The presence of this component of lard, as low as
any of its ingredients in food, will bring the food to
be forbidden for consumption (Mayasari, 2019).
Several studies have been conducted to find the right
method to detect the presence of lard in food. In
previous studies identification of lard in vegetable
oils was carried out with Gas-Liquid
Chromatography combined with multivariate
analysis. Using GLC, lard of 2% can be detected in
vegetable oils (Naquiah et al., 2017). In addition to
GLC, HPLC has also been used to identify lard by
5% in meat products. However, most of these
methods require a lot of time and are impractical to
apply. This requires the development of a fast and
practical method for identification of lard (Lopes et
al., 2017).
Another method that can be used to identify the
presence of lard in beef is the Fourier Transform
Infra Red (FTIR) method to analyze the presence of
lard in goat and beef fat combined with multivariate
PLS analysis. Multivariate PLS analysis was used to
detect lard in the mixture with goat fat for detection
of lard in the mixture with beef fat. Lard
identification with FTIR combined with
Discriminant Analysis and PLS Analysis (Rohman
& Fadzillah, 2018). The FTIR method has the
potential to be used as a tool to detect lard quickly
with consistent results. This is because FTIR can
provide analysis results of fat from pigs that are
mixed with other fats consistently, even with a low
content . The weakness of the FTIR method is only
able to detect contamination if the prediction model
is made according to the sample being tested. This
becomes very difficult if the food sample to be
tested is unclear, and its exact composition is not
known (Fadzlillah et al., 2011). This work aims to
study the comparison of hexane concentration and
time to the analysis of beef sausage which has been
adulterated with lard
The ingredients used in this research are processed
sausage and lard products. The chemicals used in
this study were n-hexane, PP indicator, KOH /
NaOH, amylum indicator, Diethyl Ether, Na
Ethanol, Aquades, Iodine, KI, CHCl
, Saturated
Solution, , Nutriet Agar, and Chloroform.
In this work, we used erlenmeyer, biuret, glass
beaker drop pipette separating funnel, analytical
balance, gloves, test tube, knife, clamp, oven,
laminar, incubator, autoclave, spreader, flannel, tube
racks ice cream cup, hotplate, stirrer, cotton, plastic
wrap and petridish.
Research method
This research method was described a factorial
completely randomized design (CRD) method
consisting of 2: Factor I: Solvent Concentration
consisting of 4 levels, They are : C
= 20%, C
30%, C
= 40%, C
= 50% . Factor II: Maceration
Time consisting of 4 levels, namely: W
= 6 Hours,
= 12 Hours, W
= 18 Hours, W
= 24 Hours. The
number of treatment combinations (Tc) is 4 x 4 = 16,
so the number of replications (n) wasv as follows:
Tc (n-1) ≥ 15
16 (n-1) ≥ 15
16 n-16 ≥ 15
16 n ≥ 31
n ≥ 1,937.............rounded to n = 2
then for the accuracy of the study, repeated 2 (two)
Preparation and maceration
Samples to be tested are processed products of pork
sausage and lard. Both samples were mixed. Sample
Extraction Preparation, including weighing the
sample (pork sausage and lard), smoothed material
(cut into cubes), put into a container, then add the
solvent according to the concentration and
maceration according to the specified factors.
Observation parameters
Observation parameters are based on analysis which
includes: specific gravity and iodine numbers.
Spectrofotometry UV analysis
UV spectroscopy Beckman DU640 UV / Vis was
used analyzing the lard contained in beef corneds. In
this work, the wavelangth was used in the range 200
- 400 nm. The standard of lard was determined at 5,
10, 15, 20, 25%.
3.1 Statistical Test Measurement
Base of the statistical tests, in general it shows that
the concentration of n-hexane affects the observed
parameters. Data on the average observations of the
effect of n-hexane concentration on each parameter
can be seen in Table 1.