adhesion of the coating to the protected substrate
(Golovin, 2019). An Inhibitor with an effective
corrosion reduction performance is generally an
organic compound consisting of atoms N, O, P, and S
(Hatch, 1984).
One of the groups of organic compounds
containing such components is nicotine, on the other
hand hazardous substances have been identified in
cigarette butts – including arsenic, lead, nicotine and
ethyl phenol (Eriksen, 2013). Nicotine is widely
contained in tea, coffee, tobacco and cigarette butts,
but the component of nicotine on cigarette butss more
than coffee and tea is equel to 3,43% (Rodgman,
2006). Nicotine can be used as an inhibitor by
donating the nitrogen atom in the nicotine to the atom
so that the compound is formed [Fe (NH
2 +
This compound has a higher stability than the Fe so
that it can be used as a protection in corrosion
(Haryono, 2010).
In general, tobacco is the main ingredient of
cigarette composition, but when cigarettes turn into
cigarette butts, the cigarette butts Filter absorbs
chemical content in cigarettes as much as 80%
(Novotny, 2009). This is caused by paper and
cellulose acetate, that collects chemicals that are
produced by smoking. (Novotny, 2014). This plastic
component of filtered cigarettes may not degrade in
the environment for many years (Bonanomi, 2015).
There are numerous advantages of using tobacco
extract as a metallic corrosion inhibitor is a natural,
renewable, environmentally benign, and relatively
inexpensive source. The active constituents in
tobacco can be commercially extracted in a simple
operation using only water as an extraction medium
(Fouda, 2014).
Almost six-trillion cigarettes are produced
globally each year, with approximately one-third to
two-thirds of those cigarette butts being possibly
deposited in the environment and ending up in parks,
beaches, streets, and communities (Granados, 2019).
According to the World Health Agency (WHO)
survey about 36.3% of the population of Indonesia is
an active smoker and Indonesia produces at least 52
million sticks of cigarette butts waste every year.
Therefore, cigarette butts are potential to be used as
an alternative to corrosion inhibitor material and can
tackle cigarettes butt garbage in Indonesia. Previous
research stated that the use of tobacco as a corrosion
inhibitor on spikes still have a 23% lower corrosion
rate reduction compared to using cigarette butts waste
with an average value of corrosion rate of 0.16 mpy
(Andeka, 2015). The greater the addition of cigarette
butts extract then the higher the rate of the
corrections. Therefore, this research needs to be done
to assess the utilization of waste cigarette butts as a
corrosion inhibitor material on the platform jacket.
The purpose of this research is to determine the
parameters that affect the use of cigarette butts as
coating material and to know the reliability of coating
coatings from the cigarette butts. There are also
benefits achieved from this research the first is to
utilize waste cigarette butts so as to reduce the amount
of waste in Indonesia and for the protection of oil rig
building so as to reduce the accommodation and
maintenance cost. As for the potential results that can
be created from this work is the scientific article. The
second is a reference for
2.1 Time and Place of Execution
The research began on April 1, 2019 until July 13,
2019. The first stage author do is to find cigarette
butts in the surrounding area Faculty of Marine
Technology, ITS. Then proceed with the purchase of
specimen and perform various stages of testing in the
laboratory environment of ITS Metallurgical Material
Department and in CV Cipta Agung.
2.2 Tools and Materials
The equipment used in this research was
spychrometer (wet and dry thermometer), evaporator,
dry abrasive blast cleaning, WFT measuring
instrument (Wet Film Comb), DFT measuring device
(Dry Film Thickness), (pull of test) power test
equipment, FTIR (Fourier Transform (Infrared),
stereo microscope, and optical microscope.
The materials used were methanol, cigarette butts,
tobacco, original powdered tea, paint jotun penguard
Primer grey compenent A and B, thinner Jotun No.
17, Kenjeran sea water, sandpaper No. 150, glue
stardard setting epoxy adhesive, and ASTM A36 steel
with specimen sizes is 20 mm x 20mm x 6 mm and
50 mm x 50 mm x 6 mm, where the properties of
ASTM A36 shown in figure 1.