can go accordingly to the objectives. This
socialization and coordination are carried out
routinely by involving stakeholders, but the leading
sector is the Education Office and is assisted by the
Library and Archives Service.
Simultaneously the Office of Education
implements a 15-minute reading program before
school hours in all schools in Serdang
BedagaiRegency. In addition to formal schools,
informal programs are also carried out through
Revitalization and the Development of Community
Reading Gardens (TBM).
By the direction of the Regent, all sub-district
offices are expected to provide a library in their
office.From the data submitted by the library
authority, there have been 9 library units in each sub-
district. This continued in the procurement and
development of libraries in the village, and also
libraries in houses of worship. Data of Library
Department, there have already been 81 village
library units in the entire SerdangBedagai Regency,
and 5 libraries in the house of worship.
Per the mandate of Regional Regulation No. 7 of
2016, the learning hours at home starts from 19:00 to
20:00 WIB. Through this program, the community is
expected to support their children to learn and read at
home. Another program is the book procurement to
expand the reading access, especially to students.
Every year the Serdang Bedagai Library Service adds
500 copies to its book collection. While the Education
Office has allocated a budget of 2.91 billion for book
procurement in 2017. There is also launching and
book reviewing activity by presenting the author,
procurement of a mobile library by Dina library,
revitalizing Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah Awaliyah
(MDTA) as a place to read Al-Qur'an for Muslim
students. In addition to involving the Serdang Bedagai
Regency Government, the program also has involved
the Ministry of Religion, which conducts coaching
directly. It also supports and fosters several Al-Quran
Parks that have been established in the community.
In addition to providing facilities, a strengthening
program for literacy activists has also been
completed. This was done by the School Literacy
Movement Workshop for all public and private
elementary and junior high school principals, as well
as a training program for librarians. To getbroad
support from the community, a Serdang Bedagai
Literacy Community Forum was formed. This forum
was formed in 2017, through this forum it is hoped
that the community literacy movement can be further
expanded and strengthened.
Literacy campaign programs are also carried out
by both orally and in writing. Orally, in their remarks,
both the Regent and the Head of the Education Office
always delivered messages related to literacy. In the
context of writings, the campaign was carried out
through posters and pamphlets in schools. Publication
of various literacy activities was announced through
print and online newspaper media such as radio,
books, magazines, bulletins, and television.
Various literacy competitions were also held, for
instance, the competitions of storytelling, writing,
colouring and student speech through the Library
Service. Including the Literacy Award given to
schools. This award is held annually through the
Education Innovation Award activity.
4.5 Literacy Activities at the
The main target of the literacy program is actually in
schools/madrasas. Through schools, we hope that
children’s intellectual skills can be well developed,
one of which is through the literacy program. Various
literacy activities at the school level have been carried
out in Serdang Bedagai.
The main activity is reading for 15 minutes before
class time in all schools and madrasas. The students
initially read in silent, and they have to present what
they have read,in between class hours, once a week in
all schools and madrasas. In writing activities, they
have to present their writings,in between class hours,
once a week. As well as a guided listening activity
where the students have to present what they have
listened, once a week. These activities also include
regular school library visits.
The school provides facilities and infrastructure to
support the reading culture programs in
schools/madrasas, such as: reading corners in each
class, reading halls, reading trees, and reading
baskets. To give more access to books, various
activities such as student book gathering and books
donations from alumni or other non-binding parties
have already been implemented. There are also
various publications related to literacy, such as
school/madrasah bulletins, and books written by
students. At schools, there are such special elections
to choose the students who are considered having
high commitment and passion for literacy, whereas
the elected students then will be assigned as the
ambassador of reading.
The various literacy competitions were also
conducted at schools, such as speech competition,
storytelling, poetry, writing stories, reading Qur'an,
reading stories with pictures, and quiz. These
competitions are usually held in celebrations of
religious holidays and national holidays.