the damping factor value to be small so that when the
motion reaches its resonant frequency, the change in
motion characteristics will have a sharply increased
part. Whereas the horizontal motion mode which
does not have a stiffness factor during free-floating
conditions will produce a relatively large damping
factor so that the motion will be damped by the
presence of the damping factor and the horizontal
motion mode does not experience a sharp increase. If
there is an increase in certain parts, then the increase
in the curve is influenced by the coupling effect of
other motions.
This paper compares the dynamic behavior of a
porous saw type floating breakwater with another
types. Numerical studies were carried out with
computation fluid dynamics on models of these
structures at a water depth of 41 cm, wave height of
3 cm, and a wave period of 1.1 seconds. some
findings may be explained as follows:
The surge, pitch, and yaw motion modes are not
affected by side waves so the RAO value is very
small and almost close to 0.
The floating breakwater motion in the direction of
incoming waves perpendicular to the structure
only affects the motion sway, heave, and roll.
Sway motion has a higher maximum value when
compared to surge for side waves because side
wave propagation has a great influence on sway
motion. At the same frequency, the maximum
RAO for saw-type floating breakwater is 0.98
cm/cm, tipe pontoon is 0.79 cm/cm and porous
saw-type RAO is 0.6 cm/cm. After that, the third
RAO floating breakwater decreases gradually.
The largest RAO maximum heave motion occurs
in the saw type followed by the type of pontoon
and porous saw by 2.85 cm/cm, 2.45 cm/cm, and
2.1 cm/cm respectively. After going through the
peak, the RAO heave will decrease dramatically
at high frequencies.
The highest peak value of RAO roll occurs at
natural frequency 0.43 rad / s, in floating
breakwater type of saw, pontoon, and porous saw
of 11.86 deg/cm, 9.64 deg/cm, and 8.6 deg/cm
This work was financially supported by The
Directorate of Research and Community Service,
Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS),
Surabaya in research grand scema: "Basic Research
for Higher Education" dan Author thank the
Department Mechanical Engineering ITS for
providing the facilities of Ansys/Aqwa software.
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