Measuring Test Visual Motor Skill (TVMS) in Enabling Skills
Development of Early Childhood Education: Case Study of TVMS
Testing in Early Childhood Education (PAUD) in Cisarua Sukabumi
Hermito Gidion
Vocational Education Program of Universitas Indonesia, UI Campus Depok, Indonesia.
Keywords: Motor Skills, Early Childhood Education, Handwriting
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine whether there were differences in excellent motor skills in
preschoolers in terms of gender and the place of origin of early childhood schools. The ability of children’s
fine motor skills develops in pre-school age. This study uses multivariate analysis of variance method, based
on Early Childhood Education (ECE) program in Cisarua Sukabumi Jawa Barat Indonesia. Research
conducted on 95 Early Children Education (ECE) school environment. There is no difference in the average
visual-motor skill test between genders. There are differences in average skill motor visual test based on early
childhood education school. There is no interaction between sex with ECE school environment. Handwriting
is a means of communicating through the written word. Handwriting is more than learning alphabet. This
study expands the existing literature on fine motor precision, fine motor integration, manual dexterity, bilateral
coordination, balance, speed & agility, upper-limb coordination and strength, both of which are the
development of motor skills on child development.
The 4.0 industrial revolution that happening right
now demands that the world of early childhood
education must be change where education is
characterized by digital in the learning process. Every
early childhood education instructor longs for their
students to be able to keep abreast of the changing
times, especially in the industrial revolution,
especially in early childhood education. Early
childhood education is starting place where early
childhood can be learn and train to be a generation
thats is able to complete in the era 4.0 (Rozalena &
Kristiawan, 2017).
Handwriting problems are one of the most
common causes of referral to occupational therapy
services for school-age children (Feder et al., 2000).
Tait (1998) surveyed 167 American occupational
therapists working in schools and found that 98% of
referrals were for students presenting with alleged
handwriting difficulties. The assessment of a school-
age child’s handwriting skills by a pediatric
occupational therapist includes biomechanical and
ergonomic factors (e.g. pencil grasp or seating
posture), perceptual-motor and sensory processing
skills (e.g. visual-motor integration, in-hand
manipulation, or visual perception skills), environ-
mental factors (e.g. lighting, placement of paper on
the desk, table and/or chair height), and handwriting
performance (e.g. legibility and speed). As children
enter the pre-school age, almost all parents expect to
include children in school that they value will provide
enhanced cognitive, affective and psychomotor
aspects. Cognitive development in school age is
characterized by the mastery of several concepts such
as shape and size, space or spatial concept,
relationship concept, the concept of amount and time
(Turner, 1992).
The Visual Motor Skill Test (TVMS) aims to
determine the profile of fine motor skills in
preschoolers. This test is intended to determine the
child’s current fine motor profile which includes the
ability to control the body, shoulder strength, elbow
strength, wrist and finger strength. In this paper the
authors focus on the fine motor skills of boys and girls
in six early childhood schools in fine motor skill.
Understanding writing here includes the ability to
concentrate and attention, response to commands,
cognitive aspects, eye coordination (visual) and hand
gestures (motor), and physical endurance, especially
Gidion, H.
Measuring Test Visual Motor Skill (TVMS) in Enabling Skills Development of Early Childhood Education: Case Study of TVMS Testing in Early Childhood Education (PAUD) in Cisarua
DOI: 10.5220/0010169300002967
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE 2019) - Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable 4.0 Industry, pages 141-145
ISBN: 978-989-758-530-2; ISSN: 2184-9870
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the strength of the hand (grasping and pinching)
during the child’s writing activities. Thus the ability
to write can represent the ability of children’s visual
motor integration and at the same time reflects the
profile of fine motor development in children.
Sanghavi and Kelkar (2005) stated that visual
motor integration is the ability of the eyes and hands
to work simultaneously in an efficient and smooth
pattern so that it can translate visual perception into
the motor function. There are now several test kits for
visual-motor integration of children, such as Visual-
Motor Integration Test by Beery (in Kaiser 2009) and
Bender-Gestalt Test (Brannigan, Decker, & Madsen,
2004). In the application, both of these test kits
require the subject to redraw certain visual forms
(usually line drawings or shapes) on paper using a
pencil. However, unlike the two visual motor
integration tools, the motor visual skill test developed
by this author combines motor-visual integration with
several other motor elements that affect writing skills.
Fine motor skills are the skills to move and coordinate
the movements of small muscles in doing activities
using eyehand cordination when doing such activities
such as writing, cutting, meronce and others. Writing
ability is not determined by the skills of flexibility in
wrist motion and finger muscle control, but is also
related to visual motor perception, concentration,
hand eye coordination, memory, tactile, kinesthetic,
body position (propioseptif), paper position, and how
to hold the instrument write it. In terms of the process,
everything must be coordinated so that the writing is
better. Disturbances in one or more of the aspects
above tend to affect the quality of the writing process
(Gardner, 1986).
