be better, other than that individuals who have a
higher education will be better cognitive development
than a lower education so that will have a more
realistic assessment and make the disease is
something that must be faced (Sarafino, 2006).
Widakdo and Besral argue that higher-educated
patients have better skills and knowledge that tend to
be able to overcome life problems, whereas low
education will have low knowledge and ability so that
it has limited in coping pattern to the problems
experienced (Siburian & Wahyuni, 2012).
Reivich & Shatte also add that individuals who
have a broad mindset will have good cognitive
flexibility so that individuals with good cognitive
flexibility will have good resilience as well (Smeltzer
& Bare, 2002).
Work is also very influential on mental health.
The results of this study obtained data that the
majority of respondents who work as self-employed
more resilient as many as 48 people (41%). Setiasih
argues that work is one of the most important aspects
of life for the individual. Work also serves as a source
of identity, a source of autonomy, giving
opportunities to develop skills and creativity, a source
of purpose in life, a source of income and a sense of
security, and the source of other activities, such as
recreation. Individuals who have jobs have a positive
effect on mental health, where the subjective well
being of individuals who have a job is better than
subjective wellbeing individuals who do not have a
job. Individuals who do not have a job indicate that
there is no experience to gain employment benefits
that make individual subjective wellbeing low. If they
do not have a job, they have no income and no access
to psychological experience, whereas by having a job
the individual will have a good psychological
(Tama, 2009).
Judging from the marital status of respondents, as
many as 108 people (92.3%) married status are more
resilient than unmarried. Taylor and Francis argue
that the support of spouse and family is very
influential on the mental health of family members.
Family social support can provide positive results on
health and wellbeing in patients with chronic diseases
(Wagnild & Young, 1993).
Couples 'and families' social support have a
positive or significant influence with high resilience.
Social support is one factor that can make a person
survive in any situation or in psychology is
categorized as a manifestation of resilience. The
higher the social support of spouses and families to
sick family members, the higher the resilience
(Widakdo & Besral, 2013).
The resilience of chronic renal failure patients
undergoing hemodialysis in Medan City is in
moderate resilience category, meaning that
individuals have been able to adapt and survive in the
face of illness but they have ups and downs and tend
to be unstable in their attitude. The mental health of
the patient facing his illness is also influenced by
several factors which will affect the ability of the
individual to adapt and face the psychosocial effects
he/she experienced, including the factors of gender,
age, education, occupation, and status.
The author would like to thank the Ministry of
Research and Technology Higher Education of the
Republic of Indonesia. This research is financed by
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