Policy Recommendations on the Implementation of
Village Autonomy in Deli Serdang Regency
Mohammad Ridwan Rangkuti and Nicholas Marpaung
Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Sumatera Utara,
Jalan Dr, Mansyur, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Village Autonomy, Village Head, BPD, District, Regency, Abuse of Village Funds, Policy
Abstract : This study was conducted in Deli Serdang Regency, with the aim of obtaining appropriate and useful
recommendations in the use of Village Funds in the context of implementing Village Autonomy, specifically
in Deli Serdang Regency. Using qualitative descriptive methods, data collection is done through interviews
and discussions with the Village Head/Village Official, BPD, and Village Community Leaders. Data
collection also uses the study of literature, documents and observations. The results of the study are as follows:
1. There is a strong indication of abuse of the Village Fund in Deli Serdang Regency. The old patterns, project
fees, the administrative violations, 2. Abuse of Village Funds has taken place since the Planning,
Disbursement, Implementation, and Accountability Report (LPJ), 3. Abuse of Village Funds due to economic,
socio-cultural and policy reasons, 4. Abuse of Village Funds has had an impact on Village Autonomy, both
Village Infrastructure, Village Public Services, and Village Economy. The results of this study provide
recommendations to prevent administrative violations in the use of Village Funds. Also, the need for a revision
of the Permendes PDTT on Prioritization of Village Funds.
This study aims to analyze the continued impact of
the indications of some initial findings in a study
conducted in 2017 ago. This study is related to the
implementation of Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning
Villages in Deli Serdang Regency. It is also expected
to provide new policy recommendations and in
accordance with the needs of the Village Government
and Deli Serdang Regency Government in particular,
and village government and regency government in
indonesia in general.
Based on the results of Ridwan and Husnul's)
research (2017) on the Implementation of Village
Autonomy in Deli Serdang Regency, there are several
important findings in the implementation of Village
Autonomy: First, there are horizontal and vertical
conflicts in the Village. Horizontally, there is a
conflict of authority between neighboring villages,
especially in the village boundary area. Meanwhile,
vertically, there is a conflict of authority between the
village and the regency in the village area. Like, the
management of traditional markets, village tourism
area. Also, the conflict between the village
government and the community in general,
specifically related to land acquisition (ex HGU
PTPN) by a number of parties (companies). Second,
the problem of the number and quality of village
officials. Village financial management requires a
good quality Village apparatus. Most of the villages
in Deli Serdang Regency do not yet have a village
apparatus that is able to develop initiatives and
breakthroughs to create quality village programs.
Village officials must learn a lot about managing
village development planning and managing village
funds. Besides, quality problems, Villages in Deli
Serdang Regency still lack personnel. Village
Apparatus which so far only amounted to 8 people.
This much personnel is still lacking. Existing village
officials often feel overwhelmed in carrying out their
main tasks and functions. Third, the emergence of
Village Fund corruption cases. In 2015, Saentis
Village, Percut Sei Tuan District received a Village
Fund of Rp 2.5 billion. Meanwhile, Mbelin Village,
Namorambe District only received Rp. 548 million.
Each village in Deli Serdang District receives Village
Funds from three sources: APBN, Village Fund
Allocation (ADD), and PADes. Village Funds
Rangkuti, M. and Marpaung, N.
Policy Recommendations on the Implementation of Village Autonomy in Deli Serdang Regency.
DOI: 10.5220/0010034503890394
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 3 2019) - Social Engineering Governance for the People, Technology and Infrastructure in
Revolution Industry 4.0, pages 389-394
ISBN: 978-989-758-472-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
sourced from The APBN is transferred to the Village
through the Village account book, and entered into
the APBDes. Cases of corruption related to the
Village Fund also occurred in Deli Serdang Regency.
Some cases are still being investigated by the police.
Some other cases have even reached the Court's
verdict. These corruption cases start from falsifying
signatures, implementing fictitious projects, and
fictitious accountability reports. These corruption
cases involved the Village Head and BPD members.
The above findings are an early indication of the
many problems in the implementation of Village
Autonomy in Deli Serdang Regency. Some of these
indications need to be further elaborated through a
more in-depth and ongoing study. Thus, the results of
this follow-up research can benefit the emergence of
new policy recommendations and that are more
relevant to the needs of the Village Government and
Deli Serdang Regency Government in particular, and
generally in Indonesia.
