Mathematical Methods for Controlling the Performance of an
Industrial Park
Esther S. M. Nababan, Agus Salim Harahap and Normalina Napitupulu
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Carrying Capacity, Control, Robust, Environmental Performance, Performance Measurement.
Abstract: Robust reliable performance metrics enable a management to identify and address deficiencies and control
factors to improve performance of any system. The complexity of modern operating environments presents
real challenges to developing equitable and accurate performance metrics. This paper presents literature
review and analysis of how mathematical methods utilized and functioned to develop a control factor or
dynamic constraint in endeavoring to increase environmental performance of eco-industrial parks.
Constrained minimax optimization model is developed to maximize economic gain while minimizing waste
in a region within the border where dynamic carrying capacity is maintained stable. Carrying capacity is
added in as control factor to increase environmental performance within a boundary or area within which
balance of carrying capacity is maintained, in order to increase environmental performance without
reducing quality of environment.
Controlling is a central notion in several academic
disciplines, but the concept has been almost
exclusively subject specific. One of the most
essential qualities required in a managing the system
or organization is that the manager of the
organization should command the respect of its’
team. This allows the manager to direct and control
all activities and the actions of the elements in the
system. Managers at all levels of management need
to perform controlling function to keep control over
activities in their areas. (McPhail et al., 2018;
Siahaan, 2011)
Therefore, controlling is very much important in
any system or organization. Controlling can be
defined as that function of management which helps
to seek planned results from the subordinates,
managers and at all levels of an organization. The
controlling function helps in measuring the progress
towards the organizational goals & brings any
deviations, and indicates corrective action. Thus, an
overall sense, the controlling function helps and
guides the organizational goals for achieving long-
term goals in future.
It is an important function because it helps to
check the errors, helps in taking the correct actions
so that there is a minimum deviation from standards
and, in achieving the stated goals of the organization
in the desired manner. According to modern
concepts, control is a foreseeing action. Whereas the
earlier concept of control was used only when errors
were detected. Therefore, controlling function
should not be misunderstood as the last function of
management. It is a function that brings back the
management cycle back to the planning function.
Thus, the controlling function act as a tool that helps
in finding out that how actual performance deviates
from standards and also finds the cause of deviations
& attempts which are necessary to take corrective
actions based upon the same. A good control system
helps an organization in accomplishing
organizational goals, judging accuracy of Standard,
making efficient use of resources, improving
employee motivation, ensuring order & discipline,
and facilitating coordination in action.
1.1 Controlling the Performance of
Industrial Park
In the industrial park, controlling the land as the
most important natural resource is conducted in
order to make optimum utilization of the natural
resources since at the certain point human beings
have caused a lot of damages to the land resources.
About 95% of our basic needs food, clothing,
shelter come from land. Hence conservation of land
S. M. Nababan, E., Salim Harahap, A. and Napitupulu, N.
Mathematical Methods for Controlling the Performance of an Industrial Park.
DOI: 10.5220/0010138300002775
In Proceedings of the 1st International MIPAnet Conference on Science and Mathematics (IMC-SciMath 2019), pages 178-184
ISBN: 978-989-758-556-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
resources and development of land is extremely
crucial to the future generations can survive. There
are different land planning and conservation
measures that can be taken to protect this natural
resource such as :
a. Planting shelter belts for plants
b. Controlling over-grazing in open pastures
c. Stabilizing sand dunes
d. Proper management of wastelands
e. Controlling mining activities
f. Proper disposal of industrial waste
g. Reducing land and water degradation in
industrial areas.
Of many outcome targets of controlling, stability
is the most important outcome of controlling.
Some of them are constancy, persistence,
resilience, elasticity, amplitude, cyclical stability,
trajectory stability, global stability, local stability,
and alternate stable states (Nababan, 2014). There
are 3 basic concept of stability known in general
which are constancy, robustness and, resilience.
However, stability relates to transitions between
states. Robustness can be shown as a limiting case
of resilience, and neither constancy nor resilience
can be defined in terms of other. Hence, there are
two basic concepts of stability, both of which are
used in both the social and the natural sciences
(Nababan et al., 2017).
