Table 2: Association of genital hygiene with cytological
A study in Kashmir India by Yasmeen et al.,
2010 revealed cytological examination from 270
married women aged 20-65 years were reported as
normal in 91.4%. Inflammation was seen in 2.5%,
and none of the study subjects had evidence of
intraepithelial lesion,emphasizes the fact that socio-
cultural factors play an important role in the low
prevalence of cancer cervix despite the presence of
the risk factors. Their study was the similarity of
characteristic samples with our study in which
majority religions were Muslim that had socio-
cultural factors like the absence of promiscuity and
male circumcision, which are directly related to the
acquisition of infection by oncogenic strains of
Similar to a study from 340 women in
Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India by Valiya et al. in 2015
showed inflammatory smears were higher among the
women with unhealthy cervix in comparison to the
healthy cervix but were statistically non-significant
in epithelial abnormalities differences.
The study by Raychaudhuri et al., 2012 reviewed
that acute lack of awareness and knowledge,
including poor personal hygiene and low socio-
economic status, are the principal risk factors for
cervical cancer.
The study found that 10(13.7%) women had good
genital hygiene while 29(39.7%) women had
moderate genital hygiene and poor genital hygiene
found in 34(46.6%) women. The study also showed
that cytological papsmear of 8(11.0%) women were
NILM with normal smear and 65(89.0%) women
were NILM with inflammation. Chi square test
reveals that no association between genital hygiene
and cytological papsmear.
The authors would like to thank the funding support
from the University of Sumatera Utara (No
240/UN5.2.3.1/PPM/KP-TALENTA USU/2019).
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kesehatan kementerian kesehatan RI
Cytological papsmear Total p-value
Normal smear (%) Inflammatory Smear (%)
Total 8(11.0) 65(89.0) 73(100)