This study was conducted in Deli Serdang Regency,
North Sumatra Province. The method used was
descriptive qualitative. Data collection methods used
are in-depth interviews, discussions with Village
Heads/Village apparatus, Village Consultative Body
(BPD), and Village community leaders. In addition,
the data collection method also use literature,
documents and observations. The data analysis
method used were a qualitative data analysis
Based on online reporting the results of discussions
and in-depth interviews with a number of informants
from the Village Head/Village Apparatus, BPD, as
well as community leaders in Deli Serdang Regency,
obtained the following results; first, there are strong
indications of abuse of Village Funds in Deli Serdang
Regency. The involvement of Village heads/Village
officials in conventional abuse of Village Funds is
usually in the form of fictitious projects. In addition,
the misuse of the Village Fund is also in the form of a
project fee, in which the Village Head submits the
implementation of work to a third party. and, abuse of
the Village Fund is an administrative violation. Where
the village head is required to return the project money
to the village treasury. In addition to the three types of
abuse of the Village Fund, some are included in the
category of Village government administrative service
cases. Like, the management of village documents/
documents. Legal cases involving village letter/
document management are usually through sting
operation (OTT) by the Police. The police conduct
OTT to the village head/village official who receives
money from someone who manages the documents/
documents at the village head's office. Even though
the amount is only a small amount, Rp. 20,000, for
example. The village head/village official is at risk of
being subject to OTT by the police. The
administration of village administration documents/
documents should not need to have illegal levies,
because there is an allocation of Village Funds for
village public services such as the management of
village documents/documents. Abuse of Village
Funds is related to procedures for implementing
projects that are not in accordance with SOP. The
Village Head hands over the implementation of the
project to a third party. The Village Head gets a fee of
a percentage of the project value. In terms of
compliance with the SOP, project implementation is
through the formation of the TPK (Implementor
Team). The TPK is chaired by the Heads of Village
Affairs. Development Unit, Government Unit, and
Finance Unit. Meanwhile, the Village Secretary as the
Program Manager. And the Village Head performs the
function project supervision. Submission of the
project to a third party or consultant has actually begun
since the planning of the project, namely the
preparation of the RAPBDes. Consultant who
prepared RAPBDes. Next, the planning consultant
who carried out the project. The Village Head
considers the Consultant to be a party who
understands the project. The consultant has a
certificate of expertise. If there are problems in
planning and implementing the project, the Consultant
will be responsible. Meanwhile, misuse of Village
Funds falls into the category of administrative errors,
as can be seen from the existence of public complaints
to the Deli Serdang Regency Inspectorate for alleged
abuse of Village Funds by a number of Village Heads
in Deli Serdang Regency. Deli Serdang Regency
Inspectorate assessed that several Village Heads had
committed administrative violations and were
required to carry out compensation claims. The village
head is required to return Rp. 100 million more. The
money returned goes to the Village Treasury.
According to the Head of Deli Serdang Regency
Inspectorate, many Village Heads lacked
understanding of the use of Village Funds. Example of
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
RAP drainage budgeted with a cost of 20 cm
thickness. However, it was only carried out 15 cm.
The weakness of the Village Head in
understanding the management of the Village Fund
should be overcome by the presence of Village
Facilitators. Where the Village Facilitator by the
Kemendes (Ministry of Villages) functions as a
village facilitator or village head in managing village
funds. So that the management of the Village Fund
can run effectively and efficiently. However, as
acknowledged by a Village Head in Deli Serdang
Regency, the Village Assistant only prepared a
Report. And, often even the Village Companion
Report is prepared by the Village Head.
"The village facilitator is finally only a report
administrator. We make their reports. So, they were
not involved in dynamics of the village
government. This homework is also the same as the
Ministry of Villages. If in this Patumbak,
sometimes they come once a month asking for the
signature of the Village Head to make a report. He
asked their work reports from time to time to ask
for APBDes and realization reports. But, dynamic
process is zero. We walk behind them, behind this.
If we wait, it won't work. Yes, we will just walk. He
wants to come along too, okay? We hope this
assistant (village) will want to interact with the
community. In BUMDes, for example, he
participated in dynamic BUMDes. There are
obstacles he can find a solution. His name is Village
Companion. This was not created. He sometimes
becomes an administrator, becomes an instructor,
just become a Report Collector". (Interview with
Head of Marendal 2 Village, Patumbak District,
Deli Serdang Regency, July 11, 2019)
In the midst of the still large number of Village
Heads/Village Officials and BPD who do not
understand the process of using the Village Fund, it is
necessary to compile a training module book and a
practical guide on managing the Village Fund. The
books are arranged in a simple way so that they are
easily understood and understood by the Village
Head/Village Apparatus and BPD.
Second, the abuse of Village Funds is believed to
be strong in all Village Fund management processes.
Starting from the Planning, Disbursement,
Implementation, and Liability Report (LPJ) stages.