A performance measurement control system is
designed to help organizations improve performance
issues. Every process of a business' operations is
studied through this system to improve the
performance. When all activities have improved
performance, the organization's profitability should
1.2 Perfomance Measurement Control
Like many scientific concepts, fully adequate
definitions of some ecological concepts have not yet
been formulated. Performance measurement control
systems contain several key principles: All work
activity must be measured; if an activity cannot be
measured, its processes cannot be improved; all
measured work should have a predetermined
outcome regarding performance. All work activity
must be measured; if an activity cannot be measured,
its processes cannot be improved; all measured work
should have a predetermined outcome regarding
performance. Analysts (managers) determine what
the outcome of each particular activity should be. If
an activity cannot be measured, the organization
tries to eliminate it. After each activity is measured,
it is compared to the desired results. If the activity is
not performing up to the desired outcome, changes
to the activity are implemented to improve
performance. Evaluation in general is a part of all
organizations. For evaluations to be effective, the
criteria to be used for evaluation must be planned
carefully and thoroughly. Understanding the
objectives of the program and the effectiveness of
the activities carried out by the company, output
efficiency is a major component of the criteria for
evaluation (Siahaan, 2011).
To evaluate the performance of an organization,
there must be something to compare the actual
performance. Before evaluation criteria can be
developed, the goals of the organization must be
clear, especially for those who are evaluating. The
next stage is to determine whether the activity is
sufficient to meet the objectives of the organization.
The first stage of the evaluation criteria is an
investigation of the company's core operations.
These activities must be evaluated to determine
whether they are carried out correctly or not. If there
are deficiencies, management can take strategic
steps to bridge the gap to improve the entire process.
The last part of the evaluation criteria is
determining how well the activity helps the manager
achieve his goals, whether the company achieves its
objectives based on the way the activities are
regulated by the company, followed by determining
evaluation criteria is to prepare a measurement tool
to measure the efficiency of an organization's output.
This tool will consist of evaluation techniques that
measure whether a company uses its resources
wisely and in a cost effective manner and whether
objectives are met on schedule. This measurement
can help management design alternative solutions to
make company operations more efficient.
Another important part of the evaluation criteria
is studying the impact of the company. Another
important step is evaluating sustainability. This
criterion is used to determine how changes in the
competitive landscape, regulatory environment,
economic conditions, customer preferences, and the
labor market affect a company's ability to sustain
sales and profit growth. There are several
applications of control theory for a system. To
improve environmental performance, managers must
set specific goals that will improve environmental
In terms of human resource management, the
three types of control systems, namely behavioral
control, output control and input control can be used
Mathematical Methods for Controlling the Performance of an Industrial Park
to analyse employee behaviour and performance
(Margalef, 1969).
More advanced and more critical applications of
control concern large and complex systems the very
existence of which depends on coordinated
operation using numerous individual control devices
(usually directed by a computer). The launch of a
spaceship, the 24-hour operation of a power plant,
oil refinery, or chemical factory, and air traffic
control near a large airport are examples. An
essential aspect of these systems is that human
participation in the control task, although
theoretically possible, would be wholly impractical;
it is the feasibility of applying automatic control that
has given birth to these systems. Conceptual
representation of conditions affecting ranking
stability shows that A high stability in ranking
indicates that two metrics will rank the decision
alternatives the same, whereas a low stability
indicates that two metrics will rank the decision
alternatives differently (McPhail et al., 2018).
A range of theories and methods is developed for
improving productivity in every industrial activity
without damaging the quality of the environment. A
quality of the environment can be achieved by
maintaining the ecological stability of the
environment. Each industrial activity must be carried
out within the stable region of ecological carrying
capacity. A community’s resilience stability is
determined by how fast the variable of the interest
returns to its pre-perturbed stable equilibrium.
1.3 Robustness Metric Calculation
Robustness is generally calculated for a given
decision alternative x
across a given set of future
scenarios S = {s
, s
, …, s
} using a particular
performance metric f(·).
Consequently, the calculation of robustness using
a particular metric corresponds to the transformation
of the performance of a set of decision alternatives
over different scenarios
, S) = {f(x
, s
), f(x
, s
), …, f(x
, s
)} to the
robustness R(x
, S) of these decision alternatives
over this set of scenarios. Although different
robustness metrics achieve this transformation in
different ways, a unifying framework for the
calculation of different robustness metrics can be
introduced by representing the overall
transformation of f(xi, S) into R(x
, S) by three
separate transformations: performance value
transformation (Tr.1), scenario subset selection
(Tr.2), and robustness metric calculation (Tr.3), as
shown in Figure 1. Details of these transformations
for a range of commonly used robustness metrics are
given in Table 1 and their mathematical
implementations are given in Supporting
Information S1.
Figure 1: Unifying framework of components and
transformations in the calculation of commonly used
robustness metrics (Source: McPhail et al., 2018).