Test of Visual–Motor Skills–Revised. The
TVMS–R (Gardner, 1995) was designed to assess
children’s ability to translate, with their hands, what
they visually perceive and to gain an understanding
of the child’s strengths and weaknesses in these
visual–motor integration abilities. The deficit in the
ability of visual motor skills is a neurological
weakness found in the right brain. Children have
problems in processing and remembering shapes in
numbers, letters and geometric shapes. Deficit in fine
motor skills includes difficulty eating with a spoon,
drawing, cutting, sticking, writing, and copying
shapes from the blackboard. Writting difficulties
occur because children have problems in learning
about models or shapes and letters (Corbin, 1980).
The visual motor skills test is used as a test of the
development of motor perceptual abilities that can be
used for screening the readiness of children who will
enter elementary school (Kusumowardhani, 2002).
Fine motor movements are movements that only
involve certain parts of the body and are carried out
by the muscles of the upper limb, such as skills using
the fingers and wrist movements. Visual–motor
integration difficulties among school-age children are
common. An estimated 5% to 6% of all school- age
children display motor skill difficulties that have a
significant impact on their ability to participate in
daily tasks required of them at school, at home, and
in the community (American Psychiatric Association,
1994, 2000).
This study uses multivariate analysis of varians
method, based on Early Childhood Education (ECE)
program in Cisarua Sukabumi Jawa Barat Indonesia.
Research conducted on 95 Early Children Education
(ECE) school environment. This paper seeks to
determine whether there are differences in early fine
motor skills in early children education based on
gender and the environment in which the child learns
in stimulating and stimulating the abilities of fine
motor skills.
The stages performed by the authors in this study
are as follows:
1) Observations on the object of study
Before this research was done, the author has
observed some object of study to be tested.
From several observed objects, the writer
chooses the object of rural community in
Cisarua village with consideration that the area
is quite able to represent the average condition
of the village community in general that exist in
the territory of Indonesia but has the
characteristics of urban communities that are
commonly found in urban areas, especially in
the island Java.
2) Conducting samoling technique
Based on the chosen object of study, the authors
conducted a sampling test of 95 pre-school age
children at 6 PAUD schools in the study area.
The author collaborates with the PAUD
teaching community and PAUD teachers
individually, preceded by a socialization process
to equalize the vision and perception in order to
obtain a common perspective, needs and study
ICVHE 2019 - The International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE) “Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable
4.0 Industry”
3) Conduct training TVMS ways of testing against
early childhood teachers in six schools early
childhood education.
4) Data Processing
Before the testing process, the researcher gave
technical guidance to the teachers to use TVMS
test instruments to the children. Through the
supervision of the authors, teachers
independently guide and direct the children to
do the test equipment according to the guidance
given. General scoring criteria : To achive a
score of 2 (straight lines should be straight,
Lines of the same length, Each segment of
circular shapes should be smooth arcs, Overlap
and gaps between lines, Angles should be within
2 degrees of stimulus), To achieve a score of 1 (
The shape is generally a good reproduction but
fails to meet any of the previous criteria or meet
the previous criteria but ; There is additionl line,
there are overstikes (numerous lines or
sketches), Drawing touch or extend beyond the
boundaries of the box, To Achieve a score of 0
( the drawing has the gestalt of the stimulus but
the drawing in inferior). Then the total scores of
the items are totaled to obtain the total result
5) Testing process
The researcher conducted a validity and reliability
test to see if the TVMS instrument or instrument
was in line with what was expected. After that
the researchers conducted the testing process
using the SPSS software. Before the testing
process the researchers gave technical guidance
to the teachers to use the TVMS test equipment
to the children. Through the supervision of the
writer, the teachers independently guide and
direct the children to work on the test equipment
according to the guidelines given.
6) Processing data
Based on test results later writers perform data
processing, data summary and interpretation of
test results.
7) Presenting in the form of a repport
The test results are then presented in the form of a
report to the school and given directly
individually to the child’s parents.
8) Evaluasi dan tindak lanjut Evaluation and
The author then conducted a meeting with the
school to provide explanations to the teacher
about the profile of each child based on assets
and limitations of children and provides
teaching techniques to improve or improve the
fine motor skills of children in the next learning
The test was conducted on 95 children in six early
childhood education schools in the Cisarua Village,
Nagrak, Sukabumi. TVMS testing is done with the
help of classroom teachers who have been given a test
implementation guide. The time required for testing
is limited to only 30 minutes. Determination of the
duration of time is determined based on the allocation
of time to solve questions per minute, where the
number of questions to be done is 26 questions and
given a tolerance of 4 minutes for the process. The
questions given are in the form of drawings with lines
or two-dimensional shapes with certain variations.