Planning is the stage of discussion and ratification of
the RAPBDes. BPD Namo Tualang Village, Biru-
Biru District, Deli Serdang Regency, believes that
there is a strong indication that abuse of Village
Funds takes place at all stages of the project activities.
Starting from the planning, disbursement,
implementation, and the Liability Report (LPJ).
"There is a possibility at the planning stage.
Because, in the framework of the Village Fund
planning process the determination of development
objects in the Village Fund in the initial stages is
based on consultation with the community plus the
BPD along with the elements of the community in
the Village, there is a high probability that there will
be nuances of interest in the development process
or the determination of development objects that
are exist in the village by parties who may have an
interest in development. Say, for example, roads or
irrigation that may indeed be in contact with
individual interests. In disbursement stage. This
corruption gap might later relate to the authority of
the Sub-district parties. Disbursement directly to
the village account. It's just that there might be an
unwritten rule that part of the Deli Serdang
Regency or District has been prepared. For
example, in the form of evaluating financial
statements or accountability reports for village
heads. So, in the mechanism of the accountability
report, usually the Village collects its LPJ to the
District to be corrected. The term corrected may be
the costs later there. So, maybe the abuse of
authority at the District level. If the project is
implemented, it certainly happens. Because,
community involvement might also be minimized.
Price of ingredients. So, there are all kinds of
things. Not to mention the workforce that may not
be in accordance with the process in the field. For
example, say building a 1 KM village road, in the
RAB they have manipulated in quotation marks the
number of workers in the implementation process.
In the RAB they could have made 20 people, but
the actual realization in the field was 10 people. In
terms of materials in terms of price maybe not. But,
if the amount is biased too. For example, cement
should have been made for 25. Maybe, the
indicative models might be there". (Interview with
BPD Namo Tualang Village, Biru-Biru District,
Deli Serdang Regency, July 18, 2019)
Third, abuse of Village Funds has had an impact
on the implementation of Village Autonomy. Both in
the field of public services, village infrastructure,
village economy, and the environment of the village.
Village Infrastructure. For example, village roads,
village bridges, village irrigation channels (tertiary
channels), etc. Poor village infrastructure will affect
the village economy. The flow of transportation from
villages to other villages, or from villages to cities has
been disrupted. The Village Fund has had an impact
on the implementation of Village Autonomy. Village
infrastructure is disrupted. Such as, village roads,
village bridges, village irrigation (tertiary irrigation),
etc. As a result, transportation of villages to cities or
other villages has been disrupted. The village
economy is hampered due to poor village
infrastructure. In addition, the misuse of village funds
Policy Recommendations on the Implementation of Village Autonomy in Deli Serdang Regency
has disrupted village public services. Village offices
cannot be repaired, if possible they cannot be built
new. Including, replacement of stationery and
furniture office Village. In addition to the
aforementioned objectives, the Village Fund is
expected to improve the community's economy
through the establishment of BUMDes. Where
BUMDes can facilitate farmers' products to be sold in
villages or cities. However, with the misuse of the
BUMDes Village Fund it cannot run optimally. As a
result, the production of farmers, especially during
the harvest season, the price dropped sharply.
Sampali Village Secretary, Percut Sei Tuan
District, Deli Serdang Regency, acknowledged that
the impact of abuse of Village Funds was quite large.
Both in the fields of infrastructure, public services,
and community empowerment. And all fields are
related to one another.
"The impact of corruption is huge. ... I see
interlocking. For example, corruption occurs in
infrastructure. That is, the infrastructure is
hampered, public services are hampered,
community empowerment is also unused. Because,
the concept of this Government in the
implementation of the Village Fund, the
implementation of activities carried out by the
community. Hence, there arose jobs for the
community. So, if there is corruption the
connection is wide. Empowering people, the
infrastructure is not working, public services are
disrupted". (Interview with Sampali Village
Secretary, Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang
Regency, July 16, 2019)
Fourth, abuse of Village Funds is caused by
various reasons. Like, Economy, Culture, and Policy.
The reason for the policy relates to the existence of
the District and Regency authority in the guidance
and supervision (binwas) in the management of the
Village Fund. This authority is vulnerable to abuse by
the District and Regency. The policy regulated
through this Bupati Regulation is an implementation
provision of Permendes PDTT No. 19 of 2017. This
Permendes PDTT is inconsistent, and even
contradicts Law No. 23 on Regional Government, and
Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. Thus, this
Permendes PDTT can hamper the achievement of
Village Autonomy. Socio-cultural reasons refer to the
custom of the Village Head/Village Apparatus to
abuse Village Funds. The Village Head considers it
normal to receive fee from a project. And the
community was permissive towards the attitude of the
Village Head. Because, indeed everywhere an
ordinary official receives a project fee. Meanwhile,
economic reasons are always associated with the
receipt and expenditure of the Village Head. Village
Head's income of Rp. 3,600,000 per month. Village
Chief has a lot of expenses. The Village Head is
considered a prestigious position, but earning a little
is spending a lot. Starting from spending when
participating in the Village Head Election (Pilkades)
to spending when elected as Village Head. The
number of reception invitations that must be attended
every week. NGOs, mass organizations (mass
organizations), journalists who always come to the
Village Office asking for help.
