affected various aspects of the floating breakwater.
One of the aspects that were studied is the mooring
tension and transmission coefficient. In terms of the
transmission coefficients, it is found that solid
floating breakwater has a smaller transmission
coefficient value indicates that solid floating
breakwater can reduce waves better. But in terms of
the mooring tension produced in the mooring lines,
both the mooring line on the seaward side and
shoreward side produces a smaller mooring tension
value on the perforated floating breakwater.
Wilbur (1996) says that when a wave hits the
structure of a floating breakwater, some of the waves
are reflected, some pass away, and some others enter
through the pore that is in the structure and that, of
course, reduces the impact received by the mooring
system. Marks continued, if the floating breakwater
used is a solid structure, the greater reflection will
occur on the side of the floating breakwater wall with
a high resultant force. In the case of a perforated
floating breakwater, the wave force will be
transmitted to the mooring rope and also some of the
wave force will direct the floating breakwater to
move (oscillating) so that it forms a new wave behind
the structure. This is certainly one of the
disadvantages of using a solid floating breakwater
rather than the perforated floating breakwater.
Research conducted by Wilbur was also proven in
this study where the tension produced by a porous
saw type floating breakwater is lower than that of a
pontoon floating breakwater.
Based on this study, several conclusions can be
drawn from the physical model tests of mooring
tension on the porous saw type floating breakwater
1. Based on variations in the mooring angle and
water level elevation, the following conclusions
are obtained:
• The greater the mooring angle, the smaller the
mooring tension experienced by the mooring
• Based on the variations of the mooring angle,
30⁰, 45⁰, and 60⁰, it can be seen that the greatest
mooring tension occurs at an angle of 30⁰ with
mooring tension differences at 45⁰ and 60
15% and 20% smaller than an angle of 30⁰
2. Floating breakwater type porous saw type gives
a smaller mooring tension than the pontoon type. The
porous saw type can reduce mooring tension by 10%
up to 15% at an angle of 30⁰ - 60⁰.
This article is part of the Research Program contract
of the Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
Surabaya number: 866 / PKS / ITS / 2019 schema of
Penelitian Dasar Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi
(PDUPT). The author would like to thank all those
who helped in the preparation of this paper. The
Department of Ocean Engineering, as well as the
Energy and Marine Environment Laboratory, has
provided facilities and equipment for this research.
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