Based on the results of the research and discussion, it
can be concluded that: Paving blocks based on
polymeric materials can be made by mixing asphalt
as a substitute for binder and solid bitumen and
concentrated latex as an adhesive (adhesive) with the
addition of dicumyl peroxide as an initiator and
divinyl benzene as a crosslinker using sand and gravel
aggregates. Utilization of asphalt, solid bitumen, and
concentrated latex can improve the physical and
mechanical properties of the resulting paving block
with an optimum ratio of asphalt: solid bitumen:
concentrated latex (70: 25: 5) (Paving Block E).
Physical properties of the water absorbing capacity is
0.85%. The mechanical properties of compressive
strength are 0.605 MPa. Morphological
characteristics by using SEM show differences in
surface structure by comparison of the composition of
each component used. At the optimum ratio, mixing
is produced with the homogeneity of the most
effective surface structures.
The authors would like to thank to Mr. Prof. Dr.
Tamrin, M.Sc as advisor I and Mr. Dr. Darwin Yunus
Nasution, MS as advisor II in this research.
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