Specifically about journalists who always come to
the Village Office, causing the village public services
to be disrupted. The service hours are reduced,
because the Village Office is only open until midday.
The Chairman of PAC NU of Tanjung Morawa
District revealed the village head's complaint, which
was always visited by unscrupulous journalists.
Reporters almost every day come to the Village
Office. As a result, village heads rarely enter village
government offices. Public services are limited to 12
"The village head talked to me as if the Village
Fund indeed had to be spent on everything. For
example, reporters. That's why the leak started from
there. Almost all of the village heads in Tanjung
Morawa. It is rarely the village head in his office.
Why? Because, being visited by reporters
continued to get dizzy. Public service until twelve
o'clock. The reason is because it can't stand it.
Indeed, reporters many times. Reporters without
newspapers, reporters are shitty." (Interview with
Chairman of PAC NU, Tanjung Morawa District,
Deli Serdang Regency, July 19, 2019)
Seeing the minimum income of a village head,
only Rp 3,600,000,-, this includes Rp 600,000,-
occupational benefits, the government had a chance to
increase the Village Head's income to the level of
ASN group II. The government has prepared PP
(Government Regulation). BPD Namo Tualang, Biru-
Biru District, suggested that to address the problem of
the minimum salary of a Village Head, the salary of
the Village Head should be based on economic values
prevailing in their respective Regions.
"In terms of the revenue of the Village Government
Apparatus. Here that can indeed also be a gap. This
means, because it is possible that the salary of the
Village Head is only how much, in fact this is the
one who should go forward to be re-evaluated. That
is, referring to the level of economic needs because
in each region it is different. It is not impossible that
the village head's salary is based on economic
values in his respective regions. For example, in
villages in East Java or in Yogya, for example, the
culture is indeed cheap compared to Pekan Baru.
This is so far the difference and not enough. So, this
should be standardized based on economic values
in the midst of society." (Interview with BPD Namo
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
Tualang Village, Biru-Biru District, Deli Serdang
Regency, July 18, 2019)
Furthermore, in terms of policy. There is a policy
that implicitly gives room to abuse the Village Fund.
Policies can be in the form of Laws, PP, Ministerial
Regulations (Permen), Regional Government
Regulations (Perda), or Regents’ Regulations
(Perbup). BPD Namo Tualang, Biru-Biru District,
Deli Serdang Regency, revealed that Deli Serdang
Regents' Regulations (Perbup) are vulnerable to
abuse by the District authorities. Where the District
has the authority to examine the Village Head's
Accountability Report (LPJ). This Perbup is the
operational guidelines (Petunjuk Pelaksanaan) and
Technical Guidelines (Petunjuk Teknis) for the
examination of Village Head LPJ.
"In terms of regulations, it's likely rather difficult
for us to prove it. For example, there was a policy
from the Bupati in order to make uniform
corrections to the Village Head's accountability
report at the end of the year through the Kecamatan
before being sent to the Regency. As if this is a
good goal, but it could be an opportunity/
opportunity the District parties to take the power of
abuse his authority. So as well as possible in the
process of policy regulation, both at the Regency
and Ministry level, the indicators should be clearer,
more concrete in the future. In particular, it is
indeed the BPD in this case who conducts
supervision more endeavored to have the ability
and understanding of what forms of prevention. So,
the mentality of the BPD and the Village
Government Apparatus must indeed be addressed."
