been actively supporting the society to improve
public facilities, build a bridge, promote Integrated
Service Post (Posyandu), help with local home
improvements, and either attend in a local event
such as wedding event or funeral/memorial service.
Babinsa and Bhabinkamtibmas are also obliged to
attend and participate in every religious holy days
such as PHBI (Peringatan Hari Besar Islam) and
PHBN (Peringatan Hari Besar Nasional) that are
held by local people in the Genteng Village. These
programmes are useful to strengthen and maintain
relationships between citizens to create a
harmonious environment.
In regard to the educational contribution, the
Babinsa and Bhabinkamtibmas provide support to
all schools in the Village Genteng by promoting the
importance of education and road safety as well as
providing information about the risks of drugs
misuse, free sex, and violence among young people.
They usually run these programmes when they
become the head of flag ceremony in schools.
In the village development, the Babinsa and
Bhabinkamtibmas participate in controlling the use
of Village Fund (Dana Desa) allocated by the
central government to the village government. This
controlling process done regularly starting from the
discussion of village development planning
(Musyawarah Rencana Pembangunan Desa/
Musrenbangdes), Village Budgeting and Income
Budgeting activities (Kegiatan Penyusunan
Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Desa/APBDes) to
the implementation stage. These programmes are not
only done by Babinsa and Bhabinkamtibmas but
also by other social institution located in Genteng
Village such as BPD, LPMD, local youth
organisation (Karang Taruna), PKK, the headman of
village, the headman of local neighbourhoods, and
the society themselves who are becoming more
aware of the importance of controlling the Dana
Desa (the village fund).
In addition to the programmes mentioned, the
Babinsa and Bhabinkamtibmas also play an active
role in overseeing other government programmes
implemented at the village level. Some of these
programs such as Poverty Alleviation programme
(e.g. Program Keluarga Harapan (Family Hope
Programme), Program Bantuan Pangan Non Tunai
(Non-Cash Food Assistance Programme), Program
Rumah Tinggal Layak Huni (Livable Living
Program), Program Kelompok Usaha Bersama
(Joint Business Group Program), Program Kartu
Indonesia Pintar (Smart Indonesia Card
Programme), Program Kartu Indonesia Sehat
(Health Card Program), Agricultural Programmes
(e.g. seed assistance, fertilizer and agricultural
equipment) and so on. In this case, the Babinsa and
Bhabinkamtibmas are responsible for distributing,
tracking, controlling, and reporting the use of the
village fund.
In the implementation of social assistance
programmes, there exist various kind of problems,
including jealousy amongst society members,
inaccurate targets, conflicts of interests, and
irregularities in the distribution of social assistance
that are not in accordance with the procedures. In
addressing these problems, Babinsa and
Bhabinkamtibmas conduct supervision to minimize
In regard to the village development, the
development is currently not only focused on the
physical development but also the human resource
development. The village government together with
Babinsa and Bhabinkamtibmas of Genteng Village
always send out productive age citizens to various
training activities, ranging from work training held
by the Sumedang District Manpower Office to
various capacity building training (agriculture,
plantation, processing of agricultural/plantation
products, post-harvest, government, etc.) held either
by the government or private sectors.
Furthermore, Genteng Village has become one of
the main locations for KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) or
a Community Service Programme led by students in
the community in which this programme is
positively welcomed by the village government,
Babinsa and Bhabinkamtibmas. The universities
who run their KKN in Genteng Village usually have
a range of programmes that can be useful for the
human resource development in the village. With
these programmes, it is hoped that the local
community can be more aware of the importance of
education. In addition, all parents in the village are
expected to encourage their children to pursue
higher education which can potentially have a
positive impact on their children’s motivation. The
activities are also expected to promote the
importance of information sharing amongst society
to increase their knowledge and capacity as well as
to increase opportunities in developing various
potential assets of Genteng Village in all community
aspects. Indeed, there is an opportunity for a
pentahelix collaboration between the government,
private sectors, the community, academics, and the
media for the village development which might not
exist the other villages.
In regard to the culture and religion aspects, the
village government, Babinsa and Bhabinkamtibmas
strive to maintain their culture and customs based