community understands that in conveying
aspirations it cannot only be conveyed to The
Village Representative Body. The community
actually has a variety of platforms that should be
effective in increasing the absorption of community
aspirations such as the clan gathering, Partangiangan
activities (Christian prayer events) and various other
activities. These containers should be optimized for
the absorption of new aspirations of figures in the
container to convey them to The Village
Representative Body (BPD).
The Parmonangan Village Head also considered
that it was difficult if the community waited for
meeting rooms initiated by the village government.
Several times the activities carried out by the
community were reluctant to come. The perception
of "discouraged", where the community assesses its
presence will not help many development activities
due to inadequate skills and quality of education.
The discussion theme then moves to the desire to
build a village-owned enterprise. The interesting
thing found is the awareness to be able to have a
joint business in the village that can provide mutual
benefits. Several village leaders explained that the
effort must reflect the strong will of the people of
the Village to move forward, produce proud village
products / capabilities and abilities.
The village is expected to be able to meet its
needs, intention, work, while the village covers the
economic, cultural and social fields which are based
on three forces namely:
The development of rural and inter-village
economic activities,
The strength of the village participatory system,
The development of communities in villages that
are economically and socio culturally strong.
Therefore, the community must be able to
present their initiatives, work, and participation in
the planning process, development implementation,
and program evaluation. If a village-owned
enterprise should be a necessity then that is then a
priority. In Law Number 6 Year 2014, village-
owned enterprise (BUMDes) is a business entity that
in whole or most of its capital is owned by the
village through direct participation based on village
assets that are separated to manage assets, service
services, and other businesses, as much as possible
for the welfare of the community village (Sidik,
Furthermore, the solutions offered by
representatives of community groups so that the
village of Parmonangan towards independence:
Optimizing small groups in the village such as
youth clubs, NHKBP, clan arisan groups and
others as a source of village development
Providing space for the community to participate
in the implementation of village development,
Prioritize agricultural development as a step to
improve the economy of rural communities
dominated by farmers,
Establish a village-owned enterprise (BUMDes)
that can accommodate the agricultural output of
rural communities.
These four solutions are considered by the
community to change the situation of the local
village. Small groups in the village have so far been
underused in efforts to absorb aspirations. Various
daily activities of the people tend to be lazy in
participating in village activities or meetings. This is
seen by the dedication team as a factor influencing
village development which is still far from the
expectations of the community. On the side of the
village community more enthusiastic about
participating in activities such as clan gathering,
worship activities, and youth activities. Therefore,
the village government and The Village
Representative Body (BPD) today must be able to
absorb the aspirations of small group activities in the
Referring to the research that has been conducted
by Arifah and Kusumastuti (2018), there are four
strategies towards the independent village:
Carry out a mapping of village potentials and
market networks that can be managed to become
a source of village economy,
Applying methods of coaching and directing or
mentoring to accelerate development in the
socio-cultural aspects, strengthening the capacity
of village government and structuring village
Building synergy between village development
planning and regional planning, and national
planning. To form an independent village
requires careful planning so that development
can proceed properly and existing obstacles can
be controlled,
Building village governance into a modern,
village-based cultural organization.
Parmonangan Village can develop strategies that
might be formulated by combining what has been
formulated from the results of village discussions
with the results of research that has been done
elsewhere. This will provide additional insights into
improvements towards an independent village.
In the aspect of agriculture, many people
consider that village funds which have been the
foundation of village development cannot be