added that reaches target groups. Such interventions
connect micro and small enterprises to larger
companies with access to wider markets, creating
forward and backward linkages where farmers can
Therefore, however the assessment is designed, it
will need to incorporate micro-macro linkages, these
being. the linkages between issues that influence
livelihoods and economic recovery at the individual,
household, and community level (the micro level)
and those issues that relate to the economy, policy
framework, and systems of governance at provincial,
national and, where relevant, regional levels (the
macro level) (UNDP, 2013). In detail, the mapping
and analysis will cover the market size, volume,
distance, demand for and supply chain/competition,
type of producers (large, medium, and small),
existence of middle man, men and women led
business/trades, available mode of transportation and
market associations/trade organizations. It will also
capture information about credit institutions, training
providers, market associations, and enabling actors
in the value chains of selected commodities.
The intervention developed, as follow up of the
assessment; consist of vertical and horizontal
aspects. Vertical value-chain interventions focus on
strengthening dialogue between large enterprises
that dominate the value chain and smaller enterprises
in order to identify opportunities for increased
participation in the value chain by small, local firms.
Horizontal value-chain interventions focus on the
access that smaller, less powerful businesses have to
the business and financial services they require to
participate more effectively in national and global
value chains, as well as to the collective actions they
can engage in through business associations and
Method to meet the research objectives, this study
used a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods.
It employed strategies of inquiry that involve
collecting data either simultaneously or sequentially
to best understand research problems. The data
collection involved gathering both numeric
information as well as text information so that the
final database represents both quantitative and
qualitative informations (Creswell, 2003).
Purposive sampling methodology is selected for
quantitative approach to focus on particular
characteristics of a population that are of interest,
which will best enable us to answer the research
questions. Considering that the projects has varied
approach to achieve the same outcomes, maximum
variation sampling techniques will be exercised to
capture and to describe the central theme that cut
across a great deal of participants or program
variation. Any common patterns that emerge from
great variation are of particular interest and value in
capturing the core experience and central, shared
aspects or impacts of a program (Patton, 1990).
The criteria being used to determine the
respondents is designed together with the program
owner and considered purposed theoretical approach
that being used as the basis of this study. The criteria
are: (i) covered 50 farmers interviewed in the sample
area; (ii) 20% of the producer groups operational in
current project; (iii) the respondent is listed as
beneficiaries of the program; and (iv) the sampling
will cover 30% of female respondents to get gender
perspective of the program.
Qualitative approach emphasized on culturally
specific information about the values, opinions,
behaviors, and social contexts of particular
populations and to identify intangible factors, such
as social norms, socioeconomic status, gender roles,
ethnicity, and religion, whose role in the research
issue may not be readily apparent. The strength of
qualitative research is its ability to provide complex
textual descriptions of how people experience a
given research issue. It provides information about
the “human” side of an issue – that is, the often
contradictory behaviors, beliefs, opinions, emotions,
and relationships of individuals. Qualitative methods
are also effective (Denzen et al., 2000).
The methodology being used to obtain
qualitative data consist of:
a. Document study consist of production and trades
volume before and during the period of eruption;
underlying policies, institutional and
infrastructural issues that affect the
competitiveness of the selected value chains; and
the current planned investment and priorities of
governments and development agencies in the
b. Key informant interview participated by District
Agriculture Office; District Cooperative,
Industry and Trade Office; District Statistics
Bureau; District Planning Agency; Key
Distributors at village until district level;
Pesticides Suppliers at district level, Farmers
Group Leaders, and Community Leaders.
c. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) involved
farmers, local trader, and consumers.
The following data specific to 3 commodities
were collected: a) Data on costs, production, sales