2.1 Making Goat’s Milk Kefir
Fresh milk is pasteurized, which is heated at 60-65 °
C for 30 minutes, then cooled to room temperature
(± 28 ° C), pasteurized milk is put in 3% and 5%
grains of kefir and stirred evenly. Furthermore,
allowed / incubated for 20-24 hours (overnight) at
room temperature (25-37
C) so that the fermentation
process takes place. When the milk has coagulated,
strained the milk using a plastic strainer to get the
kefir grains back (Usmiati, 2007).
2.2 Making Coconut’s Milk Kefir
Grated old coconut to separate the coconut meat
from the coconut shell. Then add hot water (90-
C) to the shredded coconut meat with ratio of
water to coconut meat is 1.5: 1. The mixture of
coconut meat and hot water is allowed to stand for
one minute, then the mixture is blended for 5
minutes. After that, pour the mixture into a
cheesecloth and filter coconut meat from coconut
milk. Coconut milk that has been obtained is
pasteurized by heating coconut milk at 85-90
C for
15 seconds. After pasteurization, cool the coconut
milk to room temperature of 28
C, then add kefir
grains as much as 3% and 5% and stir evenly.
Furthermore, allowed / incubated for 20-24 hours
(overnight) at room temperature (25-37
C) so that
the fermentation process takes place. When the
mixture has coagulated, strained the coconut milk
using a plastic strainer to get the kefir grains back
(Anonim, 2013).
2.3 Quality Analysis of Probiotic
Beverages (Kefir)
Analyses of pH, water content, protein content, fat
content and ash content of each sample were
performed according to the standard method by SNI
2.4 Antibacterial Activity Test of Goat
Milk Kefir and Voconut Milk Kefir
Mueller Hinton Agar was poured as much as 15 ml
into a petri dish, after it was left to solidify, streak
Escherichia Coli and Staphylococcus aureus
inoculums into different petri dishes. Inoculum
scraping is done continuously. Dip sterile paper
discs into each sample and inserted into a petri dish.
Incubated in an incubator at ± 35
C for 18-24 hours.
Furthermore, measured the diameter of the clear
zone around the paper disk with calipers.
2.5 Isolation of Lactic Acid Bacteria
from Goat Milk Kefir and Coconut
Milk Kefir
Total plate count of lactic acid bacteria
A total of 1 gram of kefir sample was diluted in 9
mL MRS Broth, vortexed until homogeneous. A
total of 0.1 mL of the dilution results was put into an
eppendorf tube containing 0.9 mL of MRS Broth
media. Make the dilution up to 10-6 dilution. At the
last dilution, 0.1 mL was taken and then sprayed
onto the MRS agar medium and flattened with a
hockey stick. Then put in anaerobic jar and
incubated for 48 hours at 37
C. Calculate the total
growing colonies using the CFU / g formula
(Purwati et al., 2005).
Isolation of lactic acid bacteria
Using a sterile spoon and curd aluminum foil
weighed as much as 1 g sample, then dissolved with
9 ml of MRS Broth solution in a test tube, then
vortex until homogeneous. This result is called
dilution 1, put into an anaerobic jar, then incubated
for 24 hours in an incubator at 37ºC. After 24 hours,
take 1 ml and put into a test tube containing 9 ml of
MRS Broth solution, then vortex until
homogeneous. Do this serial dilution until 7 times.
From the last dilution 100 µl sample is taken and
planted with the spread method on petridish which
contains MRS Agar media, then flattened with a
hockey stick that was previously sterilized with
alcohol and burned with Bunsen and then aerated.
The inoculum was stored in an anaerobic jar then
incubated in an incubator for 48 hours at 37
In order to purify the colony, using the streak
method, by using an ose needle take one colony and
then streak on to the new MRS Agar media
simultanously, and then incubated for 24 hours at
37ºC. (Purwati et al., 2005).
2.6 Identification of Lactic Acid
Bacteria from Goat Milk Kefir and
Coconut Milk Kefir
Macroscopic Identification
This identification activity was carried out on BAL
isolates which observe the shape, color, and edges,
lactic acid bacterial cells (Purwati et al., 2005).