Each question has a range of scores between 0-2
with a maximum total score of 48. Children are asked
to copy or imitate the object image and re-write the
object in the column / space provided in the TVMs
book. Then based on the results of their work
researchers provide a range of scores according to the
ability of children with very good categories, quite
good and need to be improved. This test has been
designed as needed to explore the fine motor abilities
of children.
Figure 1: the average of TVMS value between schools.
The graph above shows that the highest average
TVMS is Beringin early childhood education, which
is 45.00, while the lowest in Dahlia early childhood
education Cisarua is 18.50.because statistically
significant, then further tested with LSD (Least
Square Difference)
From these results the Beringin early childhood
education has the highest score because the Beringin
early childhood education in the process of giving
children gross and fine motor stimulation is very high
with sports activities such as playing ball, archery,
Measuring Test Visual Motor Skill (TVMS) in Enabling Skills Development of Early Childhood Education: Case Study of TVMS Testing in
Early Childhood Education (PAUD) in Cisarua Sukabumi
drawing and coloring activities. Teachers in early
childhood education(ECE) very cooperative in
providing gross and fine motor activities at school
and there is home work at home to improve fine motor
and gross motor skills of young children. Early
childhood school facilities in ECE are more complete
and better than other early childhood schools, thus
affecting the learning process that affects the ability
of TVMS.
To support the results of the ability to test visual
motor skills in early childhood, training is needed to
improve the ability of early childhood in terms of :
1) Attention and concentration, namely the ability
of children to focus attention on instructions or
instructions given by the teacher when
explaining the workmanship task guide
2) Understanding (cognitive aspect), namely the
ability of children in understanding the content of
commands given by teachers and able to apply to
motor activity
3) Eye and hand coordination, i.e., visual ability and
hand movements that are mutually supportive
when the child starts to perform writing
4) Fine motor visual skills, i.,e. the ability of
application of fine motor aspects of the child
consistently when doing writing movements
5) Coordination of two hands (bilateral
coordination), namely the ability of both right
and left hand coordinated according to its
function when the child is doing writing
activities. For example, one dominant hand used
to write one hand is used to hold the balance of
the body.
6) Coordination of one hand (lateral coordination),
namely the ability of one hand dominant to
perform writing activities consistently
7) The power of grasping (hand grasp), i.e., the
ability of a handheld dominant hand during
writing activity
8) The clamping force (pinch), which is the ability
of two fingers that rest on the strength of the
fingertips used to clamp the stationery
9) Three jaw chucks, namely the ability to balance
and coordinate the three fingers used during
Information on the test results is an important
concern for teachers or parents to help children
overcome limitations and develop children’s assets or
abilities so that it increases more. Therefore, based on
the results of TVMS testing above then researchers
do dissemination to the ECE school and teachers. It is
important to inform the school that the results of the
tests are not intended to assess the good or bad of the
child’s motor skills alone but rather to improve and
refine the teaching methods in the classroom to focus
more on improving and developing fine motor skills
of the child.
Handwritting is a means of communicating through
the written word. Handwritting is more than learning
alphabet. It involves an integration of body skill and
grahomotor abilities (Fletcher, B. E., 1997). Posture,
fine motor skill, sensory integrative, and perceptual
abilities are functional skills requires for legible
handwriting. Tupper & Miesner, 1992 said
handwriting problems can lead to lack of self esteem
or aggressive behavior to try to hide on difficulties.
Knowing the child’s motor skills profile in child
growth is very important to support the learning
ability of children. Parents and teachers should be
involved in monitoring child development. Testing
times became one of the tests that can determine the
profile of the ability of the child. Through this test in
children, ECE obtained the profile of motor abilities
of children. This test is excellent for use by ECE
schools so that schools and teachers can evaluate
teaching methods referring to the child’s motor skills
profile. Furthermore, this test needs to be developed
by enriching the instruments and other variables to
better capture more detailed profiles of children’s
motor skills. The limitation of this test is still focusing
on fine motor skills related to writing ability.
Therefore the development of other types of activities
that represent the fine motor skills of the child is very
open for further development.
In the preparation of this paper, the authors conveyed
infinite gratitude to DRPM UI, which has provided an
opportunity for writers to research the business of the
implementation agenda of community service
programs, conducted. Acknowledgments are also
devoted to the Vocational Education Program of the
University of Indonesia, which has provided an
opportunity for writers to be able to attend as well as
presenting this paper.
ICVHE 2019 - The International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE) “Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable
4.0 Industry”
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Measuring Test Visual Motor Skill (TVMS) in Enabling Skills Development of Early Childhood Education: Case Study of TVMS Testing in
Early Childhood Education (PAUD) in Cisarua Sukabumi