Transfer of the concept of community
livelihood in some areas towards coastal
Transfer of fisheries and fishponds that have
been displaced by reclamation activities.
Absorption of community labor directly
affected by the reclamation of Lamong Bay.
The conclusion of this community service are:
Teluk Lamong has been carried out in 4 phases
starting from 2010 and planned to be completed
until 2030 under PELINDO III's needs as a
means of distribution of containers and dry
bulk loads. Implementation of UU No. 27 of
2007 is to issue zoning plans for coastal areas
and small islands as outlined in UU No. 26 of
2007 through the PERDA of East Java
Province No. 1 of 2018. the implementation of
lamong bay reclamation is following the
specified zoning, namely the Port General Use
Area. However, socialization in the application
needs to be communicated.
In practice, the application of UU No. 27 of
2007 in conjunction with UU No. 1 of 2014 is
the implementation of the integrated coastal
area management concept. ICZM (Integrated
Coastal Zone Management) provides
formulations/suggestions in management
procedures that contain integration between the
center and the regions, between provinces and
districts and then between agencies. by
prioritizing sitting together and maintaining
communication between relevant agencies.
thus, harmony between agencies is expected to
be maintained.
It is hoped that communication between
relevant stakeholders can make development
sustainable. The main objective of the
development of this project is that in the future
it will have a big impact on the community,
especially the nation's next generation. This
project can help the accommodation and
distribution of goods to facilitate economic
flows that occur. But what needs to be
underlined is that the management of these
activities must be right on target so that the
main targets and objectives can be achieved.
The local government and related agencies will
also continue to develop the potential that
exists in the area around the Lamong Bay
In the reclamation procedure which began in 2010
and the plan until 2030, it turns out that there are some
residents who need assistance, one of which is the
placement of workers, this can be overcome through
increased communication between agencies so that it
can provide positive results. Further studies are
expected to be able to determine the potential of
coastal areas in the reclamation area so as to
overcome these problems.
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