Root Morphological Analysis of 10 Forest Tree Species in an Effort to
Design a Rooter System in the Bukit Barisan Forest
Budi Utomo, Hisar Manalu and Afifuddin Dalimunthe
Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry, Jln. Tri Darma Ujung no. 1, Universitas Sumatera Utara,
Medan 20155, Indonesia
Keyword: Tree roots, behavior, flooding, rooter system, engineering.
Abstract: Forests have gave us an education in building a good ecosystem balance. This balance causes flooding
during the rainy season. This is contrary to conditions in urban areas which often experience flooding during
the rainy season. Therefore, the behavior of forest vegetation in treating nature needs to be studied further,
especially tree roots. Roots in trees are a very important foundation for tree growth and development. Not
only does it provide mechanical reinforcement to maintain the straight-up structure of a tree, but it is also
essential for the absorption of water and minerals. In its growth the roots are the most important part of the
tree to be able to maintain its life. Roots have the task of strengthening the establishment of plants,
absorbing water and nutrients dissolved in it from the soil, and sometimes as a place to store food. This
research can provide information about the root behavior of several forest tree species and the optimization
of land use. There were ten types of trees studied, namely Pinus (P. merkusii), Eucalyptus (E. grandis),
Jackfruit (A. heterophyllus), Jengkol (A. pauciflorum), Rambutan (N. lappaceum), Cinnamon (C.
burmannii), Petai (P. speciosa) and Meme (A. angustiloba). Parameters observed were root behavior, root
shape and root size. The results showed that the root behavior of each tree was different with varying
lengths and angles ranging from 10-65o, lateral root lengths ranging from 300-570 cm with root diameters
of mature trees 10-28.8 cm, taproot depth as deep as 1.5-2 m.
Roots in trees are a very important foundation for
tree growth and development. Not only does it
provide mechanical reinforcement to maintain the
straight-up structure of a tree, but it is also essential
for the absorption of water and minerals. In fact, the
health and vigor of the root system strongly underlie
the overall health and vigor of the tree, so ideally,
silvicultural treatment should be based on balanced
root and crown characteristics. The root system is
relatively little known because of the unavoidable
difficulty of studying roots without at the same time
changing their growing conditions. Characteristics
of tree roots vary widely between species,
individuals within the same species, and even among
different roots within an individual tree. Lateral
spread of the root system is usually 2 to 5 times the
crown radius, becoming greater in poor growing
sites and in drier conditions. The extensive lateral
development of the tree's root system means that
generally the highest concentrations of food-
absorbing fine roots are present at some distance
from the trunk. This fact has a clear relationship
with fertilizer placement (Daniel et al, 1987).
Roots are the lower part of the plant axis and
usually develop below the soil surface, although
there are also roots that grow outside the soil. A
good root system allows plants to get the necessary
resources in sufficient quantities. Bahuguna and
Bhatia (2010) stated that dry matter from
photosynthesis is a source of energy for cell division
and enlargement which results in an increase in plant
height. Knowledge of root characteristics as
influenced by management and growing conditions
is very important for optimizing land use (Schroth,
According to Bahuguna and Bhatia (2010) in a
forest ecosystem, trees are vegetation that cannot be
separated from the area, trees are the largest carbon
sinks and become vegetation that plays a very
important role in maintaining ecosystems,
maintaining soil fertility, preventing erosion,
flooding and contributing the largest oxygen. . To
Utomo, B., Manalu, H. and Dalimunthe, A.
Root Morphological Analysis of 10 Forest Tree Species in an Effort to Design a Rooter System in the Bukit Barisan Forest.
DOI: 10.5220/0010137300002775
In Proceedings of the 1st International MIPAnet Conference on Science and Mathematics (IMC-SciMath 2019), pages 117-124
ISBN: 978-989-758-556-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
maintain the growth and development of the tree, the
root is one part of the tree that needs to be
considered, including the system, as well as the
behavior of the tree's roots. Because the system and
how the behavior of the roots on a tree greatly affect
its growth and development. The behavior of tree
roots needs to be known to study how forests treat
nature so that the balance of the ecosystem can be
maintained. The shape of the roots of this tree can be
imitated to create an optimal water absorption
system in order to prevent flooding in the city area.
This research was carried out in the Bukit Barisan
National Park (TMBB) forest, precisely in the
Sibolangit Village area, Deli Serdang Regency. This
forest is located at an altitude of 700-1250 masl with
an annual average temperature of 19.60C and
humidity in the range of 85% - 89% and with an
average humidity of 87%. This research lasted for 3
months starting from April to June 2017.
