3.2 Conducting Socialization of the
Type of Business Program That
Would Be Implemented
According to KBBI (The Great Dictionary of
the Indonesian Language),socialization is an effort
to spread something that is informative to be
renowned, acknowledged, understood, and
internalized by the public or community.
Socialization is quite important to conduct since
without it, the goals or the programs set by an
organization are highly unlikely to be realized.
Socialization is one of the important activities in
sustaining an organization, company, and
government, including village governments.
Socialization was one of the main activities carried
out by the village officers to make their business
program successful, profitable, beneficial, easily
comprehensible, and popular among villagers. One
of the strategies implemented by Kampung
Belakang village officers was conducting
socialization for their program for the community in
order to gain positive support from them, and also to
involve them in the implementation process.
The socialization activities did not merely cover
about introduction of the six mentioned business
programs, but also elaborate them so that the
community would know the amount of the budget
needed for running them. Furthermore, the village
officers also gave an elaborative explanation to the
community that the programs were chosen based on
the potentials existing in Kampung Belakang village.
Based on the researcher’s view, the socialization
activities done for each business program in
Kampung Belakang Village were very effective
since transparency was an essential aspect for
Kampung Belakang villagers considering they
would be informed about the business thoroughly
both from the program implementation and the
amount of finance needed for it. This transparency
would also become the fundamental factor that made
the programs run successfully.
3.3 Development Plan Deliberations
Deliberation is an effort made together to solve
various kinds of problems and agree on decisions
produced. Deliberation is derived from Arabic,
namely syawara, which means to negotiate or to
recollect. Deliberation has the aim to reach
consensus or agreement. Basically, the principle of
deliberation is a part of democracy.
Before the implementation of the program, the
village officers carried out deliberations to prepare a
development plan involving stakeholders in the
The deliberations on the development plan were
undertaken to determine the various agreed
programs, the human resources to be involved as
well as various agreements related to the
implementation of the program. In addition, the
development plan deliberations also determine the
amount of finance and infrastructure used for each
3.4 Programs Implementation
The next strategy undertaken by the officers of
Kampung Belakang nodimarefanda is implementing
the program itself. The implementation would be
successful if the village officers and the community
were equally committed to build the village.
Implementation according to Van Meter and Van
Horn (1975) is the realization of actions by
individuals, officials, government agencies or
private groups aimed at achieving the objectives
outlined in certain decisions. These bodies carry out
governmental tasks that have an impact on citizens.
According to Friedrich (1963), implementation is
a policy in a form of an action that leads to the goals
proposed by a person, group or government in a
particular environment in relation to the existence of
certain obstacles while looking for opportunities to
achieve the desired goals.
In Kampung Belakang, the BUMG program has
not fully succeeded in making the village
independent. It is based on the facts from data
collection that the researchers found that the village
government has not been able to realize the goals of
the program. This is stated by Silvia, M (2018) that
the cause for this problem is the human resource
factor that cannot be optimally empowered.
In addition, the officers of Kampung Belakang
also experienced some obstacles in implementing
the program, including:
1. The efforts carried out had not developed
significantly due to the lack of human resources
who were reliable in handling the problems of
each program. For example, most of the ice
produced in the "ice factory" program was not in
a form of perfect block because of problems in
the machine. The problems had not been
resolved because there were no human resources
who had expertise in fixing the machine. This
certainly hampered the operation of the ice
factory. In fact, this type of business is a type of
business that is productive if managed properly
and correctly.