of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs. There
are very many Indonesian workers who cannot be
absorbed by the foreign labor market. That causes,
Indonesian workers have a very low bargaining
position in the market. The low bargaining position
results in violence against workers abroad. Cases of
violence in Indonesian workers have reached a very
bombastic rate. Cases of violence in Indonesian
workers have reached 4,381 cases. From this
number, ENT has a significant number (Pos Kupang,
2016b). This must receive serious attention from the
Indonesian government and regions that supply
workers abroad.
ENT Regional Police revealed that of 2,279
trafficking victims sent in 2015 and 2016 as many as
451 people were identified as being related to the
handling of human trafficking cases by the ENT
Regional Police (Pos Kupang, 2016a). This
condition makes the ENT Province often referred to
as human trafficking emergency, it was even said to
be ranked first in the problem of human trafficking
in Indonesia.
This problem causes concern and discomfort
from many people. The handling of human
trafficking cases seems very complex, resulting in
victims becoming increasingly helpless in
demanding justice. Most of the people consider the
problem of human trafficking to be a legal and
humanitarian problem. A legal approach in dealing
with the problem of human trafficking is certainly
needed. Without denying the efforts made above, in
the opinion of the researchers it has not touched the
root of the problem of human trafficking in ENT.
In general, factors that cause human trafficking
throughout the world are poverty, globalization, the
sex tourism industry, women's rights, and general
global education levels (Betz, 2009). In ENT
Province, there are several problems that cause
human trafficking cases such as culture, low income,
unemployment, and lack of regulations information
about human trafficking.
An analysis to deal with human trafficking cases
in ENT appropriately needs to be done immediately
considering this case has been very disturbing for
the community. What factors are the most influential
and what factors differentiate groups of victims of
human trafficking. Discriminant models of the forms
of human trafficking cases in ENT can help
determine the factors that distinguish between
discriminant models or groups of human trafficking
cases that are formed.
Discriminant analysis is a multivariate technique
whose main purpose is to separate groups of objects
from two or more populations and allocate an
unknown object from which population to a
predetermined group. This grouping is mutually
exclusive. This means that if object A has been
included in group 1 then it is not possible to also be
included in group 2. Analysis can then be developed
on any variable that makes group 1 different from
group 2, what percentage is included in group 1,
what percentage is enter group 2 and so on (Johnson
& Wichern, 2002).
This discriminant function is used to explain
differences between groups and in classification
problems. In other words the purpose of
discriminant analysis is to arrange the distinguishing
function between group 1, group 2, ..., group k. With
this function, we will get value boundaries between
groups 1, ..., group k. The function can be known the
level of accuracy (what percentage of errors), and
the function is used to group new members into
which groups (Johnson & Wichern, 2002).
Based on the above background, the research
problems are formulated as follow (1) what is the
discriminant model of the forms of human
trafficking in ENT?; (2) What factors distinguish
between the discriminant models of human
trafficking that are formed?. The purpose of this
study were to identify: (1) creating discriminatory
models of the forms of human trafficking cases in
ENT; (2) To determine the factors that differentiate
between discriminant models or groups of human
trafficking cases that are formed.
The study population was victims of human
trafficking in the province of East Nusa Tenggara
(ENT). The research sample was 48 victims of
human trafficking in South Central Timor District
(SCT) and Belu. The instrument used was a
questionnaire using a Likert scale which contained
37 questions. These questions are also research
variables (attributes). Each question is given a value
of 1 (strongly disagree) to a value of 5 (strongly
agree). The 37 questions were extracted into seven
factors which were used as independent variables,
while the response variable consisted of two groups
namely Y1 = migrant workers and Y2 = child
Data were analyzed using the discrete method to
determine the discriminant model. Discriminant
analysis is a multivariate technique aimed at
separating several groups of objects from two or
more populations. In addition, allocating an
unknown object comes from which population into a
The Application of Discriminant Analysis to Determine the Classifications of Human Trafficking Cases in East Nusa Tenggara (ENT)