The tools used in this study were hoe, meter,
digital camera, machete, spray and stationery. The
research material used was the roots of 10 dominant
tree species found growing in this forest area.
The trees studied consisted of 10 different
species, the most dominant species appearing in the
TNBB forest area which had the largest height and
diameter. Furthermore, data for all sample trees were
recorded, such as tree height, branch-free height and
tree diameter.
Excavations adjacent to tree roots were carried
out to examine the behavior of tree roots in forest
areas as deep as the roots of the tree to be studied.
Damage to the roots should not occur when
excavation is carried out to prevent damage to the
roots and the tree.
After doing the excavation, the root depth was
measured from the soil surface, measured the
diameter at the largest root, estimated the average
angle between the roots and the soil surface and
measured the length of the lateral roots. These
measurements were carried out with the aim of
knowing the relationship between rooting and tree
age in one species and knowing the relationship
between root behavior and optimization of land use
(Hidayat, 1995).
Observations were made on the behavior of tree
roots in penetrating the soil and adapting to the
horizon or differences in the soil layers, as well as
observing the behavior of roots towards growing
places dominated by rocks, to high humidity, to
fertile soil, to soils with a high level of drought and
to soils with high levels of drought. soil that is
difficult for the roots of the tree to penetrate.
Furthermore, observations were made on the
shape of the tree roots of each individual to be
observed, the shape of the roots on the taproot,
lateral roots and adventitious roots. Measurements
on the roots of the trees studied included lateral root
length and root diameter with a distance of about 30
cm from the base of the tree trunk and observed
changes in root colour along with the depth of the
soil that had been excavated. Observation activities
were carried out using descriptive methods, namely
observing directly in the field.
The trees studied consisted of 10 different tree
species that were dominant in the TNBB forest. The
measurement results obtained from the 10 tree
species studied in the TNBB Forest are as follows:
Table 1. Characteristics of Trees Researched with Different Types and Ages in TNBB Forests
No Local Name Species Tree Age (Year)*
1 Pinus Pinus merkusii 20
2 Nangka Artocarpus heterophyllus 20
3 Rambutan Nephelium lappaceum 15
4 Petai Parkia speciosa 20
5 Jengkol Archidendron pauciflorum 20
6 Dadap Erythrina subumbrans 25
7 Eucalyptus Eucalyptus grandis 15
8 Alpukat Persea Americana 25
9 Meme Alstonia angustiloba 25
10 Kayu manis Cinnamomum burmanni 15
Note: *The age of the tree is known by receiving information directly from the community at the research site.
IMC-SciMath 2019 - The International MIPAnet Conference on Science and Mathematics (IMC-SciMath)
The trees studied differ based on the type and age
level of the tree. The age of the tree is known by
asking directly to the people who are in the research
location. Each tree has an age ranging from 15 years
to 25 years. The purpose of taking tree age data was
to determine the relationship between tree age and
root diameter, root depth from the soil surface,
estimated total root depth, estimated average angle
and lateral root length. Tree age data collection also
aims to find out how it relates to root behavior and
root forms of the tree. After that, the root behavior
and root shape will be known at a certain age class.
Table 2. Characteristics of Tree Roots Researched Based on Tree Diameter, Tree Height and Branch-Free Height
No Local Name/Species Tree Diameter (cm) Tree Height (cm) Height of Free Branch (m)
Pinus (P. merkusii) 57.9 25 3
Nangka (A. Heterophyllus) 41.8 17.5 1.5
Rambutan (N. lappaceum) 33.1 13.5 4.5
Petai (P. speciosa) 39 17 5.5
Jengkol (A. pauciflorum) 28.7 12 2
Dadap (E. subumbrans) 52 18.5 2
Eucalyptus (E. grandis) 40.7 18.5 7.5
Alpukat (P. americana) 45.2 15.2 5
Meme (A. angustiloba) 44.1 14.5 4.5
Kayu manis (C. burmannii) 41 16.4 3.5
Tree diameter, tree height and branch-free height
were different among the ten tree species studied.
Based on field data, the species with the largest
diameter is Pinus (P. merkusii) and the species with
the lowest diameter is Rambutan (N. lappaceum).
The species with the largest tree height was Pinus
(P. merkusii) and the species with the lowest tree
height was Jengkol (A. pauciflorum). The species
with the largest free branch height was Eucalyptus
(E. grandis) and the species with the lowest free
branch height was Jackfruit (A. heterophyllus).
