizations but
also more important is the active participation of the
local cultural tourism village community.
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