The performance value transformation (Tr.1)
converts the performance values f(xi, S) into the type
of information f′(x
, S) that is used in the calculation
of the robustness metric R(xi, S). For some
robustness metrics, the absolute performance values
(e.g., cost, reliability) are used, in which case Tr.1
corresponds to the identity transform (i.e., the
performance values are not changed). For other
robustness metrics, the absolute system performance
values are transformed into values that either
measure the regret that results from selecting a
particular decision alternative rather than the one
that performs best had a particular future actually
occurred or indicate whether the selection of a
decision alternative results in satisfactory system
performance or not (i.e., whether required system
constraints have been satisfied or not).
The scenario subset selection transformation (Tr.
2) involves determining which values of f′(x
, S) to
use in the robustness metric calculation (Tr. 3) (i.e.,
, S′)  f′(x
, S)), which is akin to selecting a
subset of the available scenarios over which system
performance is to be assessed. This reflects a
particular degree of risk aversion, where
consideration of more extreme scenarios in the
calculation of a robustness metric that corresponds
to a higher degree of risk aversion and vice versa.
The third transformation (Tr. 3) involves the
calculation of the actual robustness metric based on
transformed system performance values (Tr. 1) for
IMC-SciMath 2019 - The International MIPAnet Conference on Science and Mathematics (IMC-SciMath)
the selected scenarios (Tr. 2), which corresponds to
the transformation of f′(x
, S′) to a single robustness
value, R(x
, S). This equates to an identity transform
in cases where only a single scenario is selected in
Tr. 2, as there is only a single transformed
performance value, which automatically becomes
the robustness value. However, in cases where there
are transformed performance values for multiple
scenarios, these have to be transformed into a single
value by means of calculating statistical moments of
these values, such as the mean, standard deviation,
skewness or kurtosis.
In relation to the performance value
transformation (Tr.1), which robustness metric is
most appropriate depends on whether the
performance value in question relates to the
satisfaction of a system constraint or not, and is
therefore a function of the properties of the system
under consideration. For example, if the system is
concerned with supplying water to a city, there is
generally a hard constraint in terms of supply having
to meet or exceeding demand, so that the city does
not run out of water (Beh et al., 2017). The system
performs satisfactorily if this demand is met and that
is the primary concern of the decision‐maker.
Alternatively, there might be a fixed budget for
stream restoration activities, which also provides a
constraint. In this case, a solution alternative
performs satisfactorily if its cost does not exceed the
budget. For the above examples, where performance
values correspond to determining whether
constraints have been met or not, satisficing metrics,
such as Starr's domain criterion, are most
In contrast, if the performance value in question
relates to optimizing system performance, metrics
that use the identity or regret transforms would be
most suitable. For example, for the water supply
security case mentioned above, the objective might
be to identify the cheapest solution alternative that
enables supply to satisfy demand. However, there
might also be concern in over‐investment in
expensive water supply infrastructure that is not
needed, in which case robustness metrics that apply
a regret transformation might be most appropriate,
as this would enable the degree of over‐ investment
to be minimized when applied to the cost
performance value. For the stream restoration
example, however, decision‐makers might simply be
interested in maximizing ecological response for the
given budget. In this case, robustness metrics that
use the identity transform might be most appropriate
when considering performance values related to
ecological response.
In relation to scenario subset selection (Tr.2),
which robustness metric is most appropriate depends
on a combination of the likely impact of system
failure and the degree of risk aversion of the
decision‐maker. In general, if the consequences of
system failure are more severe, the degree of risk‐
aversion adopted would be higher, resulting in the
selection of robustness metrics that consider
scenarios that are likely to have a more deleterious
impact on system performance. For example, in the
water supply security case, it is likely that robustness
metrics that consider more extreme scenarios would
be considered, as a city running out of water would
most likely have severe consequences. In contrast, as
the potential negative impacts for the stream
restoration example are arguably less severe,
robustness metrics that use a wider range or less
severe scenarios might be considered. However, this
also depends on the values and degree of risk
aversion of the decision maker. As far as the
robustness value calculation (Tr. 3) goes, this is only
applicable to metrics that consider more than one
scenario, as discussed previously, and relates to the
way performance values over the different scenarios
are summarized. For example, if there is interest in
the average performance of the system under
consideration over the different scenarios selected in
Tr.2, such as the average cost for the water supply
security example or the average ecological response
for the stream restoration example, a robustness
metric that sums or calculates the mean of these
values should be considered. However, decision‐
makers might also be interested in (1) the variability
of system performance (e.g., cost, ecological
response) over the selected scenarios, in which case
robustness metrics based on variance should be
used, (2) the degree to which the relative
performance of different decision alternatives is
different under more extreme scenarios, in which
case robustness metrics based on skewness should
be used, and/or (3) the degree of consistency in the
performance of different decision alternatives over
the scenarios considered, in which case robustness
metrics based on kurtosis should be used. As these
metrics are used to make decisions on outcomes, it is
important to obtain greater insight into the
conditions under which different robustness metrics
result in different decisions.