Measurements of tree diameter, tree height and
branch-free height were carried out to determine the
relationship with root behavior and root forms. The
difference in the size of tree diameter, tree height
and branch-free height between the ten tree species
caused a comparison between the behavior of the
root of one species and the behavior of the root of
another species could not be done. The behavior of
tree roots and root form will be known based on the
class of tree diameter, tree height and branch-free
Table 3. Condition of Tree Roots Researched in TNBB Forest
Local Name/Species
Root depth from soil
surface (cm)
Estimated total
depth root (m)
Root diameter
(cm) *
Pinus (P. merkusii) 25 2 22.6
Nangka (A. Heterophyllus) 35 1.8 21.9
Rambutan (N. lappaceum) 3 1.5 7.3
Petai (P. speciosa) 35 2 22.4
Jengkol (A. pauciflorum) 35 2 14.3
Dadap (E. subumbrans) 30 1.8 22.6
Eucalyptus (E. grandis) 25 2 12.4
Alpukat (P. americana) 30 1.9 28.8
Meme (A. angustiloba) 25 2 16
Kayu manis (C. burmannii) 5 1.5 11.3
note: *Measured about 30 cm from the base of the tree trunk
The depth of the roots from the soil surface was
measured by measuring precisely from the top soil
surface until the topmost roots were visible.
Estimates of the total root depth are carried out when
the roots have shown a smaller diameter. Root
diameter was measured based on a distance of about
30 cm from the base of the tree trunk.
Root Morphological Analysis of 10 Forest Tree Species in an Effort to Design a Rooter System in the Bukit Barisan Forest
Measurement of root depth from the soil surface
is carried out to determine the relationship of roots
to the presence of other plants in the vicinity,
because the depth of tree roots is related to other
plants living in the vicinity. Measurement of the
total root depth was carried out to determine the
relationship of roots to the conditions of a barren
(hardened) or fertile growing place. In fertile soil
conditions root growth is shallower than in harder or
barren soil conditions. However, there are several
types of trees that are unable to penetrate the
compacted soil conditions, so that root growth
becomes shallow due to direct physical obstacles.
Measurement of root diameter was carried out to
determine root behavior based on certain root
diameter sizes.
Table 4. Characteristics of Tree Roots Under Study Based on Estimated Mean Angle and Lateral Root Length
No Local Name/Species Mean of root angle
Length of lateral root
1 Pinus (P. Merkusii) 30 510
2 Nangka (A. heterophyllus) 50 420
3 Rambutan (N. lappaceum) 15 65
4 Petai (P. speciosa) 35 470
5 Jengkol (A. pauciflorum) 30 330
6 Dadap (E. subumbrans) 65 570
7 Eucalyptus (E. grandis) 40 435
8 Alpukat (P. americana) 40 305
9 Meme (A. angustiloba) 40 350
10 Kayu manis (C. burmannii) 20 310
note: **Measured by adjusting the radius of the crown until the lateral root diameter is + 1 cm
The approximate mean angle is measured from
the soil surface to the top root. This measurement is
carried out to determine the direction of root growth
when it emerges from the base of the stem, which is
far below the soil or growing to the side. The lowest
angle indicates that the root growth is shallow and
the growth is inclined to the side. The highest angle
indicates that root growth is deep into the soil.
Lateral root length was measured by adjusting
the radius of the tree canopy, then observations were
made until the roots began to shrink with a diameter
of approximately 1 cm. Measurement of lateral root
length aims to determine its relationship with the
roots of other plants in the vicinity. The long lateral
roots will encounter the roots of other plants in the
vicinity, some types of trees interfere with the
growth of other tree roots and some species give
each other space in carrying out their functions.
1. Pinus (Pinus merkusii)
Figure 1. Trunk (A), Roots (B), Crossed and united roots (C)
IMC-SciMath 2019 - The International MIPAnet Conference on Science and Mathematics (IMC-SciMath)
2. Nangka (Artocarpus heterophyllus)
Figure 2. Trunk (A), Roots (B), Roots about 30 cm below the soil surface (C)
3. Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum)
Figure 3. Trunk (A), Roots (B), Small roots resembling fibrous roots (C)
4. Jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum)
Figure 4. Trunk (A), Roots (B), There is a bending of the roots towards the top (C)
Root Morphological Analysis of 10 Forest Tree Species in an Effort to Design a Rooter System in the Bukit Barisan Forest
5. Petai (Parkia speciosa)
Figure 5. Trunk (A), Roots (B), Overlapping roots (C)
6. Dadap (Erythrina subumbrans)
Figure 6. Trunk (A), Roots (B), Roots penetrate the roots of the surrounding trees (C)
7. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus grandis)
Figure 7. Trunk (A), Roots (B), Roots penetrate the roots of other trees (C)
IMC-SciMath 2019 - The International MIPAnet Conference on Science and Mathematics (IMC-SciMath)
8. Alpukat (Persea americana)
Fgure 8. Trunk (A), Roots (B), Roots bend upwards when they encounter hard soil in the form of rocks (C)
9. Meme (Alstonia angustiloba)
Figure 9. Trunk (A), Roots (B), Trees have buttress roots (C)
10. Kayu manis (Cinnamomum burmanii)
Figure 10. Trunk (A), Roots (B), Roots are mostly found on the soil surface (C)
The roots of the trees studied are often found
meeting with the roots of other trees in the vicinity
in the soil surface. Some of the 10 tree species
studied were found to have roots that damage the
roots of other trees growing in the vicinity, such as
cinnamon (C. burmanni) and Rambutan (N.