(Interview with BPD Namo Tualang Village, Biru-
Biru District, Deli Serdang Regency, July 18, 2019)
Deli Serdang Regency Regents’ (Peraturan Bupati
(Perbup)), as stated by BPD Namo Tualang, refer to:
Deli Serdang Regent Regulation No.254 of 2017;
Deli Serdang Regent Regulation No. 004 2018; Deli
Serdang Regent Regulation No. 005 of 2018. This
Regent Regulation (Perbup) is actually an
implementation provision of the Minister of Village
Regulation and PDTT No. 19 of 2017 concerning
Determination of Village Fund Priorities, Monitoring
Mechanisms, Guidance, Reporting, and Community
Participation in Village Funds. Specifically in
Chapters V, VI, and VII regulates the Guidance and
Supervision, Reporting, and Community
Participation. According to the PDTT Permendes,
Villages are required to report prioritization of the use
of Village Funds to the Regent. Documents attached,
such as: Village Regulation (Perdes) concerning
Village Authority, Village RKP, and APBDes. Also,
documents on the Report on the Realization of the
Use of Village Funds. The Regency Government
fosters and oversees the determination of priorities for
the use of the Village budget. To carry out the
fostering and supervision functions, the Regional
Government provides assistance and facilitation
carried out by the Village Administration
Organization (OPD). In the context of fostering and
supervising, the Regent conducts monitoring and
evaluation of the Village Fund. The monitoring and
evaluation of Village Funds can be delegated to the
District Government OPD. Meanwhile, the Camat
conducts training and supervision in setting priorities
for the use of Village Funds through the preparation
of participatory development plans and village
community empowerment programs. The Village
Government and BPD carry out the task of
monitoring and evaluating the use of Village Funds
discussed in the Village Conference (Musdes), in
accordance with the format of the Village Periodic
Report. Furthermore, the results of monitoring and
evaluation are carried out by the District Government
OPD and submitted to the Regent. Permendes PDTT
that give the authority to the Camat in carrying out the
fostering and supervision functions (binwas) to the
Village in the use of Village Funds, are actually
contrary to Law No. 23 of 2014 concerning Regional
Government, and Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning
Villages. According to Law No. 23 on Regional
Government, the position of the District is OPD,
where the Camat is the Chairperson of OPD. The
Sub-district is no longer positioned as a regional
apparatus, but rather is a Regional District apparatus.
Similar to other DPOs in the Regency Government.
Therefore, the relationship between Kecamatan and
Desa is no longer a deconcentrated relationship.
Therefore, the Camat does not have supervision and
guidance authority. The position of the District as an
apparatus of the Regency Area can be understood, so
that the Village can become an Autonomous or
Independent. Because there is an assumption, that
Village Autonomy will not be possible if the Village
Government is still positioned as an apparatus of the
District area. Likewise, Law No. 6 of 2014
concerning Villages. According to this law, in the
context of Village Autonomy, there is no relationship
between the deconcentration of the Village and the
Districts. Therefore, the District does not have the
function of guiding and supervising the Village. In
connection with the conflict in principle with the
Permendes Law No. 23 of 2014 and Law No. 6 of
2014, it is necessary to revise the Permendes No. 19
of 2017 concerning Priority Determination of Village
Funds. Specifically, in Chapters V, VI, and VII
(Articles 14-18). Before the revision, it is necessary
to do an academic study to get the Academic Paper
Policy Recommendations on the Implementation of Village Autonomy in Deli Serdang Regency
for the revision of the Permendes containing problem
identification, analysis, and policy recommendations.
First, there are strong indications of abuse of the
Village Fund in Deli Serdang Regency. The
involvement of Village Heads/Village Officials in
abusing Village Funds. The conventional methods,
project fees, and the administrative violations.
Second, the abuse of Village Funds is believed to
be strong in all Village Fund management processes.
Planning, Disbursement, Implementation, and
Responsibility Report (LPJ) Phase.
Third, abuse of Village Funds has had an impact
on the implementation of Village Autonomy. Both in
the field of public services, village infrastructure,
village economy, and the environment of the village.
Fourth, abuse of Village Funds is caused by
various reasons. Economic, Cultural and Policy
Reasons. For social/cultural reasons, the Village
Head follows the habits in his community. Economic
reasons concern the receipt and expenditure of the
Village Head. The Village Head receives a fixed
income and a Position Allowance of Rp. 3. 600,000,-
/month. The Village Chief's extra expenditure is quite
large. The policy relates to the existence of District
and Regency authority in the guidance and
supervision (binwas) in the management of the
Village Fund. This authority is vulnerable to abuse by
the District and Regency. This policy is regulated
through Regents’ Regulations. And is a provision for
the implementation of Permendes PDTT No. 19 of
2017. This Permendes PDTT is inconsistent, and even
contradicts Law No. 23 on Regional Government, and
Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. This
Permendes PDTT can hamper the achievement of
Village Autonomy.
Rangkuti, M.R., Harahap, H.I., 2017. Village autonomy
design model based on law No. 6 of 2014 concerning
villages in Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra
Province. DRPM Kemenristekdikti.
http; //medan.tribunnews.com/2018/8/8/banyak-dugaan-
abuse-dana-desa-ini-hasil-l reports-ke-inspektorat-
yang-arogan-ini-d Call-poldasu
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3