It is important to note that the relative ranking of
two decision alternatives (x
and x
), when assessed
using two robustness metrics (R
and R
), will be the
same, or stable, if the following three conditions
and 𝑅
Mathematical Methods for Controlling the Performance of an Industrial Park
or 𝑅
and 𝑅
, (2)
or 𝑅
and 𝑅
and 𝑅
or 𝑅
and 𝑅
. (5)
The relative rankings will be different or
“flipped” if the following two conditions hold:
Consequently, relative differences in robustness
values obtained when different robustness metrics
are used are a function of (1) the differences in the
transformations (i.e., performance value
transformation (Tr.1), scenario subset selection
(Tr.2), robustness metric calculation (Tr.3)) used in
the calculation of Ra and Rb and (2) differences in
the relative performance of decision alternatives x
and x
over the different scenarios considered. In
general, ranking stability is greater if there is greater
similarity in the three transformations for R
and R
and if there is greater consistency in the relative
performance of x
and x
for the scenarios
considered in the calculation of Ra and R
, as shown
in the conceptual representation in Figure 4. In fact,
if the relative performance of two decision
alternatives is the same under all scenarios, the
relative ranking of these decision alternatives is
stable, irrespective of which robustness metric is
Ecological Indicator is a measure, or a collection of
measures, that describes the condition of an
ecosystem or one of its critical components.
Ecological indicators are used to communicate
information about ecosystems and the impact human
activity has on ecosystems to groups such as the
public or government policy makers.
Some theories define that good ecological
indicators should:
reflect something basic and fundamental to the
long-term economic, social or environmental
health of a community over generations.
be understood and accepted by the community as
a valid sign of sustainability or symptom of
have interest and appeal for use by local media in
monitoring, reporting and analysing general
trends toward or away from sustainable
community practices; and
be statistically and practically measurable in a
geographical area, preferably comparable to
other cities/communities, and yield valid data.
The basic principles of developing indicators are:
use existing data, re-evaluate underlying
assumptions, integrate long-term focus with short-
term change, relate indicators to individual and
vested stakeholders, identify the direction of
sustainability, present indicators as a whole system
and determine linkages. It is also important to use a
simple and easy to understand format for presenting
data so that decision makers or other stakeholders
can base on the existing data to seek further
information that addresses issues of primary
concerns in the community.
There are the number of options for formulating
a complex definition of ecological stability.
Adopting ecological stability defined as the ability
of an ecosystem to resist changes in the presence of
perturbations, in the context of stability on industrial
parks, perturbations consists of social, economic,
environmental and political influence on the
management of industrial park (May, 1973).
Assume X
= social perturbation ; X
economic perturbation ; X
= environmental
perturbation , and X
= political perturbation. All
vectors are confined within some closed arbitrary
Each variables can either be independently
affects the stability of industrial park, or have
simpal causal relationship or dependence among
each vectors as well as sub vectors.
By adopting Rutledge’s concepts about
ecological stability, to develop an index for the
stability a model diagram can be developed to
describe the dependence on time for each
perturbation component. All the compartment
model diagram has a dependence on time. Hence,
each main component is represented at two arbitrary
times t
and t
Let Q
be the initial conditions of the industrial
park at time t
. P
is the conditions of the industrial
parks at time t
, f
is the percentage of the total
perturbation flow through the i
component that
passes to the j
component between times t
and t
The Q
and P
refer to component of perturbation
occurs at different times with any difference in
these components and subcomponents therein
accounted by f
. The relationship between these
variables is provided by the equation :
IMC-SciMath 2019 - The International MIPAnet Conference on Science and Mathematics (IMC-SciMath)
Figure 2: Diagram of main components from the original
conditions to perturbed conditions.
Perturbation flow in an industrial park ecosystem
is a fuction of time. It can occur either in a pathways
between entities or in a resources point itself
affected by internal or external perturbation. The
variables X
can be defined to be of discrete or
continue in nature which represent perturbation
flows over some arbitrary time period.