lappaceum) roots.
Several tree species that do not show interfering
behavior between roots are the roots of the Dadap
tree (E. subumbrans) crossing with the roots of the
Root Morphological Analysis of 10 Forest Tree Species in an Effort to Design a Rooter System in the Bukit Barisan Forest
Jackfruit tree (A. heterophyllus) that grow close
together, the roots of the Dadap tree (E.
subumbrans) that penetrate roots of coffee plants,
roots of Eucalyptus (E. grandis) trees that intersect
with one of the local plants in the vicinity, but
provide each other with good growth space by
providing an opening to penetrate the soil layer to
get the nutrients needed.
Some of the trees studied did not have branches
around the base of the trunk and some had branches
around the base of the trunk. There are several types
of trees that do not have branches around the base of
the trunk, such as pine trees (P. merkusii),
eucalyptus (E. grandis), jackfruit (A. heterophyllus),
dadap (E. subumbrans) and Meme (A. angustiloba).
Meanwhile, trees with branches close to the base of
the trunk are rambutan (N. lappaceum), Petai (P.
speciosa), Jengkol (A. pauciflorum), Avocado (P.
americana) and Cinnamon (C. burmanii).
The tree under study had irregularly bent roots
and more often straight roots. Trees with irregularly
bent roots are rambutan (N.lappaceum), Pinus (P.
merkusii), and Cinnamon (C. burmanii), while trees
with more straight roots are Eucalyptus (E. grandis),
Jackfruit (A. heterophyllus), Dadap (E. subumbrans),
Meme (A. angustiloba), Petai (P. speciosa), Jengkol
(A. pauciflorum), and Avocado (P. americana).
The behavior of tree roots that grow less than 10
cm above the soil surface is more suitable for land
rehabilitation activities on flat (horizontal) land
conditions. The behavior of roots growing at a depth
of less than 30 cm above the soil surface and
penetrating physical barriers far down or to the side
is more suitable for land rehabilitation purposes on
sloping or rocky land conditions. (Bahuguna and
Bhatia 2010) stated that tree roots can function in
maintaining cliff stability through two mechanisms,
namely, gripping the topsoil (0-5 cm), and reducing
the driving force of the soil mass due to the rupture
of the soil clod. The role of tree roots in increasing
soil shear resistance is determined by tree age, total
root length and root diameter. Trees that have
intensive roots in the top layer are very effective in
helping to reduce the drift of the top layer (Lakitan,
Hairiah et al., (2007) stated that the most
appropriate strategy to increase the stability of cliffs
is to increase the diversity of trees planted in a land
to increase the network of strong roots in both the
top and bottom soil layers. Therefore, for the
conservation of landslide-prone cliff areas (steep
slopes with a slope of 80% or 40%) it is better to
reforest with plants with deep root systems.
The behavior of tree roots found at a depth of
more than 30 cm from the soil surface and never
turning to the surface is more suitable for
agroforestry purposes. (Brunner and Godbold, 2007)
stated that the inclusion of forest plants in the
agroforestry system has the potential to be able to
exploit nutrients that are not reached by seasonal
roots, capture nutrients that move down and move
laterally in the soil profile, and dissolve nutrients
that are not available to plants.
From the 10 types of trees studied in the age range
of 15-25 years, the root diameter of mature trees is
10-28.8 cm, depth is 1.5-2 m and the angle of
inclination from the ground surface is 10-65o. The
length of the lateral roots ranges from 300-570 cm.
The author would like thanks to the Universitas
Sumatera Utara for the 2017 Non-PNBP research
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IMC-SciMath 2019 - The International MIPAnet Conference on Science and Mathematics (IMC-SciMath)