Those students who had good number sense, they
had good sensitivity or intuition about numbers and
operations. Those students who had good number
sense, they will fluent in mathematics facts. They
can use their sense to approach and make plans for
the next step to solve the problems. Number sense is
an important skills that all students should be
mastered to solve mathematics problems, including
the numerical problems in their daily life (
Maab et al.
Number sense is an ability that students must be
mastered since they started school, because all
students have learnt mathematics since they were
kindergarten, the researcher want to see the students
grade five, six and seven number sense ability. The
researcher chose grade five, six and seven, because
they have learnt mathematics at least 4 years, so they
should be mastered number sense. That is the
objective of this research to describe the number
sense of fifth grade, sixth grade elementary school
students and seventh grade of Junior High School in
Noble School Medan.
There are many students did not like mathematics,
because for them mathematics is a special lesson for
smart kids. There are some students who get extra
lesson outside school, they would be more confident
because they can count faster. How to make all
students who did not get tuition to have same ability
with all the students who get tuition, which was the
first question that the researcher want to solve ?
Those ability, count faster than other students that is
an ability that we can say as number sense.
Number sense is an ability for the kids to be
flexible to solve the problems. Basically, number
sense is consisted of two words, number and sense.
All people, every time we heard the word of number,
we’ll remember 1, 2, 3, … . But, actually those
numbers can be deeper than just a number. Joseph
Marie de Maistre said a crying can be a song
because of number, noise can be a rhythm because
of number, the spring can transformed to a dance,
then force can be dynamic and outlines figures
(Chapra and Steven, 2004.
Number is more than a number, then sense is a
feeling. So, the students can feel the number, they
can be friendly with those numbers. They can be
fluent to “communicate” with numbers, they can be
flexible to be with those numbers, integers,
fractions, decimals or any kind of numbers, they can
be flexible.
Students will always face mathematics problems
in their daily life. Those problems can be solved
with their number sense, as example if they went
grocery, then they wanted make sure whether their
money enough or not, then they can estimated.
Estimation as one of the number sense part. Then,
the students will not be fooled when they want to
buy or sell anything. If the students can
“communicate” with the numbers, they can solve
this problem.
Besides that, mental computation becomes a
favorite way to count faster. Mental computation
growing as one of flexible way, with flexible rules
and flexible steps to solve. Mental computation as
one part of number sense, as a way to
“communicate” with the numbers.
Number sense has not known widely, especially
in Indonesia. There are many teachers, who still
teach algorithm to students, they did not teach them
the flexibility for solving the problems. Number
sense can be taught as a hierarchical way, when the
students knew 5 + 5 equal to 10, teacher can used
that basic to explain 6 + 6, 7 + 7, 6 + 7, … . 5 + 5
will be drawn like below.
So, there are 5 blue coins and 5 red coins, will
make 10 coins altogether. It means 5 + 5 equal to 10
will be the students basic knowledge, then, when the
teacher asked them 6 + 6, it means the students will
add 1 blue coin and 1 red coin, just same with 10
coins that the students already had before add with
2 new coins equal to 12 coins. For 6 + 7, the
students just add 1 more red coin, it means 12 coins
that they had before add with 1 more new coin, it
will be 13 coins.
Students will know how to RECALL their basic
knowledge as a basic information to build their new
knowledge. Students will learn how to be flexible
with numbers and will improve the students’ number
sense. Here, can be seen how to taught number
sense, should be started from lower classes. The
students must improve their number sense, using
recall their basic knowledge and hierarchically
improve to the next knowledge. Number sense, will
be like coastline, when the students know how to be