Let a
be the passage of a given increment of
perturbation through the k
component at time t
the b
represent the passage of a given increment of
perturbation through the j
component at time t
The diversity of the ecosystem in terms of its
throughput is given by :
Where the event a
is defined as the passage of a
given increment of perturbation through the k
component and P(Q
) is the probability that event a
occured. The diversity is a function of time, since
the perturbation flow in an ecosystem is a function
of time. Hence, the time dependent nature is
obtainded by defining the appropriate events of
perturbation occurence as functions of time.
is the logarithm of the ratio of a posteriori to a
priori probabilities (Gallagher, 1986).
baI =
Uncertainty as measured by equation (4) is
equivalent to the uncertainty resolved about the
occurence of perturbation event b
by the occurence
of perturbation event a
(Gallagher, 1986) and is
given by :
baI log);( =
Since the complexity of the symbiotic chain
reflects the opportunities for choice of pathways, a
measure of choice is an appropriate index for
symbiotic chain and hence for ecological stability. If
one of the components is perturbed, the extent to
which it is affected may serve as an index of its
ecological stability. As perturbation occurance is a
function of time, equlibrium will dinamically change
depend on time as well. Continuous perturbation
may lead to the occurance of phase distribution
For every perturbation passing through a
component in an ecosystem, a probability
assignment can be made to its destination or source.
Given a specific perturbation has passed through the
component, P(Q
) is the probability that the
increment of perturbation will affect or taken up by
the j
componen, P(Q
) is the probability that the
perturbation passed from the k
component to the j
component. The occurence of perturbation b
changes the probability of the occurence of
perturbation a
from the a proiri probability, P(Q
) to
the a posteriori probability P(Q
Figure 3: A control is added to get equilibrium
A quantitative measure of the uncertainty about
the occurence of perturbation events. Phase
distribution equilibrium occurs when the
perturbation event occurs continuously.
Continuous perturbation may occured by
temperature, energy flow, and chemical reactions.
Equilibrium change dinamically continuous. In such
case, equilibrium constant can is calculated on each
defined phase. Phase can either be time period, or
symbiotical phase.
One of the many ways to get the community
equilibrium reestablished is to add control. If control
is added while the system is at equilibrium, the
system must respond to counteract the control. The
system must consume the control and produce
products until a new equilibrium is established.
Mathematical Methods for Controlling the Performance of an Industrial Park
Ecological stability of industrial parks can be used
as a control developed based on choice of pathways
for symbiotic structure. Ecological stability is one of
the many indicators that affect the environmental
performance of industrial estates. This ecological
stability can be functioned as an environmental
performance control system, including the industrial
estate system. The robust method is used to
determine whether a decision alternative performs
satisfactorily under different scenarios, and are
commonly referred to as satisficing metrics.
In robust optimization, the set of uncertainties for
parameters determines a very important role. To date
there are no clear provisions on how to determine
the set of uncertainties correctly. Robust
optimization is to reduce optimal portfolio
sensitivity due to uncertainty in estimating mean
vectors and variance-covariance matrices.
Relationships among ecological stability,
diversity and complexity consistent with observed
behavior during succession arise naturally in the
development of the stability index. Theoretical
community ecology can provide a much needed
resource even when it does not give definitive
answers about what to do in particular cases but only
explores possibilities. There are a variety of stability
concepts and ecologists have begun to
systematically explore and use them to remove
various confusions concerning the complexity-
stability hypotheses.
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Kapelan, Z. (2017). Robust Optimization of Water
Infrastructure Planning under Deep Uncertainty using
Metamodels. Environmental Modelling & Software,
93, 92–105.
Gallagher, S. (1986). Body Image and Body Schema.
Journal of Mind and Behavior, 7, 541–554.
Margalef, R. (1969). Diversity and Stability in Ecological
Systems, G. M. Woodwell and H. H. Smith, eds.
May, R. (1973). Stability and Complexity in Model
Ecosystems. Princeton University Press.
McPhail, C., Maier, H. R., Kwakkel, J. H., Giuliani, M.,
Castelleti, A., & Westra, S. (2018). Robustness
Metrics: How Are They Calculated, When Should
They Be Used and Why Do They Give Different
Results? Resilient Decision-Making for a Riskier
World, 6(2), 169–191.
Nababan, E. (2014). Ecological Stability of Industrial
Park. The 4th ASEAN Environmental Engineering
Conference Proceeding.
Nababan, E., Delvian, D., & Siahaan, N. M. (2017).
Environmental Performance Indicators of Oleo-
Chemical Based Industrial Park in Indonesia: The
Conceptual Model. International Journal of Applied
Engineering Research, 12(21), 11614–11623.
Siahaan, N. (2011). Controlling Residential Supporting
Environment System to Reduce CO2 Emissions in
Urban Housing. Proceeding of the 4th ASEAN Civil
Engineering Conference.
IMC-SciMath 2019 - The International MIPAnet Conference on Science and Mathematics (IMC-SciMath)