Identification of Coastal Problem along the East Coast of Lampung
Trika Agnestasia Tarigan
, Nanda Nurisman
and Nirmawana Simarmata
Department of Ocean Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Jalan Terusan Ryacudu, Lampung Selatan, Indonesia
Department of Geomatics Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sumatera, Jalan Terusan Ryacudu, Lampung Selatan, Indonesia
Keywords: Coastal Problem, East Coast, South Lampung.
Abstract: The dynamics of nature occurring in recent years, as well as climate change and the increasingly severe
pressures of humans have had a noticeable impact on the coastal conditions. This research aims to present the
results of identification of various damages that occurred along the East Coast of South Lampung Regency of
Lampung Province with the method of field surveys through observation, measurement, study of supporting
data and previous research. This study was conducted with several activities, namely field observation,
interviews and documentation of conditions for damage to coastal areas. The final result of this identification
is to describe: (a) the type of damage occurring; (b) Cause of damage; (c) The impact of any damages incurred;
(d) Alternative countermeasures; and (e) The location coordinates are damaged. The results showed that the
sedimentation process and damage to coastal structures occurred at the location of Ketapang Laut village.
Sedimentation also occurs in the estuary of Ketapang Laut village of South Lampung to cause the presence
of land arises, the sediment of river estuary and the coastline. Another problem is the decrease of mangrove
forest area which is one caused by the opening of the area to be used as shrimp pond.
The problem of coastal areas is a condition that inflict
damage to coastal areas caused by natural processes
or caused by human activities. The factors that cause
damage to coastal areas can naturally come from the
influence of the hydro-oceanographic processes
occurring in the sea that can cause waves to wave,
resulting in sedimentary transport, changes in current
patterns, tidal variations, and climate change (Fadilah
et all, 2013).
Some locations along the coast are damaged,
especially in physical forms such as coastal line
changes, either abrasion/erosion and accretion/
sedimentation. East Coast of South Lampung
Province is one of the coastal areas that is not
separated from the general problems of the beach is
erosion and sedimentation. The change of coastline is
a process that lasts continuously through a variety of
processes both erosion (abrasion) and additions
(accretion) resulting from the movement of coastal
sediments, longshore current, wave action and land
use (Arief et. al., 2011).
Coastal erosion is a result of human activities and
natural environment changes making the coastal
dynamic action (wave, current, wind) lose balance in
the coastal process, and the long-term loss of
sediments of coastal zone results in the destruction
process of coastline retreat and beach erosion (Yin-
can, 2017). Accretion or sedimentation is the siltation
or addition of coastal land due to the deposition of
sediment brought by sea water. The sedimentation
process can take place naturally from the
sedimentation process and freshwater flow, as well as
those caused by land-based human activities such as
deforestation and pollution. Moreover, accretion can
also harm the coastal community, because in addition
to influencing the stabilization of the coastline,
accretion can also cause the traffic to the river estuary
where the ship and the boat.
Coastal damage can be assessed objectively by
using special criteria for coastal damage assessment.
Based on the SE KEMENPUPR No. 08/SE/M/2010 it
is written that the criteria of damage to the coast used
is divided into 3 (three) kinds such as the criteria of
coastal environmental damage, erosion criteria and
building damage and sedimentation criteria.
This research aims to present the results of
identifying various damages that occurred along the
east coast of South Lampung Regency with the
Identification of Coastal Problem along the East Coast of Lampung Indonesia.