measurement techniques have been devised like NIR
Raman spectroscopy Zhang et al., 2013; Lam et al.,
2010 , direct diagnostics that utilize an NIR detector
chip implanted under the skin Saleh et al., 2018;
Uwadaira et al, 2016) and wireless long-term
constant observations (Dingari et al. 2011). The
NIRS approach with an exploration into different
spectral ranges and additional measurement methods
has also been reviewed (Pandey et al. 2017) and
studied using chemometrics.
Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) facilitates the
workflow analysis and enables measurements of a
large number of samples in a reasonably quick
amount of time. It can gauge the concentration of
several constituents. In numerous instances, a
specific spectrum of a constituent can be connected
to its fingerprint. Samples containing functional
groups such as OH, CH, and NH are susceptible to
NIR due to the overtones of their fundamental
vibrations (R-H) in the IR region which match with
the NIR absorptions. Even though the C=C and C-C
bonds are not visible in the NIR region, their C-H
vibrational frequencies can reveal the C=C and C-C
bonds. The NIR absorption is commonly more
comprehensive compared to the IR absorption
because of the overlapping overtones and
combination bands discussed above. Consequently,
NIR analyses are complex and necessitate more
detailed processes. Fortunately, the development of
chemometrics enables NIR data to be utilized in
appropriate processes.
This research inspected the application of NIRS
to decide the glucose content in whole blood from a
healthy volunteer between a range of 80 and 130
mg/dL. This study strove to elaborate on the
previous measurements of glucose in an aqueous
solution and examine the likelihood of using NIRS
and PLSR as a substitute method to devise a non-
invasive blood glucose apparatus.
2.1 Sample Preparations
In this experiment, lifeblood samples were retrieved
from a healthy volunteer with the intention of only
focusing on the effects of glucose. All the blood
drawings were completed within 120 minutes after
the volunteer had finished eating and drinking
sugary drinks. Blood drawings were taken in 15-
minute intervals using a lancet that punctured the
individual’s fingertips. The drawing procedures
followed standard measures using a portable
glucometer. The amount of blood drawn each time
was about one drop. A small amount of blood was
used to measure the blood sugar levels with a
glucometer while the rest was used for scanning by
NIRS. There was a total of 8 blood drawings with
the glucose levels indicated by a glucometer at 84,
86, 98, 100, 111, 116, 119, and 121 mg/dL. Within 2
hours, the blood sugar levels then returned to their
initial levels.
2.2 Data Acquisition
Each blood sample was put on a metal reflector
covered by optical glass. The space between the
glass and metal reflector was 0.2 mm (thus a 0.4 mm
path length with a double pass). A Fourier transform
near-infrared spectrometer (Buchi NIRFLEX 500
solid) with a spectral region of 4000-10000 cm
applied in a reflectance mode using fiber optics to
test each of the sample spectra. Each spectrum had 4
intervals (thus, each spectrum consisted of 1250
data points) and averaged over 32 measurements.
The sample temperatures were sustained at 26°C
during the spectral acquisitions. A total of 73 spectra
was collected with 9, 8, 9, 9, 11, 9, 8, and 10 spectra
for the blood samples with 84, 86, 98, 100, 111, 116,
119, and 121 mg/dL of glucose, respectively.
2.3 Data Analysis
A PCA analysis was applied for the 73 spectra after
the smoothing, normalizations, and derivatives. The
smoothing procedure was implemented using the
Savitzky-Golay method employing a third order
polynomial at a frame size of 21. Spectral
normalizations were applied to eliminate
multiplicative scattering and baseline variations. The
details for PLSR have been clarified elsewhere. A
total of 73 spectra were divided into two groups, 37
spectra for the calibration set, and 36 spectra for the
validation set. The calibration spectra were utilized
to devise a prediction model using the partial least
square regression (PLSR) method. PLSR attempts to
show the relationships between groups of observed
variables and latent variables. Validation spectra
were applied to cross-validate them by using the
PLSR parameters to estimate the concentrations of
the validation samples. Both PCA and PLSR
procedures were coded using Matlab version 2017b.